On the Ruin of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby 了不起的盖茨比美国梦的破灭

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1、On the Ruin of the American Dream in The Great GatsbyAbstractF. Scott. Fitzgerald (1896-1940), as the most famous chronicler and laureate of the Jazz Age, is one of the most representative American novelist of the 1920s. He was not only a leading participant in the typically frivolous, carefree, mon

2、eymaking life of the decade but also a detached observer of it. Owing to its extraordinary literary merits, Fitzgeralds Great Gatsby is listed among the most notable twentieth-century American novels. This thesis analyzes the roots of the disillusionment of Gatsbys dream from the social, historical

3、and authorial perspectives. By exploring the origins and essential nature of Gatsbys dream, the naivety and innocence in his personality and the cruelty of the Jazz Age society epitomized by the ruthless and immoral Buchanans, the paper draws the conclusion that a combination of these elements defin

4、es Gatsbys failure and destruction in the end. Theme discussion in this paper is basically done through history and character analysis, which aims for better understanding of the connotation of the novel. Key words: Scott. Fitzgerald; The Great Gatsby; American dream; disillusionment内容摘要弗朗西斯司科特菲兹杰拉德

5、往往被推崇为“爵士时代”的编年史家和桂冠诗人,是二十世纪美国最重要的作家之一。他不仅亲身经历了美国历史上“最会纵乐、最讲究炫丽”的时代的生活,而且以敏锐的目光,审视着那个时代所发生的一切。代表作了不起的盖茨比一问世便以其蕴涵的重大社会意义和表现的精湛艺术成就引起巨大轰动,被认为是二十世纪美国文学中最优秀的作品之一。本论文从人物分析着手, 从社会、历史、以及作者自身的经历和世界观等多方面探讨导致主人公盖茨比梦毁人亡的根源所在。美国梦幻灭不仅有其深刻的社会历史原因,且与盖茨比性格中的自我毁灭因素息息相关。通过分析我们可以看出盖茨比之梦的历史渊源和实质,盖茨比性格中的天直单纯和不谙世故以及以汤姆、黛

6、西为代表的美国社会的冷酷无情和道德沦丧。这些从根本上决定了美国梦的幻灭。本文主要通过人物分析来分析作品的主题,并将二者有机地统一起来,意在较全面深刻地解读作品的内涵。关键词:司科特菲茨杰拉德;了不起的盖茨比;美国梦;幻灭ContentsIntroduction .1I. Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby.11.1 Fitzgeralds Life and His Works.11.2 Social and Historical Context of The Great Gatsby.2II. The Disillusion of the American Drea

7、m.32.1 The So-called American Dream:A Historical Retrospect. .32.1.1 Origin of the American Dream.32.1.2 Development of the American Dream.42.1.3 Corruption of the American Dream.42.2 The Disillusionment of Gatsbys Dream.62.2.1 Origins of Gatsbys Dream.62.2.2 Essence of Gatsbys Dream. Elemen

8、ts of Gatsbys Dream . A Dream with Its Elements in Conflict.8III. Cruelty of the Society.93.1 The Conflicts between the New Rich and the Established Rich.93.1.1 The Economic Difference.93.1.2 The Social Conflict.103.2 Cruelty of the Society Epitomized by the Immoral Buchanans.11Conclusion.13

9、References .15iIntroductionI. Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby1.1 Fitzgeralds Life and His Works F. Scott. Fitzgerald was the most representative novelist of the 1920s. He was not only an active, leading participant in the typically frivolous, moneymaking life of the decade, but also a detached, prof

10、ound observer of it at the same time. His own life was a mirror of the times. He led a priceless life and achieved much during the “Roaring Twenties”, drinking hard whisky, driving fast cars, and taking much delight in it. F. Scott. Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896, in St. Paul-in the Middl

11、e West of America. His father was a poor but well-bred descendent of the family. During a Christmas vacation spent in St. Paul, Fitzgerald fall in love with Ginevra king who is a wealthy Chicago debutante. But later Ginevra king rejected him because her father thought that he was not rich. In 1917,

12、Fitzgerald met Zelda Sayre and fell in love with her soon. However, although Zelda willing to become engaged to Fitzgerald, did not finally agree to marry him until he could show his ability to support her. So the moment the army released him in 1919, He became a novelist for the sole purpose of ear

13、ning enough money to marry Zelda!(Elizabeth 1982: 62) In 1919, he published his first novel This Side of Paradise, which was an immediate success. Suddenly, Fitzgerald got rich and famous at the age of twenty-three, and then he returned to Zelda and married her. Zelda caused Fitzgeralds greatest happiness and deepest sorrow throughout his life. For four years, the stylish young couple plunged into the wealthy society of their generation. They recklessly pursued their pleasures from America to Europe, spending more money than they earned. During this period, Fit



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