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1、冀教版英语八年级上册:Un it 4 My Neighbourhood Lesso n20教案设计Unit 4 My NeighbourhoodLesson20【教学内容】1. Lear ning some new words and phrases of less on 20: bakery, biscuit, go pass/by, tea biscuit.2. Talking about the way to school.【教学目标】1. Rememberi ng some new words and phrases of less on 20.2. Talking about the

2、 way to school.3. Un dersta nding the passage of less on 20.【教学重难点】1. Adverbial Clause with“ because ”.2. Somewhere Jenny and Brain pass on the way to school.【教学过程】温故知新:Check some words and phrases of less on 20: bakery, biscuit, go pass/by, tea biscuit.激情导入:What places do you pass on your way to sc

3、hool?Look at the pictures, what places do Jenny and Brain pass on the way to school?新课学习:I. Showing the teaching aims on the blackboard and asking students to read them together.1. Rememberi ng some new words and phrases of less on 20.2. Talking about the way to school.3. Un dersta nding the passage

4、 of less on 20.n. Listen to the passageand write true (T) or false (F). (Listening once or three times for finishing nu mber 1 of Lets Do It.)川. Read the less on and write true (T) or false (F). (At first, read the four questio ns and knowthe meaning. Second, read the E-mail quickly and write true (

5、T) or false (F). Then read the dialogue one sentence by one sentence and find someth ing that its importa nt or you dont un dersta nd it. At last, write dow n somethi ng importa nt on your no tebook.)IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words. (Finish number 2 of Lets DoIt.)V.

6、Match the statements on the left with the reasons on the right. (Finish number 3 of Lets DoIt.)W. Work in pairs. Talk about what you do on your way to school. Then make up a new dialogue with your partner. Finish number 4 of Lets Do It.)VD. Homework.1. Finish some exercises of less on 20 in exercise book.2. Finish some exercises of less on 20 in lear ning desig n.3. Do some exercise that you think it important for homework.# / 2


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