The Owl House《猫头鹰魔法社(2020)》第一季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本

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1、来吃我的免费零食样品Partake of my free snack samples.快来吃我以统治者Take them. I demand it as your ruler,恶魔之王的名义要求你们the King of Demons.为什么没有人理我Why isnt anyone paying attention to me?我是他们合法的大王Im their rightful overlord.在智力上及其他方面Intellectually and such.你说是就是了Yeah.今天闻起来更像是书呆子的味道It reeks more of nerd而不是钱than money today

2、.各位Guys!你们不会相信发生了什么You will not believe whats going on.这有个书展Its a bookfair!书展这里的书具有生命活力Where books come to life.你好Hello.没有游乐设施的集&h earts;会&h earts;A fair without rides?谁还需要搭车当这玩意能带你去任何地方Who need rides when this can take you anywhere? 浪漫性感第一恶心第二无聊A, ew. B, Im bored.第三我想在一些呆子看书的时候扒窃他们C, I feel like pi

3、ckpocketing some dork while they browse. 别呀等等No, wait.你愿意去试一试吗麻辣球Spicy toss!莉莉-伊达琳Lily? - Edalyn?你来这里肯定是为了找麻烦And of course you would be here just to be a nuisance. 不如你回家休息吧Why dont you go home and rest?我可不想你摔坏屁♥股♥Wouldnt want you breaking a hip.抱歉姐姐我可比你想象的要坚强Sorry, sister. Im stronger

4、than you think.我是来拯救永葆青春之花Im here to save the Bloom of Eternal Youth from免于像你这样的人的荼毒的the likes ofyou.我会比你先到的Im gonna get there before you.不你不会的No, you wont.露丝Hey, Luz.猫猜是谁赢r写作比赛Guess who won the writing competition 并且成了巨星作家and became a blockbuster writer superstar?你说得对是我我Youre right. Its me. Me!你想摸摸

5、我的围巾吗Do you wanna touch my scarf?一个粉丝用自己的头发织的A fan crochet it out of their own hair.太难闻了It smells so bad.出版商为我的书暴君的魔爪举办r一场盛大的派对My publisher is throwing a huge party for my book, Rulers Reach. 我希望你能去And I, uh, Id like for you to be there.好吧行就这样吧All right, fine. Be that way, I guess.姑娘你不需要他Girl, you d

6、ont need him.但我也不想生他的气But I dont want to be mad at him either.会见作家只在今晚粉丝们迫不及待想知道暴君的魔爪2什么时候出版Your fans are dying to know when Rulers Reach 2 comes out. 我和出版商会协商的Thats between me and my publisher.对吧皮涅特Right, Piniet?没错不好意思Yes. Oh, pardon me.我需要占用大王一点时间I need a few moments of Kings time.约翰德普勒姆在哪我想攀比一下太阳

7、镜Wheres John De Plume at? 1 wanted to compare sunglasses. 他在休息为了完成他最新的杰作Oh, hes taking a break to finish his latest masterpiece. 名气真的会让你陷人困境你知道吗Fame can really box you in, you know?说起来你的第二本书写得怎么样了Uh, speaking o hows your second book coming along?写得怎么样r还是已经写完了呢Coming along or finished?看暴君的魔爪2Bam! Rul

8、ers Reach 2.这部又多r些脏话Now with more swears.啊真不错Ah! Splendid!你鬼主意真多Oh, you cad.你不仅是个伟大的作家Not only are you a great writer还是个恶作剧家but a practical joker as well.这倒是真的等下你说什么Thats true. Wait, what?这真是太糟糕了Oh, this is truly awful.期待真正的终稿Looking forward to the real draft.太糟糕了但我是个畅销书作家啊Truly awful. But Im a best

9、-selling writer.怎么会呢How?露丝没有她我没法写作Luz, I cant write without her.露丝伙计真高兴你能来Luz, buddy, Im so glad you could make it.大王我不想因为你的成功而生气Hey, King. I didnt want to be angry at your success. 你是我的朋友恭喜你Youre my friend. So, congratulations.很高兴听你这么说Great to hear.因为我下一本书真的需要你的帮助Cause I really need your help with

10、my next book. 啊-显然Huh? - Apparently,如果不与你那浮夸的幻想对着写的话I cant write my daring works of genius我写不出天马行空的天才作品without rebelling against your gushy fantasy slop. 你在开玩笑吗Excuse me?我们合作无间We make a great team.给你支笔写吧写吧时间不等人So, heres a pen. Writey writey. Clocks a ticking.在你取笑了我所有的想法之后Im not writing for you我不会再为你

11、写作after you made fun of all my ideas. 嘿搞什么鬼Hey! What the heck?恭喜你辛苦取得的成功Congratulations on all your hard-earned success.我该怎么办没有她我写不出来What am I gonna do? I cant write without her.哈难道你没有想起Ha! Doesnt this remind you我们过去怎样of how we used to race比赛跑去厨房♥吗莉莉to the kitchen, Lily?莉莉Lily?莉莉Lily!空中接力Alle

12、y-oop!谢谢你伊达琳Thank you, Edalyn.我不确定你会不会救我I wasnt certain that youd save me.闭嘴我们可能会吵架但你是我姐姐Stow it. Uh, we might fight but youre still my sister.再说了如果有人想干掉你那只能是我And besides, if anyones putting you down, its gonna be me. 哈Ha!那个是Oh, is that-永葆青春之花The Bloom of Eternal Youth.好了闪开All right. Back off.那是我的Th

13、at babys mine.你为什么总是这样Why are you always like this?因为莉莉丝你觉得我只是个疲惫的老太婆Because Lilith, you think Im just some tired, old biddy. 但我不止如此Ah, but Im more than that.我拿到了永葆青春之花我将向你证明And with the Bloom of Eternal Youths power, Ill showyou- 搞什么What the-他们拍照真会找角度They got his good angle.有什么事吗Uh, can I help you?

14、 有点事Perhaps.我听说你是个有抱负的作家I hear youre an aspiring writer?大王大王King! King!我等不及看续集了I cant wait for the sequel.如果有任何失望的地方If its disappointing in any way,我会用我的一生来诋毁它I will spend every day of my life trashing it. 天啊Oh, boy.天啊天啊Oh, man. Ah, geez.皮涅特我得坦白我们没法出版第二本书Piniet, I gotta come clean. We cant announce book two. 我写不了书的如果没有没有I cant write without. without.没有你的写作搭档吗Without your writing partner?大王King!露丝-那个打扮新潮的蜥蜴Luz! -That snappily-dressed lizard把我关在这个会缩小的盒子里 trapped me in this shrinking box. 你得救我出去You gotta get me out.你抓她做什么放了她What are you doing with her? Let her go.你们一起写了暴君的魔爪You wrote Rulers


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