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1、总第1课时 Unit1 Can you play the guitar?课时:period 1 课型:新授 主备:王正红 审核:刘 虹班级:_ 姓名:_ 时间:_【学习目标】1) 能够谈论自己的喜好与意愿;2)能够表达自己的部分能力重点: Can you/he/she/you dance? Yes,I/he/she/we canNo,I/he/she/we cant难点:情态动词can的适当运用 【学前准备】写出你知道的乐器名称。【疑难摘录】_ 学习过程:1.学习兴趣培养Talk about abilities.2.语言导学:Some important words and phrases S

2、ing swim dance draw play chess play the guitar*乐器前用the 体育运动前不用theSome important sentencesCan you draw?Yes, I can.I want to join the art club.(1)注意上三句中关于情态动词的用法,表达个人的意愿或某种能力时就可用此句式。(2)want to do sth.(想要去做某事) They want to drink some water.I want to join the chess club.What club do you want to join?注意上

3、两句中的句式变化归纳:从上面的例句,从中我们发现:_(2)口语练习(in groups)反馈性测评:完成句子,每空一词。1. 他的吉他弹得很好。 He can play the guitar _ _. 2. 你想参加什么俱乐部? _ _ do you want to join? 3. 我在音乐室中。 I am _ the _ _. 4. 你可以成为我们足球俱乐部的一员。 You can _ _ our football club. 5. 他喜欢唱歌还是跳舞? Does he like _ _ _?单项选择()1. Can he _ well? A. sing B. to sing C. sin

4、gs D. singing ()2. She can play _ chess. A. / B. a C. an D. the ()3. Can you play the guitar? No, I _. A. neednt B. mustnt C. couldnt D. cant ()4.My brother doesnt like playing basketball _ watching TV. A. and B. but C. or D. so Practice 2d Role-play the conversation.错题集合(1)收集更正本节错题 (2)强调重点习题 【学(教)反

5、思】【错题集】总第2课时 Unit1 Can you play the guitar?课时:period 2 课型:新授 主备:王正红 审核:刘 虹班级:_ 姓名:_ 时间:_【学习目标】1) 能够谈论自己的喜好与意愿;2)能够表达自己的部分能力【学习重难点】Can you/he/she/you swim?Yes,I/he/she/we canNo,I/he/she/we cantWhat can you do?情态动词can的适当运用 乐器名称的表达及在英语中的运用【学前准备】写出你知道演奏乐器的短语。_ _【疑难摘录】 【合作探究】1.学习兴趣培养Talk about abilities.

6、Ask and answer questions about the instruments.2.语言导学:About the instruments violin guitar drum pianoplay the Violin play the guitar play the drum play the pianolisten and complete page41a 1b 1c 1d 1e Some important sentencesCan you play the guitar?Yes, I can. No, I cantPractice listening more.归纳:从上面

7、的例句,从中我们发现:_ _ 【达标测评】单选()1. We want three good musicians _ rock band. A. to B. join C. for D. at ()2. Please call me _ 4572354. A. in B. at C. about D. with ()3. He helps his parents _ the housework. A. with B. in C. at D. on ()4. Who wants to _ the art club? A. take B. join C. join to D. go()5. Let

8、s go and play _ ping-pong. I dont want to play _ violin. A. a, theB. the, aC. X, the完形填空: Jane and John 51 sister and brother. They like music. Jane can play the piano. But she 52 play the violin. John cant play the piano. But he 53 play the violin. Today they 54 to carry a piano to 55 bedroom. 56 p

9、iano is heavy(沉). They cant 57 it. 58 parents arent at home. But they 59 a cousin brother Mike. He is here today. They ask Mike to 60 them.()1. A. isB. amC. are()2. A. canB. cant C. doesnt()3. A. can B. cantC. doesnt() 4. A. like B. wantC. can() 5. A. Jane B. her C. Janes()6. A. The B. aC. /()7. A. take B. carry C. help()8. A. Janes and John B. Jane and Johns C. Theys()9. A. haveB. likeC. want()10. A. comeB. goC. join【学(教)反思】_【错题集】总第3课时 Unit1 Can you play the guitar?课时:period 3 课型:新授 主备:王正红 审核:刘 虹班级:_ 姓名:_ 时间:_



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