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1、江苏省启东实验小学 六 年级 英语 学科备课专用纸第 1 单元 课题 Public signs 第 1 教时 总第 个教案教学目标: 1 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇 always, question, ask, mean, must, 能正确地听、说、读词汇public, sign, cousin, danger, away.2能正确地听、说、读、写句型 What doesmean? It means3 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 There are a lot of sings here. They mean different things.4 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初

2、步表演对话。教学重难点:1. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇 always, question, ask, mean, must.课前准备: 单词卡片、标志图片、教学挂图、录音磁带教学过程: Step 1. Preparation1. Free talk:How are you? What are we doing now?What should we do in the class?2. Enjoy the song “The signs in the park”3. T: Lets go the the park. (出示公园情景,许多

3、公共标志牌) What are those? S: They are public signs. Learn the phrase: public signs. Show the title of Unit 1 (教师一边板书学生拼读词组)4. Check the homeworkNew wordsT: Can you try to read these new words? (多媒体呈现下列内容) cousin /kVzn/ 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)兄妹 public /pVblIk/ 公共的,公众的 sign /saIn/ 标识;告示牌 mean /mi:n/ 意思是 拓展:bean (蚕豆

4、) danger /deIndZE/ 危险 always /O:lweIz/ 总是 Answer the questionsT: I think youve read the passage well. Who can answer the questions?(多媒体或小黑板呈现先学提纲第2题)(请个别学生回答,同学互相矫正、评价,教师适时引导)Step 2. Presentation1. T shows some signs. (教师介绍一些本课中出现的标志,并且适当地拓展了一些课外的标志,例如No fishing! No parking! No photos!.并且将这些标志图片贴到黑板

5、上)2. Watch the flash of the text and try to find the signs the students talk about. (学生认真观看课文flash,并且试着记住课文中谈及的几种标志。然后邀请几位同学上黑板将观看到的三种标志贴到黑板中央:Danger! Keep off the grass! Keep quiet!)3. Put the signs in right places. (多媒体呈现课文的图片,让学生将这三种标志放到课文flash中提及到的位置。)4. Read quietly. 学生默读课文 学生默读P6课文 (默读完毕后老师邀请学

6、生提问,然后由学生从文中找出相关答案进行回答) 同法处理P7课文 (就本课中的关键内容进行随机板书What does this sign mean? What should we do?5. Read loudly. Ss read the whole passage loudly with the questions on the blackboard and try to underline the answers in the book. 教师分段依次处理课文,先回答黑板上板书的两个关键问题,学生在文中找出相关答案,教师用多媒体呈现并用红线划出。问答完毕后,学生跟读录音。(在这个过程中涉

7、及到must和should的用法,教师邀请一位预习充分的学生进行讲解,然后学生跟读几遍,初步理解这两个词的用法) 梳理完毕后,教师要求学生利用黑板上的板书提示以及课文内容进行问答练习。Step 3. Practice 1. T:(出示教学挂图)Who is the tall boy ?S: He is Ben. T: The little boy is Bens cousin, Jack. ( Learn the word cousin )How old is Jack ? Guess!引出He is only four years old.Learn: cousin only years o

8、ld 2. T: Now lets listen to the tape. And answer me some questions.Questions :What day is it?What does Jack see in the park?Whats Jack doing now? Answer the questions first, then read and try to retell. 3. Watch a flash: Part A, then answer the other three questions.Questions:(1) How many public sig

9、ns does Jack learn?(2) What do the first sign mean?(3)Can we go into the building? T: Now lets listen and repeat. Read in your groups. You can choose different ways to read. Read together. Read by yourselves. Read and act.Step 4. ProductionNancy 和Helen来到了我们学校盖新楼的地方,看看她们的一段对话吧。聪明的你能把她们说的补充完整吗? A:Hi,

10、Nancy. Theres a new building over there. Shall we go and have a look? B: No, we go in. Look, theres a on it. A: What it mean? B: It Danger. We away it. A: Oh, I see. Thank you.Step 5. Progress Ben 新学期的第一篇日记:Today is , I go to the with my , Jack. Jack is only years old. He asks me lots of questions.

11、We see a on the building. It Danger. So we stay from the building.二次备课教学后记:(第 次)江苏省启东实验小学 六 年级 英语 学科备课专用纸第 1 单元 课题 Public signs 第 2 教时 总第 个教案教学目标:1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make, mean, should, shouldnt2能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组: a cage, interesting, make noise.3能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that mean? It means

12、you / we should / must / shouldnt 教学重难点:能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make, mean, should, shouldnt理解每个标志的含义,并能在实际生活中熟练运用交际用语询问标志。课前准备: 教学挂图 标志卡片 录音磁带 多媒体教学过程: Step 1.Preparation1 Try to sing the song: The signs in the park2 Review:(出示危险的标志)Whats this on the wall? What does it mean? Can I go in the building?

13、3 Try to discribe the picture. (出示教学插图1,让学生用自己的语言描述图片的同时回忆上节课所学内容。Step 2. Presentation1 Learn the two signs.A. Show the sign 1:Does this sign mean Danger?What does it mean?Where can we see the sign?So when we see the sign on the grass, can we walk on?B. Show the sign 2:Look, whats in that picture?Do

14、 you know the sign mean?Where can we put the sign? (让学生自由发挥) C. Summary:Are the two signs in the same?Do they mean the same thing?What does the first one mean? The second one? 2. (出示教学插图2) T: Who can you see in the picture? Where are they? S: Ben and his cousin, Jack. They are in the park. T: How many signs do they see in the park this time? S: Four. T: Where is the first sign? And the second one? 3. Discribe the picture use your own words.Step 3. Practice 1


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