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1、Learning Targets(学习目标)1 Go on learning the objective clauses with wh-question by writing a letter in a group.2 Be able to write a polite letter to the school in order to ask for the information you want to know by working with a group.Learning Key Points & Difficulties(学习重难点)1 Go on learning the obj

2、ective clauses with wh-question by writing a letter in a group.2 Be able to write a polite letter to the school in order to ask for the information you want to know by working with a group.Difficult problems setting and solving(疑难问题设置及解决)Setting: How to use the objective clauses correctlySolving: Pa

3、irworkLearning Methods(学法)Pairwork, Groupwork ,Discussion,studying and determining for students(学情研判)本课是关于学会运用宾语从句写一篇询问信件,九年级学生有能力完成这篇习作,前面已学过宾语从句的使用,但是本班学生英语水平层次不齐,有的惧怕写作,所以打算让学生合作完成这篇习作,消除学生的畏惧写作心里,使学生喜欢上英文写作。The Guidance of Learning Methods(学法指导过程)Task 1 赛读课文Section B 2b Could You Please?(5mimute

4、s) Pay attention to the polite requests from the passage.Task 2 导入(3mimutes)Howtoask the following questionspolitely?Whereareyou?-Whatsyourname?-HowcanIgototheschool?-Willyoupassapen?-MayIborrowyourbike?Task 3 教师设定情节 ,学生自主学习(3mimutes)自读3a表格,看看本文需要从哪些方面入手? 题目:Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the

5、 restrooms are? Period 6 Section B (3a-3b) 成晓源The Guidance of Learning Methods(学法指导过程) The course you will study The time of the course Where and what you can eat Where you will stay What activities you can do Travel to the school问题:1 WhatwillIstudy ?2 WhenwillIstartandhowlongwillIstudyeveryday?3 Wh

6、ereandwhatcanIeat?4 WherewillIstay?5 WhatactivitiescanIdo?6 HowwillIgettotheschool? 7 HowmuchmoneywillIbring?8Whatstheweatherlikethere? Task4 交流探究 讨论怎样把问题变得更加有礼貌(5mimutes)1. Excuse me, can you tell me what course I will study? 2. Pardon me, could you please tell me when the course will start? 3. Exc

7、use me, would you mind telling me where and what I can eat? 4. Excuse me, do you know where I will stay?5. Excuse me, can you tell me what activities I can do? 6. Pardon me, could you please tell me how to get to school?7. Do you know how much I will bring ?8 Pardon me, could you please tell me what

8、 the weather is like there ?Task5合作探究 打电话咨询(5mimutes) Make conversations according to the information in 3a.Task6训练巩固 自读3b想一想段落层次和句型的使用(2mimutes) Write a polite letter to the school asking for the information you want to know. Use your notes in 3a.In your letter, you should: introduce yourself say w

9、hen you are coming politely ask for information给出文体提示(见课件)Task7 小组合作完成写作任务 (5mimutes) Task8 读一读自己的作文 集体纠错(5mimutes) 可以借助多媒体展示学生作文Task9 引深探究(7mimutes) 一将所给直接引语变为间接引语:1.Shesaidtous,“IhasbeentoNewYork.”She_that_beentoNewYork.2.Wesaidtothem,“HaveyoulearnedFrench?”We_learnedFrench.3.Theysaidtous,“Whendoy

10、oudohomework?”Theyasked_dohomework.4.“Keepquiet,children.”hesaid.He_thechildren_quiet.5.“Dontlookoutofthewindow,”shesaidtome.She_me_outofthewindow.6.Theteachersaid,“Thesunisbiggerthanthemoon.”Theteacher_thatthesun_biggerthanthemoon.7.I dont know how I can get to the park.(改为简单句)I dont know_ _ _ to t

11、he park.二练考基础知识练习:1._oldmaninfrontofTomis_artist.A.An,anB.A,theC.The,anD.The,a2.Everyonewas_whentheyheardthe_news.A.exciting;excitingB.excited;excitingC.exciting excitedD.Excited;excited3.Shallwegoforapicnictomorrow?Well,itall_theweather.A.belongstoB.happenstoC.dependsonD.concentrateon4.Sorry,Ihaven



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