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1、精品范文模板 可修改删除撰写人:_日 期:_难句分割1. Breaking away from industrial agriculture as the solution to hunger may be very hard for some countries, 动名词短语作主语 谓语 表语but in Britain, where the immediate need to supply food is less urgent, and the costs and the damage of 转折信号词 1非限制性定语从句(并列句) 2由and连接的并列句intensive farmin

2、g have been clearly seen, it may be more feasible. (C7T2RP2) 主 谓 表 【结构】1、由but连接的表示转折的句子;2、主体框架为:Breaking away from industrial agriculture may be very hard for some countries, but in Britainit may be more feasible; 3、it指代真正的主语breaking away from industrial agriculture as the solution to hunger, 避免重复。【

3、译文】对于一些国家而言,通过摆脱工业化农业解决饥饿问题也许相当困难,但在英国,对粮食的需求相对缓和,并且大家都清楚的看到了集约农业所消耗的成本并带来的破坏,放弃工业化农业更为可行。2. The shinbashira, running up through a hole in the centre of the building, constrained individual stories from 主语 插入语(现在分词短语作定语) 谓语 宾语moving too far because, after moving a certain distance, they banged into

4、it, transmitting energy away along 信号词 插入语(介词短语) 原因状语从句 现在分词短语作结果状语the column. (C7T2RP1)【结构】1、由because连接的表示因果的句子;2、主体框架为:The shinbashira constrained individual stories because【译文】被称为shinbashira的中柱从建筑中央的孔贯穿而下,使得单个楼层不会移动得太远,因为每移动一段距离之后,能量也就通过柱子转走了。3. However, recent discoveries, research and experimen

5、ts have shed new light on exactly how it was built, 转折信号词 主语 谓语 宾语从句challenging the assumptions of recent decades. (C7GTBRS3) 现在分词短语作结果状语【结构】1、由however开头的表示转折的句子;2、主体框架为:然而,recent discoveries, research and experiments have shed new light on exactly how it was built【译文】然而,最近的发现、研究和实验结果对铁桥的建造过程作出了新的阐释

6、,对近几十年的假设提出了质疑。4. Unprecedented construction of tens of thousands of monumental engineering projects designed to control 主语 介词of引导的介词短语作后置定语1修饰constructionfloods, protect clean water supplies, and provide water for irrigation and hydropower brought great benefits 过去分词designed引导的过去分词短语作后置定语2修饰project

7、s, 谓语 宾语designed后又跟三个并列的动词不定式,作目的状语,修饰designedto hundreds of millions of people. (C7T1RP2)【结构】1、难点是主语部分冗长,主语的中心语是construction,后跟了两个超长的后置定语。2、主体框架为: construction brought great benefits 【译文】数以万计大型水利工程的建造是史无前例的,旨在防洪,保证清洁水资源的供应,提供足够的水用以农田灌溉和水力发电,已经造福了数亿人。5. The new breeding programme, run by the Austral

8、ian Customs, is so successful that more than 50% of its dogs 主语 插入语(过去分词短语)系动词 表语 主语make the grade. (C7GTARS3) 谓语【结构】1、主体框架是sothat引导的结果状语从句;2、主语部分比较长,与系动词之间还插入了过去分词作插入语。【译文】澳大利亚海关负责的新犬培育计划相当成功,其培育出的狗有一半以上达标。6. During a routine mail screen that can take hours, the dogs stay so focused that not even a

9、 postcard lined with 时间状语(包含一个that引导的定语从句) 谓语 结果状语从句:主语 过去分词短 0.5 grams of heroin and hidden in a bulging sack of letters escapes detection. (C7GTARS3) 语作后置定语1 信 过去分词短语作后置定语2 谓语 宾语【结构】1、主体框架是sothat引导的结果状语从句;2、主句的主语部分还包括一个定语从句;3、从句的主语部分后跟两个并列的过去分词短语作后置定语。【译文】再一次耗时数小时的例行邮件检查中,警犬高度专注,可以在鼓鼓的一大袋信件中查找出一张藏

10、有0.5克海洛因的明信片。7. With the onset of statehood, however, the State of Alaska took over management of its own fisheries, guided 转折信号词 主语 谓语 宾语 by a state constitution which mandates that Alaska natural resources be managed on a sustainable basis. 过去分词短语作伴随状语 定从 宾从: 谓语(虚拟(should) do)(C7T4PR2)【结构】1、复杂;2、主

11、体框架是the State of Alaska took over management of its own fisheries,后跟一个过去分词短语作伴随状语,其中包括一个定语从句,定语从句中有嵌套一个宾语从句。【译文】不过,阿拉斯加州政府通过抗争夺回了渔业自主管理权,在州宪法的指导下开展渔业活动。州宪法规定阿拉斯加的自然资源必须在可持续发展的基础上进行开发利用。8. But, in 1993, fed up with the poor success rate of finding good dogs this way, John Vandeloo, senior 转折信号词 形容词短语

12、作原因状语 主语instructor with the Detector Dog Unit, joined forces with Kath Champness, then a doctoral student at the 同位语1 谓1 宾 状 同位语2University of Melbourne, and set up a breeding programme. (C7GTARS1) 并谓2 宾语【结构】1、由but连接的表示转折的句子;2、主体框架是 John Vandeloo joined the forces with Kath Champness and set up a br

13、eeding programme;3、全句的主语是John Vandeloo,后跟同位语解释说明他的职业和地位等等,他发出了两个并列的动作,第一是与Kath Champness联手,后再跟一个同位语解释说明Kath Champness的职业地位等等,第二个动作是set up a breeding programme。【译文】但是在1993年,侦探犬训练部高级教官约翰凡德鲁(John Vandeloo)厌倦了用某种方法寻找优良犬的低成功率,于是与凯斯钱伯尼斯当时她还是墨尔本大学的在读博士生,联手开展了一个培育计划。9. In any event, whether or not the reaso

14、n is the energy expense, it seems to be the case that, with the possible 让步状语 让步状语从句 主 系 表 形主 谓 表exception of some wired deep-sea fish, no animal apart from man uses manufactured light to find its way 插入语 真主 谓 宾about. (C7T1RP1)【结构】1、in any event, 肯定是表示让步的句子;2、主体框架为 it seems to be the case that 。3、首先是一个由whether引导让步状语从句,接主句it seems ,再接插入语,真正的主语置后。4、主语的成分由主语从句充当。【译文】无论是不是能量消耗的缘故,事实是,除了一



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