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1、2022-2023年考博英语-华东师范大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 翻译题名牌大学享受着绝大部分的政府教育拨款, 而地方大学只能依靠市场的力量, 这就意味着他们必须要招收更多的学生以确保财政收入。这种逐渐加大的差距必然会导致地方大学教育质量下滑, 这些地方学校严重缺乏富有经验的优秀教师。更糟糕的是, 这些学校都喜欢开设一些”软专业, 比如说, 会计, 金融, 公共事业管理, 国际贸易, 外语等等。这些时髦的专业不需要太多财资就可以开设, 从而使得学校珂以容纳下这些年的扩招学生。这些专业的毕业生过去受到就业市场的欢迎。然而, 由于这些专业的毕业生日益增多, 使得供需之间产生严重不平衡的现象。

2、【答案】The elite universities enjoy strong state patronage in terms of higher concentration of public resources while the local ones are largely left to rely on market forces, which means that they have to take in more students in order to secure their revenue. This widening gap inevitably led to deter

3、ioration of the quality of higher education in many local colleges, which suffer from a severe shortage of qualified and experienced teaching staff. Worse still, many of these colleges favored adding“soft”programs, e.g., accounting, business/public administration, international commerce, foreign lan

4、guages, etc. These popular programs require modest resources, thus providing an effective means for fast expansion. Graduates of these programs used to be welcomed into the job market. However, the proliferation of these programs has created a huge discrepancy between the supply and demand side.2. 单

5、选题My neighbors on either side of me have painted their houses,()of course makes my house look shabbier than it really is.问题1选项A.thatB.asC.whoD.which【答案】D【解析】考查非限定性定语从句。which指代前面的整个句子,对主句起附加说明的作用。句意:我两边的邻居都粉刷了他们的房子,这使我的房子看起来比实际更破旧。3. 单选题Henrys news report covering the conference was so()that nothing

6、had been omitted.问题1选项A.clearB.integratedC.comprehensiveD.understandable【答案】C【解析】词义辨析题。句意:亨利关于这次会议的新闻报道非常全面,没有遗漏任何东西。选项C符合句意。4. 单选题In our society the unwritten rules of communication discourage the direct expression of emotions. Count the number of genuine emotional expressions you hear over a two-o

7、r-three-day period and youll discover that emotional expressions are rare. People are generally comfortable making statements of fact and often delight in expressing their opinions, but they rarely disclose how they feel.Not surprisingly, the emotions that people do share directly are usually positi

8、ve. For example, one study of married couples revealed that the partners shared flattering feelings of face-saving ones. They also willingly disclosed both positive and negative feelings about absent third parties. On the other hand, the husbands and wives rarely expressed face-threatening feelings

9、of hostility.Surprisingly, social rules even discourage too much expression of positive feelings. A hug and kiss for Mother is all right, though a young man should shake hands with Dad. Affection toward friends becomes less and less frequent as we grow older, so that even a simple statement such as

10、“I like you” is seldom heard between adults.A review of research on emotional expression supports the cultural stereotype of the non-emotional male and the more emotional female. As a group, women are more likely than men to express their emotions. They are better at distinguishing between related f

11、eelings such as liking and loving, and they are more likely to have more affectionate relationships than men. Of course, these gender differences are statistical average, and there are many men and women who do not fall into these types.1.What is the main ides of this passage?2.People avoid expressi

12、ng their feelings directly because()3.Which of the following statements do people tend to express?4.That “Women are better than men in expressing feelings” is()5.According to the passage, it is surprising that()问题1选项A.Both adults and children seldom expose their feelings and opinions.B.Society is th

13、e real cause of peoples less expression of their affection.C.People like to talk freely behind a third person.D.Women are more open than men in expressing their feelings.问题2选项A.they have no time over a two-or-three-day periodB.they feel timid to do soC.they prefer facts to feelingsD.they feel uneasy

14、 when they disclose their inner world问题3选项A.Your hairstyle is good, but the color does not suit your skin.B.How should he have left the room in such a mess!C.Im sorry to say I cant love you any more.D.It is silly of you to have given up this chance.问题4选项A.a complete cultural stereotypeB.proven by re

15、searchC.the traditional prejudiceD.the key to social problems问题5选项A.women are more expressive than menB.husbands and wives tend to please each otherC.people are socially discouraged from expressing their positive feelingsD.people feel comfortable to disclose their negative feelings【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.判断推理题。第一段的第一句为本文的中心句。主要讲社会中不成文的交流规则阻碍了人们情感的表达。选项B符合原文。2.细节事实题。根据第一段的最后一句“People are generally comfortable making statements of fact and often delight in expressing their opinions, bu


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