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1、2004年MBA听力材料及参考答案(3)Mock Test ThreePart ADirections:For Questions 1-5, you will hear radio weather bulletin. While you listen, fill out the table with the information youve heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word or number in each numbered box. You will h

2、ear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. (5 points)M:Now the weather forecast. As for moderate gusty easterly winds, it will be mainly cloudy. Sunny intervals are expected tomorrow. The minimum temperature tonight will be around 15 degrees, and the maximum tomorrow a

3、round 19 degrees. At 4 oclock, the temperature was 17 degrees Celsius, Humidity no. Nothing percent. We dont have one.The national weather map shows a high pressure area all along the eastern coastline which brought them very pleasant, sunny weather from New York to Florida. But showers and thunders

4、torms are occurring from the Ohio River all the way south to the Gulf coast, depositing heavy amounts of rain over the southern states.By far the worst of the storms has occurred in and around Texas. Some Texas stations have reported up to fifteen inches of rain in a twenty-four-hour period with hig

5、h winds and thunderstorms. Two tornadoes were reported along the Gulf coast of Texas, but we have no confirmation of damage or injury.Heavy amounts of snow were reported in the Rocky Mountain region with record cold temperatures in Denver and Boulder. As much as a foot of snow has fallen in some of

6、the mountain stations.In contrast, temperatures in Arizona and the desert Southwest went over the one-hundred-degree mark again today under bright, sunny skies. (212 words)W:Now you will hear the recording again.That is the end of Part A.M:Part BDirections:For questions 6-10, you will hear a dialogu

7、erbetween a doctor and her patient. While you listen, answer the questions. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and questions below. (5 points)W:Well, how are you, Fred?M:Oh, havent been feeling too well lately,

8、been having a bit of trouble with the back.W:Hmm, I see. Hmm still driving the taxi?M:Yeah, still at it.W:Youve been in that game a while, Fred?M:Yes, Ive been at it for nearly twelve years now, but, ah lately its been getting on top of me a bit.W:Oh, what do you mean?M:Well, Ive been on the airport

9、 run, and Ive been lifting a lot of heavy suitcases.W:Hmm (pause) suitcases, huh? Show me how youve been lifting these suitcases.M:Oh, just the usual way, like this.(Fred demonstrates how.)W:Ah, I think thats the trouble. Youve been lifting them the wrong way!M:What do you mean?W:Well, youve been li

10、fting them with your back!M:Huh? How else can I do it?W:Well, you should have been using your legs, like this. It takes the strain off your back.M:Oh, thanks, Doctor. Ill do that.W:And, um, by the way, Fred, have you been doing much ah overtime lately?M:Oh, no, not much, but I have been working roun

11、d the house a lot.W:I see.M:Well, my wifes been at me a bit lately to keep the garden looking nice.W:Uh huh, well, I think youd better take things easy for a while.M:O.K. I will.W:Yes; relax a bit more on the weekends and uh by the way, dont forget what I told you about lifting things.M:Right, Docto

12、r. Ill do that, and Ill give your lifting idea a go, too.W:Good, Fred, and, uh, by the way dont let your wife work you into the ground, will you?(301 words)M: Now you will hear the recording again.That is the end of Part B.W: Part CDirections:You will hear three pieces of recorded material. Before l

13、istening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have time to check your answers. You will hear each piece once only. (10 points)Questions 1113 are based on the following conversati

14、on. You now have 15 seconds to read questions 1113M:Excuse me, can you help me please? Ive lost my watch.W:Where do you think you lost it?M:Well, I think I must have left it in the gentlemens toilets.W:Do you know what time?M:Well, it was only about quarter of an hour ago. Erm, I think I took it off

15、 to wash my hands and I left it on the window ledge just in front of the wash basin. And I went back to my room and I realized Id lost my watch, so I went back to the gentlemens toilets again to see if it was there, and it disappeared. I wondered if maybe one of the cleaners had picked it up.W:No, d

16、id you ask the attendant if hed seen it?M:Er, the attendant wasnt there at the time actually. I didnt see anyone else there.W:Right, can you give me some details, then, please?M:Well, its erm an ordinary sort of watch, you know, not one of those fancy digital things.W:No.M:Its ermW:What make is it?M:Its a wind-up watch. I think its a T



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