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1、Issues for Quiz of Selected Readings of English Literature1.What is literature?Literature comes from human interest in telling a story, in arranging words in artistic forms, in describing in words some aspects of our human experiences. Therefore, we can define literature as language artistically use

2、d to achieve identifiable literary qualities and to convey meaningful messages. It is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.Literature refers to well-structured language with artistic qualities, a reflection of life and human nature.2

3、. The elements of fiction: plot, character, setting, point of view, theme, symbol , style and tone3. What is fiction?n Narrowly speaking, fiction refers to the short story and the novel( coming out in the late 18th century); broadly speaking, it refers to any narrative, in prose( novel, short story,

4、 drama, biography, history) or in verse (epic, ballad, idyll, dramatic monologue), that is wholly or in part the product of the imagination.4. The plot of a work of fiction is the deliberately arranged of interrelated events that constitute the basic narrative structure of a novel or a short story.

5、The major function of plot can be said to be the representation of characters in action, internal (psychological), or external (physical). 5. Round CharactersRound( multi-dimensional, complex, dynamic) characters embody a number of qualities and traits and are complex multidimensional characters of

6、considerable intellectual and emotional depth who have capacity to grow and change. They are usually major characters. They are open, multi-faceted ,full of depth, and flexible6. What is setting?The geographical location; the time (historical period, specific) ;climatic conditions. It is a broad wor

7、d. It covers the places in which character are presented; the social context of characters, such as their families, friends and class; the customs, beliefs and rules of behavior of their society; and the total atmosphere, mood or feel that is created by these.7. Theme To some, theme may mean the mor

8、al or lesson that can be worked out from the work (Aesops fables) Theme is also used sometimes to refer to the basic issue, problem, or subject with which the work is concerned, for example, “love” “growing up” “the nature of man” “the discovery of truth” “the initiation into adulthood” or “violence

9、”n8. Symbol A Symbol is “something that stands for or suggests something wise by reason of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance a visible sign of something invisible.” For example, home symbolizes feelings of warmth and security and personal associations of family, friend

10、s and neighborhood, the Chinese flag suggests country and patriotism.9.ToneTone is a term used to characterize the special qualities of accent, inflection, and duration in speakers voice. For example, a mother can tell her child to “Come here!” in a manner that is angry, threatening, concerned, amus

11、ed, sympathetic, or affectionate. In each case, the mothers meaning is the same- she wants her child to come. 10. What is Romance?A romance was a long composition, in verse or in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. It generally concerns knights and involves a large amount of f

12、ighting as well as a number of miscellaneous adventures.11.Allegory: Allegory is a technique for expanding the meaning of a literary work by having the characters, and some times the setting and events represent certain general abstract ideas, qualities or concepts usually moral, religious or politi

13、cal in nature.Unlike symbolism, the abstractions of allegory are fixed and definite and tend to take the form of simple and specific ideas that, once identified, can be readily understood and easily remembered.12. Humanism: Humanism is the key-note of the Renaissance.Humanism was a literary and phil

14、osophic system of thought which attempted to place the affairs of mankind at the center of its concerns. According t humanists, man should mould the world according to his own desires, and attain happiness by removing all external checks by the exercise of human intellect and reason.13.The Enlighten

15、ment In Europe: On the whole, it is an expression of strangle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. The enlighteners fought against class inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. It is an intellectual movement. The enlightenment was so called because it considered the chi

16、ef means for the betterment of the society was the “enlightenment” or “education” of the people. In other words they believed in the power of reason and their watchword (标语, 口号)was “common sense”. The reasoning intellect was applied to everything as the sole measure.14. Critical RealismThe Victorian novelists are also called critical realists, for in addition to describing life, they were also


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