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1、2016学年第一学期期中质量抽测初三年级英语试卷(完卷时间:100分钟 满分:150分)Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)7. A)In

2、 the classroom B) In the office C) In the playground D) In the office8. A)By bike B)By bus C)By taxi D) By underground9. A)5 years B)10 years C) 15 years D)20 years 10. A)The white one. B)The yellow one. C)The blue one. D)The red one. 11. A)A doctor. B)A policeman. C)A waiter. D) A singer.12. A)Husb

3、and and wife. B)Mother and son. C) Producer and interpreter D)Shop assistant and customer.13. A)Watch TV B)Take part in a reality show C) See a movie. D) Read some books.14. A)Jacks father enjoyed his holiday very much. B) There were few tourists in Yunnan. C) The food in Yunnan is very good. D) Jac

4、ks mother didnt enjoy her stay in Yunnan.C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)15. You can have a watch or call a number on the telephone to find out time.16. A long time ago, people could look at the sun in

5、the sky to tell the time of day.17. The hourglass was narrow at both ends, but wide in the middle.18. At the end of every hour, people turned the glass over and began again.19. Men started wearing watches during World War II to tell the time.20. Now some watches are not only used for telling the tim

6、e according to the article.D. Listen to the news and complete the following sentences (听新闻,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10分)21. Luckily , Ben was found safe after a hard searching on _ _.22. Their neighbor heard two boys _ _ him that Ben was away up in the air.23. The police believed Ben was on the balloon becau

7、se it _ _ through the sky.24. Workers opened the balloon and found there was _ _ inside.25. Children will hide themselves because they are afraid of being _ _.Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and GrammarII. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)26. For the reasons, my mother let me keep a puppy. Which

8、is correct for the underlined part? A) /e/ B) /i:/ C) / i / D) /a:/27. Its time for meeting. Tom went up the stairs so fast-two at _ time, but he was still late. A) a B) an C) the D)/28. Nowadays people can share a lot of _ by Wechat. A)joke B)from C) for D) on29. The Nature Museum is open _ Tuesday

9、 to Sunday. A) in B) from C) for D) on 30. My pen-friend is very glad to know that Mr.lin will teach _ Wushu next term. A) her B) she C)hers D)herself31. If you want to lose weight, you should eat more vegetables and _ meat. A) little B)less C) few D)fewer32. Alice can _ pass the piano grading test,

10、 can she? A) nearly B) easily C) hardly D)seriously33. I dont like the type of mobile phone. Will you show me _ one, sir? A) other B) others C) the other D) another34. _ does each class last in a primary school? -Thirty-five minutes. A) How many B) How often C) How soon D) How long35. _ the teacher

11、isnt very happy today, she still smiles to her students. A)But B) Or C) Although D)And36. The mother wont leave her baby _ shes sure he is taken good care of. A) until B) because C) since D) if 37. We _ discuss this problem any more. Weve already got the solution. A) mustnt B) shouldnt C) cant D) ne

12、ednt38. Judy, a helpful rabbit _popular since the film “Zootopia” was shown. A) become B) will become C) has become D) are becoming39. The G20 Leaders Summit(峰会)_ in Hangzhou, China, on September 4 and 5 this year. A) will be held B) was held C) is held D) are held40. Traveling provides me with fun

13、and enables me _ the world deeply. A) understand B) understood C) to understand D) understanding 41. The global warming makes sea levels _. A) rise B) raise C) raising D) rising42. The twins _ keen on the new program on TV. A) be B) am C) is D) are43. _ exciting the Chinese were when the Women Volleyball team got the Gold Medal in the 31* Olympic Games! A) How B) What C) What a D)What an44. -Shall we go to Professor Tenders lecture tonight? -_ A) I dont quite agree with you! B) Thats sounds great! C) Thank you for telling me so ! D) Thank you all the same.45. -



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