Module 2 Experiences 教案

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《Module 2 Experiences 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 2 Experiences 教案(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 2 ExperiencesUnit 1 Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions.【教材分析】本课为Module 2的第一单元,主要内容为使用现在完成时来描述自己和他人的经历,例如演讲比赛经历、旅行经历等。从全书来看,本单元承接下一模块现在完成时的学习和使用,内容有层次的展开,学生容易接受。通过对本模块的学习,为下一模块的学习奠定了语言基础。【教学目标】Knowledge objective:1. 词汇: ever, enter, competition, prize, dream, afford, pity, invite2.

2、 现在完成时的结构和定义。Ability objective:能听懂和阅读关于介绍经历的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的经历;能初步使用现在完成时,并写出相关的句子和短文。Moral objective:乐于介绍自己的经历,和他人分享。同时,学会倾听他人的美好的经历,理解他人的喜怒哀乐,建立良好的人际关系。【教学重点】1. 重点短语和单词。2. 现在完成时的使用。【教学难点】1. 现在完成时的结构使用。2. 现在完成时的不规则动词。【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach 【教学手段】A tape r

3、ecorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead in 1. Ss watch the video and answer “Whats this video about?”2. Ss look the pictures and answer the questions.Step 2 Consolidate new words Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say

4、as quickly as possible.Step 3 Listen and number the words as you hear them1. Look at the words first.2. Then listen to the tape and number the words.Step 4 Listen again and choose the correct answer1. Look at the three sentences carefully.2. Listen to the tape again and choose the correct answer.Ste

5、p 5 ReadingListen and read, then answer the two questions:1. What is Lingling entering?2. Who is going to enter the writing competition?Step 6 Work in pair. 1. Work in group. Make a competition to find who can find out the most sentences which are the present perfect tense.2. Read Part 3 and check w

6、hat Linging and Tony have or have not done.3. Work in pairs. Ask an answer questions about what Linging and Tony have or have not done.Step 7 Everyday English Master the main sentences in the passage.Step 8 Language points Ss should master the main points from the passage in Part 3. If possible, let

7、 the students to say at first.1. I am entering a competition. 我正参加一个比赛。 enter表示“参加,报名”。还表示“进入”。e.g. Several of the worlds finest runners have entered the race. 几名世界最优秀的运动员已报名参加比赛。 The thieves entered the building by the back door. 小偷从后门进入大楼。2. The first prize is “My dream holiday”. 一等奖是“我的梦想假期”。 dre

8、am n. 梦;梦想(只用于名词前)梦寐以求的v. dreamed, dreamed/dreamt, dreamt 做梦,梦到,梦想e.g. I had a strange dream last night. 我昨晚做了个奇怪的梦。 I dreamt I was flying to the moon at this time of yesterday. 昨晚的这个时候我梦见我正飞往月球。3. Have you ever won any prizes before? 你以前曾经得过奖吗? ever表示“曾经”。是现在完成时的标志。通常用于一般疑问句中。 “have/has sb. ever +

9、过去分词”,用于询问某人过去的经历。e.g. Have you ever been to Paris? No, never. / Yes, I have. 你去过巴黎吗?没有/ 去过。4. But I cant afford it. 但是我付不起。 afford v. (有财力)付得起,买得起 常与can, could, able to 连用,多用于否定句和疑问句中。此外,它还常用于“afford to do sth.”结构中。e.g. I just cant afford the time. 我花不起这个时间。 Can you afford a new car?你能买得起新的汽车吗?They

10、 cant afford to send their children to college.他们没钱送他们的孩子去学校。 5. Ive stopped trying now. 我已经不再尝试了。stop doing sth. 表示“停止正在做的事情”stop to do sth. 表示“停下正在做的事去做另件事”e.g. The two girls stopped talking when they saw me. 那两个女孩一见到我就停止了讲话。 The two girls stopped to talk to me when they saw me. 那两个女孩一见到我就停下来和我讲话。

11、6. You can make it up. 你可以编(一个故事)。 make up 表示“编造;组成”。e.g. The whole story is made up. 整个故事是虚构出来的。7. I will invite you to come with me. 我将邀请你和我一起来。 invite sb. to do sth. 表示“邀请某人去做某事”。e.g. Jane invited me to go fishing last week. 简上周邀请我去钓鱼了。Step 9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the wo

12、rds in the box.Let the Ss complete the sentences with the words in the box and then check with each other.Step 10 Read and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress.1. Ss read and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress.2. Now listen and check if it is right.3. Work in pairs. R

13、ead the conversations aloud.-Have you ever wanted to travel around the world?-Yes, I have. Ive always wanted to travel around the world.-Have you ever visited New York?-No, I havent. Ive never visited the US.-Have you ever entered a competition?-No, I havent. I havent entered any competitions.Step 1

14、1 Group work 找一找,比一比 1. Have you ever won any prizes before?2. Ive always wanted to go on a dream holiday.看哪组在对话中所找的含有“have/has+ 动词过去分词”结构句子最多。1. Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions, but havent won any prizes.2. Ive stopped trying now.3. Have you ever thought about other kinds of competit

15、ions?4. But I havent travelled much.Step 12 Grammar 现在完成时现在完成时以上句子的谓语有一个共同的特点,就是由“have/ has+动词过去分词”构成,我们把这种时态称为“现在完成时” 。现在完成时表示在以前某个时间已经发生的行为或曾经做过的事情对 目前有某种影响,例如:现在完成时谓语结构:have/have not (havent)+ 动词的过去分词现在完成时第三人称单数形式谓语结构:has/has not (hasnt)+ 动词的过去分词规则动词过去分词的构成规则与规则动词过去式的构成规则相同。1. 动词一般在词尾加“-ed”。 e.g. work worked worked2. 以“e”结尾的动词,词尾加“-d”。 e.g. live lived lived3. 以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的动词,将“y”变为“i”,再加“-ed”。 e.g. study studied studied c


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