高一英语 Unit9 Technology Language studyGrammar Integrating skillsdoc45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版第一册

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1、Unit 9 Technology训练三 Language study,Grammar & Integrating skills基础巩固:站起,拿得到!.用所给动词的正确形式填空1.The phones_(use) everywhere.答案:are being used2.Look!The roads_(widen).答案:are being widened3.A lot of rivers_(pollute) now.答案:are being polluted4.The reporter_(interview) a group of young people in the hall at

2、that time.答案:was interviewing5.A new school_(build)here.They hope to finish it next year.答案:is being built6.New types of cellphones_ (produce) in this company now.答案:are being produced7.We have not decided when to have a picnic;it_(depend) on the weather.答案:depends/will depend8.The host kept_(press)

3、the guests to eat.答案:pressing9.The juice of the grapes_(press)out.答案:is pressed10.Six _(add) to six makes twelve.答案:added.单项选择1.If you have a cell_phone,you can call help in case _an emergency.A.for;of B.of;for C.to;for D.to;of答案:A call for sth.意为“需要”;in case of意为“万一”,后面跟相当于名词的词。2.We are feeling com

4、pletely tired out;we have been _ever since six oclock this morning.A.at the work B.rushed on the feet C.on board D.on the go答案:D on the go意为“非常忙碌”,和前句“我们感到精疲力竭”相呼应。3.We are asked to do _ we can_the earth.A.all;to save B.what;save C.that;to save D.all that;save答案:A to save the earth为不定式短语作目的状语,前半部分是一

5、个定语从句,关系词在句中作宾语,可以省略,all为先行词,表示“我们所能做的一切”。4.Its a pleasant day for a picnic.Its certain that well_.A.have a fun B.have fun C.enjoy fun D.get funny答案:B have fun为固定搭配,表示“玩得愉快”,相当于have a good time。fun 在这里为不可数名词。5.My sister wants to work in a paper plant which _still_.A.is;being built B.is;building C.is

6、;to be built D.has;been built答案:A 此句为定语从句,plant和build为被动关系,且由句意可知“我妹妹想工作的造纸厂仍在建造当中”,故要用现在进行时。6.The new film _in this cinema now.Why dont you go in and see it?A.is showing B.is being shown C.is shown D.shows答案:B film和show是被动关系,且由now可知此句的谓语动词应用现在进行时的被动语态。7.The problems _ now.A.are discussed B.are disc

7、ussingC.are being discussed D.are going to discuss答案:C 同上。8.Your new computer will soon become out-dated because technology_so fast.A.is developing B.is being developedC.will be developed D.has been developed答案:A 表示科技的发展应用现在进行时。9.The building which _at present will be used of science lab.A.is repair

8、ing B.has been repairedC.is being repaired D.is repaired答案:C 由句意可知,这个建筑物至今还没修复完,即在修复的过程中,故要用现在进行时,且建筑物是被人修复,答案为C项。10.It is said that tigers_ in Asia year after year.A.are being disappeared B.are disappearingC.will disappeared D.will disappear答案:B tigers和disappear是主动关系,year after year 是“一年接一年”的意思,表示“

9、老虎正在消失”,故选B项。能力提升:踮起脚,抓得住!.根据句子意思,选择合适的短语或单词用其正确形式填空come up by force take over dream about in case stay in touch with take away work different from take out1.I am interested in walking in space.I have been_becoming an astronaut.答案:dreaming about dream about意为“梦想”,也可和of搭配。2.If you have a mobile phone

10、,you may_your old friends.答案:stay in touch with stay in touch with与保持联系。等于keep in touch with,都表状态。get in touch with意为“与某人取得联系”,表动作。3.The radio I bought here last week doesnt _now.答案:work work作不及物动词,表“运转;有效;起作用;行得通”。4.Let me know_you are not coming.答案:in case in case意为“万一;假设;以防”。起连词的作用。5.Mr.Collins w

11、ill_ my duties a week after I leave.答案:take over take over意为“接收;接管;接任”。6.What he did was quite _ what he said.答案:different from different from意为“不同于;与不同”。7.Toms father lost his job and that _him_from school.答案:took;away take away意为“带走,拿走;剥夺”。8.He made his workers work for him without a rest _.答案:by

12、force by force意为“强迫;用武力”。9.He put his hand into his pocket and_ a knife.答案:took out take up意为“拿出;取出”。10.Slow our steps to wait them to _ with us.答案:come up come up with sb.意为“跟上”。.翻译下列句子1.他在物理学上取得的成功确实是一件令人惊奇的事。(surprise)答案:That he has become a success in physics is really a surprise.2.按照你希望的那样去做这项工

13、作。(as)答案:You can do the work as you wish.3.小男孩靠卖报为生。(by)答案:The little boy made a living by selling the newspaper.4.他花了大半生的时间写那本书。(spend)答案:He has spent much of his life writing that book.5.没有水,而且也没有电。(not only.but also)答案:Not only was there no electricity,but also(there was)no water.拓展应用:跳一跳,够得着!.将下列句子变成被动语态1.I cant go out now.I am washing my clothes.答案:I cant go out now.My clothes are being washed.2.The artist is painting some pictures on the wall.答案:


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