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1、人教PEP英语六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now 专项训练:句型单选题。1I _ like winter now. ()AdidBdontCdidnt2_ did you know that? ()My father told me about that.AWhoBWhereCHowDWhat3Could you _ stars at night? ()AseeBsawCsea4There _ no computer rooms last year. ()AwereBwerentCisnt5Could you _ your bike well? ()ArideBrodeCride

2、s6Please tell _ about your family. ()AweBusCourDours7My brother _ short before.AwasBwereCam8Tell _ about your new school, please.AhimBheChis9Last year, I _swimming every day.AgoBwentCgoing10He _like maths before. ()AdontBdoesntCdidnt11They _ about three hours to get there yesterday. ()AtakesBtookCta

3、king12Im sixteen years old, _ you? ()Im fourteen.AAreBHow aboutCHow are13There is _ in the room. Its empty (空的). ()AnoBnothingCsomething14What makes you _? ( )Afeels worriedBfeel worriedCfeeling worried15Please be in the library. We are reading books now.AquietBexerciseCactive看图读句子,选择正确的序号。A. If we

4、change now, whales and humans will have a bright future.B. Before, I played badminton in the street. Now, I play in the playground.C. If you dont know the meaning of the word, you can look it up on the Internet.D. I didnt like winter before. I thought it was cold and I couldnt go cycling.E. When I w

5、as a child, I couldnt go ice-skating.16 ( )17 ( )18 ( )19 ( )20 ( )选出与下列句子对应的图片。A. B. C. 21Five years ago, I could ride a bike. ( )22I didnt wear glasses. But now I wear them. ( )23I liked going fishing two years ago. ( )为下列句子或对话选择正确的图片。A. B. C. D. E. 24At that time, there was no gym in the school.

6、( )25A: Were there any computers in your old school?B: No, people couldnt use the Internet. ( )26We can see the stars at night. ( )27I am going to go cycling. ( )28We can play sports on the grass. ( )从方框中选择合适的选项。A. Yes, I liked the stars.B. Yes, there are.C. No, there werent.D. It is raining now.29W

7、hats the weather like? ( )30Were there any gyms in your school? ( )31Are there any buildings? ( )32Could you see stars at night? ( )给下列问句选择正确的答语。A. Yes, there were.B. A cheetah.C. Because he hurt his leg.D. Yes, she did.E. His father is ill.33What animal can run very fast? ( )34What makes him feel s

8、ad? ( )35Did Amy have a good dream last night? ( )36Were there many pandas in the zoo? ( )37Why is he so slow? ( )为下列句子选择相对应的答语A. I searched the Internet.B. No, there wasnt.C. There were many tall buildings in it.D. Im going to the cinema.E. No, it was cloudy last night.38Could you see stars last ni

9、ght? ( )39What was your school like before? ( )40How do you know that? ( )41Was there a gym in your school? ( )42What are you going to do? ( )补全对话。A: 43 B: No, I dont. I like summer best.A: Why?B: 44 A: How about before?B: 45 A: Did you like ice skating before?B: 46 A: I dont like summer or winter.

10、I like spring. 47 AI can go swimming.BYes, I did.CIts warm.DI liked winter.EDo you like winter?连词成句。48was, all, It, dream, a (!)49so, now, slow, Why, am, I (?)50last, I, dream, night, had, a (.)51cheetah, Wu Binbin, a, ran, like (.)52do, There, nothing, was, they, could (.)连词成句。53do, How, you, that,

11、 know (?)54us, about, school, Tell, your, please (, .)55was, only, one, There, building, on, small, hill, a (.)56took, The, about, Americans, days, get, five, to, there (.)连词成句。57was, he, do, there, nothing, could (.)58drank, and, he, good, he, it, suddenly, felt (.)59beautiful, world, how, the, was

12、 (!)60were, animals, that, there, many, in, race (.)61it, better, Make, a, place (.)试卷第5页,共5页参考答案:1B2C3A4A5A6B7A8A9B10C11B12B13B14B15A16C 17A 18D 19B 20E21B 22C 23A24B 25E 26C 27D 28A29D 30C 31B 32A33B 34E 35D 36A 37C38E 39C 40A 41B 42D43E 44A 45D 46B 47C48It was all a dream!49Why am I so slow now?5

13、0I had a dream last night.#Last night I had a dream.51Wu Binbin ran like a cheetah.52There was nothing they could do.53How do you know that?54Tell us about your school, please.55There was only one small building on a hill.56The Americans took about five days to get there.57There was nothing he could do.58He drank it and suddenly he felt good.59How beautiful the world was!60There were many animals in that race.61Make it a better


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