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1、【精品】应用英语毕业论文题目汇总 安阳工学院毕业设计论文备选课题表系院 外国语学院 2012届应用英语专业序号题 目出题人适合几人做备注1英语语言中的歧义现象Ambiguity in the English language2文学翻译中的信与雅 Faith and Beauty in Literary Translation3科技英语翻译的特点Characteristics of Scientific and Technological English4英汉双关语之比较A Comparison between English Puns and Chinese puns5英语文学巨匠与英语语言的

2、普及English Literary Giants and the Popularity of the English language6文化差异对英语学习的影响The Effect of Cultural Differences on English Learning7母语与外语学习的关系之研究A Study of the Relationship between the Mother Tongue and Foreign language learning8英语学习中语法与词汇的关系之研究A Study of the Relationship between Grammar and Voc

3、abulary in English Learning9外来语对英语语言的影响The Effect of Foreign Words on the English Language10名利场中Rebecca性格分析An Analysis of the character of Rebecca in Vanity Fair11从功能对等原则浅析商务英语翻译中的文化信息对等Equivalence of Culture Information of Business English Translation from Perspective of Functional Equivalence2语篇衔接

4、与大学英语写作Discourse Cohesion and Teaching of College English Writing3焦虑对英语专业学生听力理解的影响The Effect that Anxiety Exerts on Listening Comprehension of English Major4大学英语网络自主学习中的情感因素On Empathy in College English E-learner Autonomy5影响英语语音的因素及其解决对策On the Factors Influencing English Pronunciation and its Counte

5、rmeasure论幽默英语汉译的困难和策略On Obstacles and Strategies in Translation of Humorous Language from English to Chinese7基于英语商务信函的体裁分析Genre Analysis in the Setting of English Business Letters8从文化角度浅谈英语外来语的汉译On Translating English Loan Words to Chinese from the Cultural Aspect9英语双关语多维度研究English Puns A Multidimen

6、sional Perspective0论英汉状语从句语序差异及其对英语学习的影响On the Different Word-order in English and Chinese Adverbial Clauses and Its Influence on English Learning1试谈颜色词在英语中的使用On the Usage of Color Words in English22英语委婉语的语言特点及文化内涵Linguistic Characteristics and Cultural Connotations of English Euphemism3英语中的禁忌语与委婉语E

7、uphemism and Taboos in English4英语电影对白中的委婉语 Euphemism in English Film Dialogue5英语报刊中委婉语的文化折射Cultural Reflection in English Papers6英汉颜色词内涵意义对比Comparison of Connotations of Color Words between English and Chinese7论英语中的歧义On Ambiguity in English8英语中表达强调意义的语言手段Means of Stressed Expression in English langu

8、age9汉英数量词的文化差异Cultural Differences between Chinese and English in Numerals and Quantifiers0英汉语言形式与思维方式对比Contrast Language Forms and Ways of Thinking between Chinese and English1大学英语精读教学中学习策略的培养The Training of Learning Strategy in Intensive Reading of ELT2英语一词多义的认知解读A Cognitive Interpretation of Poly

9、semy3科技英语句层信息传递功能研究A Study on the Transmission of Information in EST on the Sentence Level4创建大学英语多媒体网络自主学习环境Creating a Multimedia Environment for Non-English Majors in Their Online Self-access Learning5大学英语网络课堂上的焦虑 The Studies on Anxiety in the Network-based College English Class6从文化差异看英语习语的翻译The Tr

10、anslation of English Idioms from the Perspective of Cultural Differences7从政治时事术语的翻译看中国英语Chinese English and Translation of Terms in Current Affairs8英语委婉语的顺应性动态研究The Dynamic Study of English Euphemism Based on Adaptation9背诵对大学英语学习产生的作用The Efficient Way of Exploring the Positive Influence of Recitatio

11、n on College English Study0大学英语口语习得研究On acquisition of oral English in College English teaching1从习语看中美文化差异Cultural Differences between English and Chinese on Idioms2商务英语的语言特点及其翻译Linguistic Features of Business English and Its Translation3商务英语中的俚语及其翻译Slang in Business English and Its Translation4浅谈国际

12、商务合同的翻译A Brief Discussion on the Translation of International Business Contracts 5An Research on Reading and Writing Skills of Students Major in Business English关于商务英语专业学生的读写技能的研究调查 6中国和美国企业管理的差异Difference in Management Style between Chinese and American Business culture7浅谈汉英中习语与文化的关系The Relationshi

13、p of Idioms and Culture both in Chinese and English8对跨文化商业谈判中非语言交流的分析An Analysis of Nonverbal Communication in Intercultural Business Negotiation9A Discussion on the Chinese-English Tourist Publicity Literature论对外旅游标示牌的英译0中美文化在 中的冲突和融合The Cultural Conflicts and Blending Embodied in the Joy Luck Club

14、1浅谈苔丝悲剧的必然性The Inevitability of Tess of the DUrbervilles2死亡与再生 评一人物或主题 Deathand RebirthOn a Character or a Theme3论哈代作品的自然观On the Nature in Thomas Hardys Works4弗吉尼亚伍尔夫与女性精神抑郁问题Virginia Woolf and the Female Dysthymic 5呼啸山庄的叙事特点The Narration Characteristic of Wuthering Heights6莎士比亚戏剧中的哈姆雷特The Hamlet in

15、 Shakespears play7格列佛游记中的幻想精神The Fancy in Gullivers Travel8从语言禁忌现象看中英文化差异On the Cultural Differences between Chinese and English from Taboo9浅谈快速阅读技巧略读扫读和跳读On Fast Reading Skill-Skimming Scanning and Skipping 0英语语法在快速掌握英语中的重要作用The Importance of English Grammar in Learning English Fast1大学英语立体化教学模式探讨Three-dimensional teaching of college English2大学英语六级考试短文写作原则Essay writing Principles for CET Band Six3大学英语


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