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1、WiEmersoTbManufacturer Approval Procedure 供利再商志忍可程序(For SQE application ;供雁商品工程遒用)Emerson Radio CorporationDoc No.: QD10CORPORATE OPERATION PROCEDURERev.: ASubject: Manufacturer Approval ProcedurePage 1 of 25Revision Change RecordRevisionPara.Description of changeWritten byReviewed byEndorsed byVali

2、d dateAEdison-Yp2002/10/09Part I:Factory Management Audit and Rating List工蔽言平估及言平分指引Scope: Applicable for Guang Dong Province Factories Only.只遒用於腐束省裂造蔽.Section A: Material ManagementEmerson Radio Corp CONFIDENTIAL 工蔽估及分指引A部分物料管理A1 Part Material/Finished Goods Warehouse 原料/成品 育座Al.lZone segregation 原

3、域隔离。口 No segregation management,没有分匾管理.1 口 Clear zone includes Receiving, IQC Passed, Waiting for Disposition (MRB), RTV SpecialMaterial Scrap清楚隔雕匾域,包括收E, IQC已检合格匾,待虔理匾(MRB),待退供雁商匾,特殊物料存放 鼠2 口 (1) + Material properly located within the area, not putting outside the border, good management.(1) +物料正碾放

4、置,没有超匾,管理完善3 口 (2) + Fail safe operation. For example, there is only 1 part on the same pallet.(2) +遑作接近不可能出金昔.例:同卡板上只可能有一彳重物料A1.2Material identification 物料纂只11。口 Poor ID and labeling.檬方法及使用檬箓朝行差.1 口 Material ID label (name, P/N, manufacturer, lot, qty) and IQC passed label (name, P/N, inspectorname

5、 (chop) and date) well used.有效使用:物料ID (Sffi,零件髓赢供雁商,批戴敷量)及IQC痛酷合格的ffi(Sffi, 零件虢碱,ai姓名,日期).2 口 (1) + Proper implementation and protection of labels.(1) +中票箓正碾使用和保.3 口 (2) + every external carton is labeled correctly.(2) +每一外包装均正碾票示.A1.3Disposition of MRB materials 待a言寸物料的虚理。口 Direct return to vendors

6、 or scrap.直接退料骨合蔽商或作康料虔理.1 口 MRB or similar meeting in place for material review and disposition decision.适富召物料a言寸畲,a言寸物料状兄及作虔理夬策.2 口 (1) + MRB or similar procedure properly implemented with every disposition clearly recorded.(1) +物料a言寸程序正碾朝行,并清楚言*录每份MRB的虔理矣田刖.3 口 (2) + MRB procedures well defined a

7、nd documented.(2) +物料a言寸程序定羲清析并有文件云明.A1.4Material protection 物料的保奇蔓。口 No special requirement or intention for material package protection.堂寸物料包装保方面没有特别要求或意,1 口 Proper sealing and protection of material carton after usage or opening by IQC or warehouseoperator.IQC或念管1箱或取用物料后正碾封箱和保.2 口 (1) + Requireme

8、nts well documented., no violation of material storage advise such as height,direction, static sensitive, flammable, dangerous chemicals.(1) +作棠要求有文件云明,没有圉反物料票示如高度,方向,静1,易燃物,危除化孥品.3 口 (2) + Proper warehouse operation monitoring or regular audit by third party (e.g. IPQC).(2) +有第三侗体(如:IPQC)监督或定期睿核信平估

9、)念厘遑作是否正碾.工蔽估及分指引A1.5Storage environment/shelf life monitoring and control信者存璟境的监测及控制。口 No storage condition/shelf life requirement set up.没有制定堂捕者存璞境的要求.1 口 Special materials identified for particular storage condition/shelf life requirements.特殊物料有特殊的信者存璞境.2 口 (1) + Daily monitoring of conditions an

10、d proper records maintained, Control actions takingplace of specification conditions.(1) +每天监测(璞境Mi条件并持S,SS超出规限由条件有探取控制行勤.3 口 (2) + All special materials are well managed including those in production area.(2) +所有特殊物料均有管理,包括生走埸地.A1.6 Material lot records物料批置愿己金录。口 Received/ Issued material records w

11、ritten on stock record book.收度物料情兄舄在念厘富E幄簿上.1 口 Color coding system or other effective system is well implemented for different materials toensure First-In-First-Out (FIFO) on monthly basis.JS色卡或其他有效制度充份利用于碾言忍不同物料的月份先入先出(FIFO).2 口 Bin card system or other effective system is well implemented for dif

12、ferent materials to ensureFirst-In-First-Out (FIFO) up to every lot.物料念存富己金录卡充份利用于碾言忍每批物料的先入先出(FIFO).3 口 (2) + Requirements documented(2) +作棠要求有文件云明.A1.7Material storage control 物料信者存控制。口 No special requirement or intention to control.没有特别的控制要求或意哉.1 口 Material storage in good order with some over lo

13、ading.物料信者存有序,但仍然有超戴.2 口 (1) + With effective over loading management + Requirements documented.(1) +有效超戴管理+作棠要求有文件云明.3 口 (2) + Regular audit for proper storage and handling by third party (e.g. IPQC).(2) +有第三侗体(如:IPQC)定期睿核及估念厘信者存虔理是否正碾.A1.8 Material Positioning物料的撮位追溯性。口 Mainly depends on operators

14、 experience and skill, informal storage location assignment. 主要依靠念管员的经借食和技巧,没有正式指定信者存位置.1 口 Some kind of material stores within dedicated area/zone for easy positioning.舄便于追溯部份物料存放在指定信者存匾域内.2 口 Makes use of clearly marked storage location in warehouse areas and record.在念厘内清楚檬明各物料存放匾域并富匪录在案.3 口 (1) /

15、 (2) + material storage position can be well traced in defined numbering area.(1) / (2) +能清楚追蹴各物料的率碾存放指定敷位化位置,以便查找.A2 Production line/ Inspection area 牛走短 / 检杳匾域A2.1Parts & WIP status identification部件及半成品WIP片犬熊的奇哉别。口 No special requirements for clear separation and identification of OK/NG units and waiting for inspection / checked passed units easily leading to material mix up.工蔽估及分指引没有特别要求要清楚匾分和别OK/NG部件,待检/已检通遏的部件,容易引致物料混窥.1 口 OK/NG units and waiting for inspection / checked pass units are well separated in different easydist


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