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1、山东省宁阳县第二十五中学八年级英语下册Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived(第5课时)学案(无答案) 人教新目标版课题名称八年级下册Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?课时共5课时授课班级第5课时总课时数15教学重点1、词汇学习 2、阅读理解,能联系上下文理解课文。教学难点重点句子的理解。课前准备The learning papers ,the PPT ,the listening materials ,the notes.学 案一 快乐预习.(一)学习方式:按要求自主完成下列内

2、容.(二)预习内容: 1、朗读并识记P23-25的单词及短语. 2、翻译P23-25的句子.(三)预习检测:互译1. 当她看见一起车祸时,那个女孩正在购物。2.这是美国历史上最重要的事件之一。3.甚至大部分日常活动似乎显得很重要。4.当然,并不是历史上所有的事件都这样可怕。二、 预习质疑: .学习目标:学生在复习过去式,学会讲故事的同时,了解一些自然科学知识和社会科学知识。三、合作探究:(一)阳光展示:组内交流课前自主学习内容.(二)导学点拨:1. At the doctors 在诊所2.one of the most important events最重要的事件之一3.hear of听说,后

3、长接人或事物 hear from收到某人的来信hear ahout听说,后常接事件4.although与though,but5.happen与take place 6. Not all 部分否定,全否定用none(三)针对性练习1.-Do you still remember_ with Yao Ming in Beijing? -Yes,of course,three years ago. A.to meet B.meeting C.meet D.met 2. _its difficult to make her dream come true, she never gives up. A.

4、Though B.Unless C.Because D.If三:拓展提高1 完成self check 完成p25 3a。 读课文,理解文章。小组交流。课堂小结:四感恩达标:( )1.What_you_whenshecamein?A.did,doB.are,doingC.do,doD.were,doing( )2.Thegirlisill.Shes_. A.inhospitalB.inthehospital C.athospitalD.atthehospital( )3.Thepatients(病人)arewaiting_. A.atthedoctorB.atthedoctorsC.inthed

5、octorD.indoctors( )4.WherewasDavy_Lindawaslookingforhim?A.that B.while C.at D.where( )5.Theyarethinkingabout_thepoorchildren.A.helpB.tohelp C.helping D.helps( )6.Thewomancouldntseeherson_.Shesveryworried.A.anywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere D.where( )7.Theyaretalkingaboutsomething_thetelephone.A.in B.on

6、 C.at D.for( )8.Wewerevery_thatJimdidntpasstheexam.A.surprise B.surprising C.surprised D.surprises( )9.Justnowshesawtheman_intotheroom. A.go B.went C.goes D.togo( )10.Theresabigtree_thebuilding.A.infrontof B.inthefrontof C.infrontD.atthefrontof( )11. The computer _ a television, doesnt it?A. is like

7、 B. like C. looks like D. looks( )12. Tom is _ boy now.A. a 11-years-old B. a 11-year-old C. an 11-year-old D. an 11-years-old( )13. -Do you mind my smoking here? -_.Look at the sign. It says, “ No smoking.”A. It doesnt matter B. No, I dont. C. Youd better not D. Never mind.( )14. Can you show me_ to start the computer?A. what B. where C. how D. which( )15. Do you want her_ one for you?A. order B. to order C. orders D. ordering课后反思


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