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1、 角色 角色(ROLE) 一、传播学类百科全书21、Encyclopedia of communication and information Volume2 G20-61 En19, p37222、Websters new world:Dictionary of media and communications G20-61 w431 P41023、The communication hand book: a dictionary2二、心理学类百科全书31、社会心理学词典32、Encyclopedia of psychology33、当代西方心理学新词典54、The encyclopedia

2、 of human behavior vol.265、简明心理学词典 B84-61 24 P1957三、社会学百科全书71.Encyclopedia of sociology C61 en1972.The Social science Encyclopedia8四、引申概念8相关概念:9五、重要的研究成果9六、个人的整理与理解101角色概念的要点102角色的分类113角色理论的范畴:114角色理论的功能115角色理论的发展11七、检索作业心得12一、传播学类百科全书1、Encyclopedia of communication and information Volume2 G20-61 En

3、19, p372In most groups, particular roles (i.e., patterns of behavior) emerge. In a classic article on this subject, Kenneth Benne and Paul Sheats (1948) identified three broad categories of role that typically occur during group interactions: task completion roles, group building and support roles,

4、and individualistic roles. Task completion roles are those roles that are related to the completion of given job or activity. Examples of task completion roles include information seeker, information giver, recorder, coordinator, and evaluator-critic. Group building and support roles are those roles

5、 that are related to encouraging the social development of the group. Examples of these roles include encourager, harmonizer, compromiser, gatekeeper/expediter, observer and follower. Individualistic roles are generally the less desirable roles. Those roles contribute negatively to the group both in

6、 terms of progress toward completion of a task and group development and climate. Examples of individualistic roles include aggressor, blocker, recognition seeker, dominator, and special-interest pleader.2、Websters new world:Dictionary of media and communications G20-61 w431 P410Role: A character or

7、 part; characteristic social behavior of an individual. 3、The communication hand book: a dictionary G206-61 d496 P269Role: The part an individual plays in a group, and individuals function and expected behavior两个定义的差异:第一个定义用了social, 第二个用了in a group,强调它的社会性两者都强调它是一种个人的行为,不同的是第一个强调行为的特征性, 而第二个则将行为细化为“

8、function and expected behavior”,强调了功能性和期望。二、心理学类百科全书1、社会心理学词典 B894: C91 33 P145-149角色原是戏剧、电影中的名词。也称“脚色”,指戏剧中的人物。社会心理学的“角色”概念,则是指与一定社会位置相联系的行为模式,是占有某一社会位置的人应有的行为表现(如应尽的义务,能享受的权利等)。它规定了一个人活动的特定范围,即应该做什么,不应该做什么,其中也包含有对人对己的感情、态度和价值观等心理成份。任何角色都不是孤立存在的,而是有其对应的角色伴侣,如丈夫和妻子,父母和子女、老师与学生、医生与病人等等,相互之间的权利和义务是紧密联

9、系的。任何人都不能摆脱一定的角色束缚,但由于个人性格、文化水平和负责程度也不同。理想角色与实际角色是有差别的。当人们不能省仍自己的角色时便产生了“角色差距”,当一个人不能同时扮演几个角色而造成内心矛盾时便产生“角色冲突”。2、Encyclopedia of psychologyB84-61/En19k(v.7)Role ThoeryA role is comprehensive pattern of behavior and attitude that linked to an identity, is socially identified more or less clearly as a

10、n entity, and is subject to being played recognizably by different individuals. Basic roles, like those attached to gender and age identities, are the most inclusive, affecting what is expected of an individual in a wide variety of situations. Position or status roles, like family occupational roles

11、, are linked to statuses in particular settings, though they vary in how much they carry over into other situation (a banker who gambles on his day off may be suspect) Functional group roles, such as “mediator” “devils advocate” and “counselor” emerge informally as individuals acquire situational id

12、entities during sustained interaction in a group setting.Value roles, like hero, saint, and villain, develop around very positively or negatively valued activity.The term role theory refers to a loose collection of generalizations about 1) The organization of roles to society and groups2) The proces

13、ses of interaction between incumbents of different roles3) The way individuals learn and manage the diverse complements of roles that they play under various circumstance.Underlying assumptions are that social interaction are all levels from the dyad to entire societies tends to be organized into cl

14、usters of behaviors that are thought to belong together, that individuals orient their social behavior in terms of roles they play and roles they tribute to others, that judgments if adequate or inadequate role performance constitute a major basis for assessing the worth of individuals, and that Mea

15、nings are ascribed to actions according to the role that are presumed to manifest. The stability of its system of roles and of the relationship between actors and their roles depends on three variable functionality-the degree to which the role constituents an effective strategy for dealing with relevant situations: responsibilitythe extent to which the cost/benefit ration for the role incumbent is acceptable. The concept of role came into general use in the behavioral scien


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