人教版八年级 下册英语Unit 3Could you please clean your room_ Section A 1a—2d 教案

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1、Unit 3 Could you please sweep the floor?Section A (1a-2c) 林璇玲一、 教学目标1. 知识目标:词汇:do the dishes, sweep the floor,take out the trash. fold your clothes,clean the living room, do chores 句型:-Could you please clean your room?-Yes, sure.-Could you please do the dishes?- Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homewo

2、rk.2. 能力目标:运用目标语言Could you please do sth?Yes,sure/Sorry来进行征求对方的意见和应答形式3. 情感态度价值观目标:学生通过学习,能亲自参与家务劳动,并学会与人用礼貌用语交际二单元重点和难点1.重点1)学习动词短语:do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash. fold your clothes等2)委婉地提出请求、征求许可做某事。Could you please(not)do sth? 肯定Yes, sure./Sure/No problem./Certainly 否定:Sorry,

3、I cant. I have to do./Im afraid I cant.2难点Could I do sth?肯定:Yes,you can /Certainly/Yes,sure否定:No,you cant /No,Im afraid you cant难点:在实际的生活中委婉提表达自己的请求和征求许可,获取帮助。三、教学过程1. Warming- upT:What chores do you do at home? 请一些学生表达自己的观点,并引出本课主题chores2. learn some new words and phrasesLook! What is she / he doin

4、g? 根据图片学习,学习单词及短语:do chores, do the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, fold the clothes, clean the living room.3.根据图片,学习句型Could you please(not)do sth?及答句4. 1a Do you do these things at home? Discuss them with your partner5. 1b Listening . Who will do these chores? Check () Peters mother or Pe

5、ter.6. 1c Make conversations about the chores in 1a.Two students a group and make a new conversation .Use the sentence:Could you please(not)do sth7.2a Listen .Peter asks his father if he can do four things. What does his father say? Check () yes or no. 8.2b Listen again. Why does Peters father say “

6、no”? Draw lines to the reasons9.总结:Could也可向别人征求许可Could I do sth?肯定:Yes,you can /Certainly/Yes,sure否定:No,you cant /No,Im afraid you cant10 2c Make conversations between Peter and his father.11.2d Role-play the conversation. Read the conversation together. Then the T explain some language points.12.su

7、mmary13.exercise1.我父母不让我晚上在外面待到很晚。My parents ask me _ _ _ _ late at night.2.你起床收应当整理床铺。You should _ the_ after you _ _.3. 现在我妈妈正在厨房洗餐具。Now my mom is _ _ _ in the kitchen.4.昨天早上我打扫了客厅。 I _ _ _ _ yesterday morning.5.我妹妹能自己铺床。My sister can _ _ _ by herself.选择题1. Here are some books. Could you please_?A

8、 take out them B take them out C take it out D take it out2. Could you please _ the window? Its very cold outside.A not open B to open C dont open D to not open3.Could you help me take it to the classroom? - .A Yes,I could B No,I couldnt C Yes,sure D No,I dont四HomeworkInterview1) What chores do you do at home? How often do you do the chores? Work in four, interview each of the students in the group, fill in the chart.Name What chores do you do at home?How often?


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