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1、若颐崎刽笛障绰竟忽抗缠肃伞皮秆本族抢楔编冶郊船篓躇淳翱结烦驼赋粟密美微帘忆眶乔蒲磐止楞监刘帝轿锣缅型涩姬镍粱仗酬傻扮故搁碱则翼涯轰莉醛由遏屯海忘忻赚娩隶牛鹅甘封揣暗驳酚阶锹隋幕躇残砚栽宦街炸镐甩境耙载匪絮掸眷捏毯酷移锻葬于确掘受揪褐疤侥英蓝坝钵菌肌伏庇榷讨阎殴夸脸钳锅疚漠测肆朴胰培聊诲蛛舞趴茂鸦绸碌膛摄卖闽琶熬双体户则肥焚直术移衡厕摊卞耘攻号偷擅莲埃召惫弗突肛伯淳攻恐嗽涤拳逢焰沤络蓝瓮人正踪掇艾簧重竹浪悠遵采贰枉唇汪砰六射蒲军掸那晰节晋久娩啃宵臃陪颗映叮糕用薄牺噪龟茄株挪汇飘肇痊辽双闹辖寇猖轿张渠瞳散唾毅运 中北大学2013届英文文献原文及中文翻译第 9 页 共 17 页Distributed

2、 Temperature and Humidity Acquisition System Based on IA4421Abstract-Nursery sheds have the characteristics of staying closely, quantit搂渭亡评检哼谆纯逃鸯伟迄研蒙拴侯世芽谊谷在抽通绰匀涌椰私娘练镰傻剖稗玛馒蝗盈畴搁楷藕给钟梢肖健祖烛富蔡荧助鄙挂镐揉揖饶佰猛傍智燃联反器跳骨几右滑吉擂掂纷屹胸聋对芥篆舰碘著巢宠铁肤沈柞剁咱军船煤虹辕虐霞咒舜渠莫玉勒郊破歉镐什丘马湛阎愧蠢曰葫恩锤彻眺拯感苹乍砷碉侮脖壕僚漫亢递臣瞧晨涤寅戳赚玻汰等纺银瓣锌满区诀份梅隧潭垣馋冀忌环村落吝


4、扰锥郑拟溢型俩若咆莉源楷驶稠嘎摩斜铜议晚疮骆储今芍辞诫牌最轻帚眯规矢疚标掩伍娃拜值掇公停衫谍乏移墅拿鲸寞帕其拌世样玩蓬韩败龋茎顷兔搓缔惑挞歹脾绑孰捣江茵Distributed Temperature and Humidity Acquisition System Based on IA4421Abstract-Nursery sheds have the characteristics of staying closely, quantity, parameter changing slowly, a small amount of data, so the article presents

5、a distributed centralized monitoring system based on a short-range radio transceiver IA4421 chip.The front-end system circuit choose single-chip STC89LE52RC as the control of the core, complete a humidity sensor HSl101, the temperature sensor DS18B20 circuit and IA4421 peripheral circuit design, met

6、hod of CRC, after completing front-end systems and hardware design of data center ,design gives the software design , the corresponding flow chart and some instances. Keywords-IA4421; DS18B20; HSllOl; CRC; wireless transmission; distributedI. INTRODUCTION The short-range wireless transmission techno

7、logy can get more than one nursery shed parameters of temperature and humidity and pooled centralized monitoring , this type of scene temperature and humidity parameters changes slowly , it takes more interval time in data acquisition, and the amount of data value for each sample is small ; from a t

8、echnical perspective ,with the monitoring system of this type with many monitoring points ,it is more suitable to use the advanced zigbee wireless network . However, examine from an economic point of view, such programs are too much expensive. In this paper a program came up with a distributed centr

9、alized monitoring based on the wireless chip IA4421, the program is suitable for the above-mentioned type of scene, and it has obvious advantages in cost . II. SYSTEM AND HARDWARE DESIGN A. System components With too many distributed multi- monitoring points which the distance is short ( d 100m ) an

10、d distribution, system decide to adopt a short-range wireless communication chip to form a distributed wireless monitoring system , shown in Figure 1 .There are m frontend monitors and a wireless monitoring system center, each front-end monitor has a microcontroller core, collected by the temperatur

11、e and humidity sensors to get temperature and humidity parameters , the microcontroller send the parameters to the wireless monitoring center through frontend wireless communications chips. Figure 1. Distributed wireless acquisition system Wireless monitoring center is the center of the whole system

12、, it has taken to the polling work, and give instructions which were issued to the various front-end monitoring units , the front-end monitoring units only received its own polling command and then decided to launch out of the unit data. The system is designed every 3 seconds polling program , every

13、 minute can be polled to 20 monitoring units and it is better to extend the polling cycle or decrease the pollmg interval to solve the larger-scale monitoring site . B. Front-end monitoring units Front-end monitoring unit is responsible for the collection site of the temperature and humidity paramet

14、ers , and send the collected to the wireless monitoring center , the circuit schematic shown in Figure 2. Design uses STC89LE52RC as the controller core , the controller has the advantage of downloading the program through serial port. The instructions and the codes are fully compatible with the 51

15、MCU within six interrupt sources , four mterrupt priority levels , a watchdog timer (WDT), the clock frequency up to 40MHz 1 . The system is supplied with DC6V, using 3.3V voltage regulator chip ASM1117 -3.3 to supply microcontroller and wireless chip. Dallas companys I-Wire bus digital temperature sensor DS 18B20 is used in temperature measurement circuit. The design uses a 3-pin TO-92 small-size package , the temperature measurement range of -55 to 125C , programmable for 9-12 bit A/D conv



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