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1、牛津译林版 9 年级英语冲刺培优卷 4一、选择题。1. “We are all running very hard. We are all dream chasers.” President Xi said in his _New Year speech.A. 12 minutes B. 12-minute C.12 minutes D. 12-minutes2. -What do you think of the movie The Wandering Earth?-Fantastic. Ive never watched _ Chinese science fiction film bef

2、ore.A. a nicer B. a worse C. the nicer D. worse3. In ancient times, people seldom travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled_ the local market.A. longer than B. more than C. as much as D. as far as4. -Marks car _ a cloud of dust as he drove off.-Thats why we dislike him at all.A. raise

3、d B. rose C. was raised D. was rising5. He found it increasingly difficult to read, _ his eyesight was beginning to fall.A. and B. for C. but D. or6. The story itself was certainly a popular one, but there is no doubt that it was pure .A. invention B. instruction C. introduction D. information7. As

4、soon as you this drink, you will never forget it. You may find it different from any other drink you have ever tried.A. see B. smell C. taste D. feel8. She devoted herself to her research and it made her very famous in her field.A. strongly B. exactly C. specially D. completely9. Life is a journey w

5、ith trouble, but with care and wisdom you can any problem you face.A. work out B. hand out C. find out D. put out10. How do you get on with the English novel?Ive no idea. I only half of it, and Ill try to finish it at the weekend.A. read B. am reading C. have read D. will read11. Try not to depend o

6、n your parents often, for they cant do _for you all your life.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing12. Oh, dear! I forgot my best friend Kittys birthday. _ Better keep it in mind next year.A. No problem. B. You did?【答案】BADAB BACDAC CB 二、完形填空。C. Its OK.D. Why not?A few weeks ago, I went o

7、n a camping trip at Pitt Lake. I spent three days and two wonderful nights there.It was a new experience for me, so at first, I was both nervous and 1. Luckily,the weather was beautiful,so we got off to a good start. Because there were so many people including both coaches and students, we had a big

8、 canoe( 独木舟) and a 2 one to get there. I chose to be in the smaller one with my friend Mary, but we soon found this was not a wise 3 . In order to catch up with the bigger canoe, both of us had to paddle hard. My arms and hands quickly became tired and painful. Many and I played “Ten Questions” 4 we

9、 were paddling to take our minds out of the pain. In this game ,one person thinks of an object and the other person asks 10 questions to try and figure out what the 5 is. We enjoyed ourselves before we reached the campsite.We started a campfire soon after we arrived. At night, we 6 around the fire,

10、roasting ( 烤 ) marshmallows and listening to horror stories. some of the other campers put their wet shoes and socks beside the fire to dry. 7 , because of the wind,one pair of socks a most caught on fire. Everyone was in fear! One person was so scared that he 8 his folding chair. How 9 it was! We a

11、ll had a good laugh!Time new quickly. 10 , it was time to go back. We didnt want to leave and agreed that we would hangout together a in sometimesoon.1. A. excited2 A. nicer3. A. result4. A. before5. A. picture6. A. missed7. A. However8. A. stood on9. A. bad10. A. FirstlyB. tiredB. betterB. choiceB.

12、 whileB. subjectB. gatheredB. StillB. fell offB. stupidB. SecondlyC. boredC. fasterC. planC. afterC. objectC. turnedC. OtherwiseC. sat besideC. funnyC. ThirdlyD. relaxedD. smallerD. promiseD. untilD. questionD. livedD. MoreoverD. lied inD. cleverD. Finally【答案】 ADBBC BABCD三、阅读理解。It happens every s pr

13、ing. Flowers come out everywhere on the same day. But how do plants “know” when to flower?For years, it has been a difficult question for scientists. But a US research group may have finallyanswered itthe secret lies in a protein(蛋白质)called FKF1. This helps plants to know when the days become long a

14、nd when they get short. Then they can tell the seasons are changing.Researchers found the FKF1 protein when they were studying a plant called Arabidopsis(拟南芥). It is sensitive(敏感的)to sunlight, and can be made active by sunlight.Plants produce this protein every day in the late afternoon all year. If

15、 there is no light at this time, forexample in winter when the sun goes down early, the protein wont be active. But when spring comes andthe days get longer, the FKF1 protein can be made active by day light and the plants “know” it is time toflower. “If there is light in the late afternoon, plants will know that the days are getting longer and that it isthe best time


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