(山东专版)2011高考英语一轮复习巩固提升 Unit1Women of achievement(附详细解析)新人教版必修4

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(山东专版)2011高考英语一轮复习巩固提升 Unit1Women of achievement(附详细解析)新人教版必修4_第1页
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《(山东专版)2011高考英语一轮复习巩固提升 Unit1Women of achievement(附详细解析)新人教版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(山东专版)2011高考英语一轮复习巩固提升 Unit1Women of achievement(附详细解析)新人教版必修4(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement基础操练. 单词拼写1. They do not d the mail that their customer specifically requests to receive.2. She wanted to i her students by having them listen to this instructive speech.3. You didnt tell me you could sing so wellyoure very m .4. C is difficult when two people dont spe

2、ak the same language.5. She d her life to helping the poor.6. The teacher was pleased with the childrens good (举止).7. The car was cheap and in good (状况), so I bought it.8. She has a big family to (赡养).9. He worked hard and (实现)his aim of becoming a doctor.10. Please be more (考虑周到的)and dont play loud

3、 music late at night. 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空respect/behave/observe/strike/explain1. The workers were because they wanted more money.2. The police a man leaving the room.3. The students have great for their history teacher.4. The little boy with great courage in the face of the gunman.5. Will you please the

4、 third paragraph again for us?. 同义句转换1.The school looks after the health and happiness of its students. The school looks after the of its students.2. After the accident, her parents took good care of her until she was better. After the accident, her parents her until she was better.3. She gave birth

5、 to a baby boy this morning. She a baby boy this morning.4. She watched attentively her childs behaviour. She her childs behaviour.5. The hard work was useful enough because I passed the exam. The hard work was because I passed the exam.提升练习 . 单项填空从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. with the studies of

6、all his students, Mr Johnson went to school as soon as he finished the meeting. A. Concerning B. Concerned C. To concern D. Being concerned2. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been built for him.A. specially B. especially C. usually D. hardly 3. How often do you write to your father? .A. Once a

7、month B. In a week C. For a month D. Last week4. Would you like to have tea or coffee? .A. Either will do B. Neither do I C. Yes, please D. It doesnt matter5. Here is my card. Lets keep in .A. connection B. relation C. touch D. certain6. Whether the wounded sent to the hospital without delay unknown

8、 yet.A. have been; are B. has been; is C. were; are D. have been; is7. Only a human being.A. when is it hungry a lion will attackB. when it is hungry a lion will attackC. when it is hungry will a lion attackD. when is it hungry will a lion attack8. Dont a person only because he has failed in an exam

9、ination.A. look up B. look down C. look down on D. look up to 9. It was with great joy he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.A. because B. which C. since D. that10. Although the working mother is very busy, she still a lot of time to her children.A. devotes B. spends C. offers D

10、. provides. 完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Sometimes a step-parent has to take a step back. When I was thirty-five, I met my husband and came to 1 his kids, aged 10 and 7. We 2 playing basketball and shopping for cartoon books and became great friends. Then I got 3 .In most 4 , stepk

11、ids live with their mom and stepdad. This makes our case quite 5 . Four years into our marriage, after going between their moms place and ours, the boys 6 in with us full-time.I was 7 a part-time friend, so everything changed. For example, 8 the kids to help didnt appear an important thing before, b

12、ut now they became unwilling. Once, after Id asked my elder stepson to set the table, he 9 said, “Youre not my mother; I dont have to 10 you.”It was 11 but I realized it was about keeping 12 clear in our new family life. I told him he was rightI wasnt his mom; I was another person in his life who 13

13、 him, and we needed to get things done 14 .15 in a life-in situation, a step-parent isnt the parent. You help with everything and 16 lots of hugs and laughs. But you also have to learn to stand in the 17 . For example, when there were only enough 18 for Mom and Dad to sit up front, I sat in back. It was hurtful, but I realized it wasnt personal.Today, my stepsons know where to find me, whether its for long chats or a(n) 19 e-mail to say hi. And I know where to find them. The caring is surely there, even if the 20 isnt.1. A. know B. teach C. understand D. instruct2. A. passed time


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