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1、第7讲现在分词、导锲教材现在分词的基本用法使用现在分词的几个注意点不定式与现在分词的比较非谓语选择答题的过程二、教师点拨(一)现在分词的基本用法1. 现在分词形式:一般主动式doing, 一般被动式being done,完成主动式 having done,完成被动式 having been done现在分词表示“主动和进行”,分词可以有自己的状语、宾语或逻辑主语等。2. 否定式:在现在分词之前加not, nevero仞!J 1. the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.(广东卷)A. Not competingB

2、. Not completedC. Not having completedD. Having not completed【分析】答案是C。根据非谓语动词的否定式要将not等放在非谓语动词的前面,排除D;由they 与complete是主动关系,用现在分词,排除B; “还没有完成”发生在“决定”之前,所以用现 在分词的完成式,排除A。3. 现在分词的基本用法:1)一般主动式用法:A. 作定语:分词作定语时,单个的分词通常放在被修饰的名词之前,分词短语一般置于所修饰的中 心词后面。This is really an exhausting day to all of us!The factory

3、making TV sets is very large.=The factory which makes TV sets is very large.B. 作表语:The story sounds very interesting.C. 作宾补:用于 see, watch, hear, feel, find, have, keep等动词之后。例如:We can see st earn rising from the wet clot hes.注:上述动词后跟不定式作宾补表示动作的过程,而不是正在进行中的动作,而现在分词作宾 补则表示正在进行中的动作。例如:I heard them singi

4、ng in the room when I passed it. (singing不可改为 sing)Do you often hear them sing in the room ? (sing不可改为 singing)have sb. do sth.与 have sb. doing sth.的区别:前者 have = let,后者 have 有时表“keep” 意。如:Fll have him go with me.我将让他和我一块去。Dont have the machine working all day .不要让机器整天工作。D. 作状语: 时间状语:Reading the lett

5、er, I couldn71 help thinking of my school life. 原因状语:Being ill, I didnt go to school yes terday. 方式或伴随状语:Mary stood at the school gate waiting for Eetty.2)完成主动式用法:这种分词所表示的动作发生在句中谓语动词所表示的动作之前,一般在句中作时间或原因 状语用,不能作定语用。例如:仞!J 2.The old man,abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.(江苏

6、卷)A. to work B. working C. to have worked D. having worked【分析】答案是Do work发生在谓语动作(返回祖国)之前,用现在分词的完成式作状语,表示 时间,相当于after he has worked abroad-,不定式作状语不能表示时间。3)一般被动式用法:在表示一个被动动作时,如果这个动作正在进行,或是与谓语表示的动作同 时发生,我们可以用现在分词的被动形式。The bridge being built now will be completed in three months.This is one of the experi

7、ments being carried on in our laboratory.Being surrounded by the students, the teacher was answering questions one by one.4)完成被动式用法:表示发生在谓语动作之前的被动动作,在句中多作状语,不能作定语。例如:Having been praised a second time , I decided to make still greater progress.(二)使用现在分词的几个注意点:1作状语用的现在分词,其逻辑主语必须同句中主语为同一人或同一事,例如:Standi

8、ng on top of the tall building, the whole city could be seen.(误)Standing on top of the tall building, we could see the whole city.(正)(Standing=When we stood)Having found the cause, the experiment continued.(误)Having found the cause, they continued the experiment.(正)(Having found =After/When they had

9、 found)2. 短暂动词(即瞬间动词)的现在分词被动式不可作宾补或定语。例如:He saw the old man knocked down by the car.(knocked down 不可改为 being knocked down 或 having been knicked down)3. while ( when, once, until, if, though等连词)+分词”结构现在分词作状语时,有时可以在分词前 力口 while, when, once, although, until, if 等连词。例如 When leaving the airport, she wave

10、d again and again to us.Although working very hard, he failed to pass the final exam.4. 特殊的独立结构或词语(“悬垂分词”问题)有的非谓语动词或短语在长期的使用中已成为固定用语,用来表示说话人对说话的内容所持的态 度,而与句子在语法上关系并不十分密切,常用逗号隔开,因此,被称为独立成分。现在分词的独立结构。如:judging by/ from(根据判断),talking of(谈起来),generallyspeaking(一般说来),strictly speaking(严格说来),frankly speak

11、ing(坦率地说)等。如:Judging from his accent, he must be from Hunan. 根据他的口音判断,他一定是湖南人。Talking of Jim, have you heard that hes getting married?说到吉姆,你听说过他要结婚了吗?(2)用作介词或连词的分词。如:considering(考虑到,就而言)可作介词或连词,后接名词或that从句;providing/ provided(假如),supposing(假如)可作表示条件的连词,后接that从句。 regarding(=conceniing)作介词,意于“关于、至于。如:

12、Shes very active, considering her age.就她的年龄来说,她是够活跃的。Supposing it rains, can we play the match indoors?要是下雨的话,我们在室内比赛行吗?(三)非谓语选择答题的流程第一步,分析句子成分,判断动词在句中所作的成分。第二步,考虑非谓语动词与相应的逻辑主语或被修饰词之间的主动还是被动关系。1、主语:只需要考虑to do (般表示一次特定的行为)或是v-ing (般表示习惯性行为)。2、宾语:只需要考虑to do或是v-ing.至于区别,我建议把常接v-ing作宾语的特殊动词背下来。 主动或被动取决于

13、句子主语。例 3 I dont mind to the party.A.being no tinvited B.not inviting C.not being invited D.not to be invited 答案是C.mind后应该用v-ing,所以排除D, invite与I是被动关系,所以排除B, not应该放在being 前,所以C正确。3、定语。主动&被动取决于被修饰的词。注意:不定式主动形式表示被动意义的用法。当不定式 所修饰的词是动作的承受者时,句中有动作的施动者时,不定式一般用主动形式。例 4 公事 There are not many shoes for him.A.t

14、o choose from B.to choose C. to be chosen from D.to be chosen答案是A.动词不定式做shoes的定语,与shoes构成动宾关系,him是choose的动作施动者,所 以应该用主动形式。choose直接跟宾语是选中某物,而句中的意思是从中选择,所以应该选A.4、表语。V-ing表示主动意义、正在进行和主语的性质;过去分词表示被动意义、完成和主语的状O5、补语。如果是补充说明宾语,考虑与宾语的主动或是被动关系;如果是补充说明主语,考虑与 主语的主动或是被动关系。例 5 He raised his voice so as to make h

15、imself.A. hear B. hearing C. be heard D. heard 答案是D.动词在句中作补语,与宾语himself是被动关系,所以选择过去分词heard6、状语。考虑与句子主语的主动或是被动关系。仞!J 6, the old man is living a happy life.A. Taking good care B. Taken good care C. Having taken good care D. Taken good care of 答案是D.动词在句中作状语,与句子主语构成被动关系。第三步,考虑所选动词与句子谓语动词所表示的动作行为之间发生的先后关系。同时发生:doing, being done 或to be doing; 发生在谓语动词之前:having done, done 或to have done发生在谓语动词 之后:to do.(四)不定式与现在分词的比较1. 不定式、-ing形式作定语的比较(1)不定式作定语不定式作定语要放在它所修饰的名词之后,表示一个将来的动作,即不定式的动作发生在谓语动作 之后。多用来修饰have, there be, with之后的名词,表示“有要”或修饰“the+序数词”。注意:不定式作定语,当被修饰的词是不定式动作发生的时间、地点、工具


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