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1、 一、本课知识点及考点:unit1的讲解教案设计: Notes & Grammar of 8ANotes for Unit 11. 英文书信中的“写信人地址、邮编和写信日期”常写在右上角。Address: 从小地址到大地址换行书写,如:门牌号+街名镇名区名城市名国名 Postcode / Postal code / Area code / Zip code (AmE.): 字母加数字,书写时紧接着城市名下书写。Writing date:常写在地址下,并空一行。2. write (a letter) to sb. 给某人写封信receive / get a letter from sb. = h

2、ear from sb. 收到某人的来信Heres a letter for A (from B). 这里有封给A的信,是由B记过来的。write back to sb. = write to sb. in reply给某人回信I have a letter to answer.我有封信要回。answer a letter 回信3. magazine - a large, thin book with pictures, usually published once a week or month (可数n.) 杂志4. pen-friend - someone you write (lett

3、ers) to, as a hobby= pen pal 5. I would like to be your penfriend.我想做你的笔友。would like to + 动词原形6. I will tell you something about myself. tell sb. sth. about 告诉某人有关于的事tell the time (从时钟/手表上读时间)tell sb. the truth告诉某人真相/tell sb. a story / stories给某人讲故事7. You can call me Jon. call sb. 叫某人(call + 双宾语)nam

4、e sb. 给某人取名(name + 双宾语)a boy called Jon一个叫Jon的男生 (called 过去分词短语作定语修饰男孩)a girl named May一名名叫May的女生 (named 过去分词短语作定语修饰女生)A girl is called May.一位女生被取名为May。(这句话是被动语态)以上所有call = name;called = named8. I am about one and a half metres tall.(1) about 大约= around (2) one and a half metres = one metre and a ha

5、lf 1.5米 one and a half hours = one hour and a half一个半小时(3) 划线提问 How tall are you? 表示身高还可以使用 Im about five feet tall. foot (1) one part of the body(脚;足) (2) a unit of measure(英尺) (pl.) feetinch (pl.) inches 英寸9. I have very short black hair. = Im a boy with very short black hair. (这里用介词 “with”长有) (1)

6、 have has had had (v.) 这里用作实意动词“长着”,实意动词have / has / had 变“否定句”或“疑问句”要借用助动词“does/do比较其它have用法:I have a brother called Edwin .(有)My school has many sports fields (有)I have never been there .(“现完”助动词) have to do ; has to do; had to do (不得不去做)(2) hair 头发 (常用作不可数名词,如果讲几丝白发等可以加s: some white hairs)10. My

7、hobby is playing chess.(1) hobby - an interest or activity such as collecting stamps or making models(pl.) hobbies(2) My hobby is + V-ing(动名词短语).(3) chess - a common board game* play chess / cards / football / games* play the violin 11. I live with my parents in the UK. the UK 英国(也常用Britain / Englan

8、d)= the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(简称“英国”)12. My dad owns a Chinese restaurant nearby and my mum works in a college. (1) own (v.) = run ; have 拥有;开办own a Chinese restaurant (a.) 短语 of ones own某人自己的 e.g. I have a bedroom of my own .短语 on ones own靠某人自己 e.g. Edwin wo

9、n the game on his own .owner (n.) 主人 (2) nearby (adj. & adv.)= not far away (放在句末:在附近;放在名词前:附近的) (3) work in a college在一所学院工作13. He is at university in London.他在伦敦一所大学读书。at university在大学读书 at school在校读书Joes father works in a university. Joe的父亲在一所大学工作。14. He is studying to be an accountant. (1)这里的不定式

10、 to do 是表示“目的”的不定式,= in order to do 为了去做(2) accountant (n.) - person (in a company) who looks after the money and keeps the financial records 会计员 出纳 count (v.) 数(数)15. He comes back home during the holidays.(1) come back home 返回家 (这里的back和home都是adv.)(2) during (prep.) - all the time that something i

11、s happening 在期间16. I am in Year 7 at Walker School. in Year 7 = in Grade 7 = in Form 7 在七年级17. I like my school because the teachers are very friendly.(1) because(因为), 引导“原因状语从句”。注意:在主从句中,用了because不能同时使用so(所以)。(2) friendly (adj.) 友好的be friendly to sb. 对某人友好的make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友18. I am keen

12、on sports.be keen on sth. / doing sth. 酷爱 = be very interested in be fond of wanting to do somethinge.g. She is keen on pop music and writing poetry.19. I enjoy skiing and playing table tennis.(1) enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 enjoyable (adj.) 愉快的;快乐的(2) ski (v.) 滑雪 skied skied skiing 20. My ambition is to

13、 be an architect, or maybe an engineer.(1) ambition - wish or goal ambitious (a.)Ones ambition is to be . (这里不定式“作表语”)(2) maybe (adv.) 可能;或许(只能放在陈述句子的开头,或者省略说法的词语前)= Probably, possiblyThat boy may be from America.那位男生可能是来自美国。句子中间分开书写的“may be”是“情态动词may+动词原形be”,用作句子的“谓语”。21. I enclosed a photo of myse

14、lf and some of my school friends.(1) enclose (v.) put inside(2) a photo of myself and some of school friends 一张我和一些朋友在一起拍的照片a photo of mine = one of my photos 我的所有照片中的一张照片a photo of Jons = one of Jons photos Jon所有的照片中的一张照片基础训练VChoose the best answer的答案,用A、B、c或D表示):(共22分)( )31-Do you know TaiwanJenny

15、? Yes, of courseTaiwan is_ islandIt belongs to China, Aa Ban Cthe D( )32My mother has worked _the factory since 1990 Ain Bof Cas Don( )33Susan is a friend of _ Amyself Bmine CMy Dme( )34My pet is lovely puppyI _him Sam Acall Bcalled Cname Dcalling( )35I am keen_ chess but not very good at it Ain Bto Cof Don( )


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