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1、21春社会工作实务在线作业二满分答案1. She once again went through her composition carefully to all spellingmistakes)A) witShe once again went through her composition carefully to all spellingmistakes)A) withdrawB) diminishC) abandonD) eliminate参考答案:D2. 组员参与意愿影响小组凝聚力。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A3. 霍妮把自我区分为现实我、( )和理想我三种形态。A.理性我B

2、.主观我C.真实我D.童年我参考答案:C4. 口头语言发展的关键期是( )A.青少年期B.婴儿期C.学龄前期D.学龄期参考答案:C5. 从社会学的角度来看,社会福利具有两方面的功能,即潜功能和显功能。从显功能的角度来看,社会福利是为了解决贫困、失业和社会不平等等社会问题,在此基础上改善公民的生活素质和促进社会经济发展。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A6. Jackson said his boss became increasingly depressed and( ) (回到)to smoking heavily.A、cJackson said his boss became increa

3、singly depressed and( ) (回到)to smoking heavily.A、consumedB、confirmedC、revertedD、introvert参考答案:C7. His interest in the project _ after his wife died.A) deniedB) declinedC) deprivedHis interest in the project _ after his wife died.A) deniedB) declinedC) deprivedD) affected参考答案:B8. If you need help at

4、work, your _ manager should be able to help.A) personalB)If you need help at work, your _ manager should be able to help.A) personalB) personalityC) personnelD) person参考答案:C9. 幼儿期儿童的主导活动是( )A.游戏B.学习C.劳动D.生活活动参考答案:A10. I don t have any _clothes that I can wear at the graduation ceremony.A) miliI don

5、t have any _clothes that I can wear at the graduation ceremony.A) militaryB)appropriateC)dressingD)casual参考答案:B11. 组员进入或退出自由度较少的是( )。A.成长小组B.封闭小组C.组成小组D.自愿小组参考答案:B12. 制作、张贴、传播淫秽文章、书刊、图片、音像、网站等,或者非法文章、书刊、音像等资料的,给予严重警制作、张贴、传播淫秽文章、书刊、图片、音像、网站等,或者非法文章、书刊、音像等资料的,给予严重警告或者记过处分; 其中有牟利行为等严重情节的, 给予留校察看或者开除学籍处

6、分。( )正确答案:13. 社会处遇中提供的服务包括院舍训练的组织管理。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A14. You cant write everything you want to because of the space _.A) limitationBYou cant write everything you want to because of the space _.A) limitationB) variationC) definitionD) liquidation参考答案:A15. Love child.英译汉Love child.英译汉参考答案:私生子16. 小组的输出

7、因素是( )。A.组员能力提升B.组员家庭历史C.组员支持系统D.组员生理特征参考答案:A17. 考夫卡认为,环境可分为( )。A.社会环境和自然环境B.安全环境和风险环境C.地理环境和行为环境D.现实环境和虚拟环境参考答案:C18. 儿童一般在( )岁能够识别自己的性别A.1岁左右B.2岁左右C.3岁左右D.4岁左右参考答案:C19. 属于环境系统的是( )。A.认知B.情绪C.行为D.社区参考答案:D20. 如果孕妇体重过重,在怀孕过程中很容易出现( )A.妊娠高血压B.贫血C.肌痉挛D.甲状腺肿参考答案:A21. Peter, ever the_, said things were bo

8、und to improve.A) introvertB) pessimistC) oPeter, ever the_, said things were bound to improve.A) introvertB) pessimistC) optimistD) extrovert参考答案:C22. Liu Xiang _the race after he hurt himself again, on his ankle or footor sLiu Xiang _the race after he hurt himself again, on his ankle or footor som

9、ething.A) counted onB) came up withC) dropped out ofD) wasaccountable for参考答案:C23. 它是社会工作的一种介入手法、它是一项有计划的行动、它运用集体行动的方法、它提倡居民自助、互助及自决的精神、它能发展居民能力并增强其自主性。以上是对( )的解释。A.个案工作B.社会行政C.小组工作D.社区工作参考答案:D24. 在行为主义个案工作的主要技巧中,当问题行为出现时即给予惩罚,以消除不良行为,这种技巧是( )。A.正强化B.负强化C.角色扮演D.榜样参考答案:B25. 强调社会意识和社会责任的是( )。A.治疗小组B.支

10、持小组C.任务小组D.成长小组参考答案:C26. 强调对案主给予足够的个别性关怀,注重理解案主的个人和家庭环境对个人特质的影响,这是慈善组织会对个案工作的主要贡献之一。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B27. Another challenge to me was not to _ myself _ ifI ate something that was unheaAnother challenge to me was not to _ myself _ ifI ate something that was unhealthy.A) beat outB) beat upC) beat offD)

11、 beat around参考答案:B28. 小组沟通中应发挥工作者的示范作用。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A29. He has great confidence in _ the company_.A) turning upB) turning overC)He has great confidence in _ the company_.A) turning upB) turning overC) turning .aroundD) turning t参考答案:C30. 表达小组信念和价值的是( )规范。A.文化B.角色C.秩序D.性格参考答案:A31. Environmental _

12、 has increased dramatically over the pastdecade.A) conceptionB) idEnvironmental _ has increased dramatically over the pastdecade.A) conceptionB) ideaC) awarenessD) emotion参考答案:C32. “让你有个好人缘-大学生人际交往训练小组”是( )。A.自助小组B.成长小组C.任务小组D.治疗小组参考答案:B33. 儿童能以对面人为中心辨别左右的年龄段是( )A.3-4岁B.5-6岁C.7-8岁D.9-10岁参考答案:C34. Hu

13、mans can easily _ the emotional expressions of chimpanzees.A) cooperate withB)Humans can easily _ the emotional expressions of chimpanzees.A) cooperate withB) identify withC) meet withD) gowith参考答案:B35. It is not enough only to _ the rules of grammarif you want to learn EnglishIt is not enough only to _ the rules of grammarif you want to learn English well.A) have in mindB) keep in mindC) make up your mindD)keep your head参考答案:B36. 对案主的需要和问题进行评估,收集资料时要从服务对象与其所处环境两个方面进行,其中个人性的资料包括( )。A.个人资料B.身体情况C.心理方面D.价值观E.家庭环境参考答案:ABCD37. “匿名戒酒者协会”是( )。A.治


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