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1、语音与词汇真题归类卷一、判断下列各组单词画线部分读音是()否()相同。(5分)1. count house around ( )2. cook book food ( )3. wow know window ( )4. sweet feet speak ( )5. windy story shy ( )二、选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分)( ) 1. A. rainbow B. wait C. card D. way( ) 2. A. bridge B. bike C. river D. him( ) 3. A. dirty B. say C. Saturday D. may

2、( ) 4. A. old B. hot C. photo D. no( ) 5. A. beef B. healthy C. tea D. week三、选出与每组单词画线部分读音相同的单词,写在横线上。(8分)cute yellow feed too sunny down birthday bottle(1) noodles cool _ (2) see repeat _(3) sound about _(4) tomorrow snow _(5) candy any _(6) today always _(7) music Tuesday _(8) table apple _四、读一读,选

3、出每组中不同类的一项。(5分)( ) 1. A. water B. tea C. drink( ) 2. A. funny B. sometimes C. kind( ) 3. A. grass B. fresh C. flower( ) 4. A. strict B. wash C. send( ) 5. A. bottle B. picture C. there五、在下列每组单词后补充两个相同类别的单词,并写在横线上。(10分)1. Monday Sunday Friday _ _2. lake mountain forest _ _3. cook finish draw _ _4. ne

4、ar beside on _ _5. high small tall _ _六、看图片,写词语。(6分)1. 2. 3. _ _ _ 4. 5. 6. _ _ _ 七、按要求写词语。(8分)1. sandwich (复数形式) _2. play football (英译汉) _3. (are not (缩写形式) _4. help (形容词) _5. young (反义词) _6. Thur. (完整形式) _7. their (同音异义词) _8. go (第三人称单数) _八、为下列短语选择正确的汉语意思。(5分)( ) 1. speak English A. 说英语 B. 教英语 C.

5、学英语( ) 2. go boating A. 去游泳 B. 去划船 C. 去爬山( ) 3. in front of A. 在前面 B. 在后面 C. 在上面( ) 4. lots of A. 少量 B. 大量;许多 C. 不计其数( ) 5. do homework A. 练武术 B. 做家务 C. 做作业九、为下列词语选择相应的图片。(5分)( ) 1. water bottle A. B. ( ) 2. listen to music A. B. ( ) 3. play ping-pong A. B. ( ) 4. in the river A. B. ( ) 5. draw cart

6、oon A. B. 十、选出可以替代句子中画线部分的一项。(10分)( ) 1. The man is beside the car.A. next B. behind C. front( ) 2. There is a plant on the desk.A. English book B. pens C. ball( ) 3. Can you play the pipa?A. nature park B. every day C. make a puppet( ) 4. My best friend is funny.A. student B. kind C. move( ) 5. Are

7、 there any robots in the zoo?A. birds B. bridge C. duck( ) 6. Look at the photo of my family.A. strong B. picture C. read ( ) 7. Well have a picnic tomorrow.A. thirsty B. zoo C. party( ) 8. What would you like to eat?A. drink B. having C. orange( ) 9. I often read books in the park.A. not B. sometim

8、es C. like( ) 10. My favourite vegetable is carrots.A. noodles B. grapes C. tomatoes十一、根据句意及首字母填写单词,完成句子。(12分)1. The first day in a week is S .2. W you like some fish for lunch?3. Amys father can c very nice food.4. Robin can speak English, but he cant sing English s .5. Mikes parents live in this m

9、 .6. There is a f near my house. There are lots of plants and animals there.7. I dont like hamburgers, because theyre not h .8. -Where is the dog?-Its b the chair and the desk.十二、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(21分)1. She is _ (体贴的), but strict.2. Wu Yifan often _ _ (看电视) on Saturdays.3. Can you _ _ (打篮球), John

10、?4. Id like a vegetable _ (沙拉) and a _ (三明治).5. The big bird is _ (在上面) the house.6. What do you do _ the _ (在周末)?7. I have a new _ (自行车) from my grandma.8. The ice cream is _ (美味的).9. _ is believing. (眼见为实)10. Well have a birthday party next _ (星期五).参考答案一、1-5 二、1-5 CBABB三、(1) too (2) feed (3) down

11、(4) yellow (5) sunny (6) birthday (7) cute (8) bottle四、1-5 CBBAC五、1. Saturday; Thursday 2. river; hill 3. speak; sing 4. in; between 5. big; nice六、1. swim 2. dance 3. ice cream 4. Wednesday 5. clock 6. building 七、1. sandwiches 2. 踢足球 3. arent 4. helpful 5. old 6. Thursday 7. there 8. goes八、1-5 ABABC九、1-5 BABBA十、1-5 BCCBA BCABC十一、1. Sunday 2. Would 3. cook 4. songs 5. mountain 6. forest 7. healthy 8. between十二、1. kind 2. watches TV 3. play basketball 4. salad; sandwich 5. above 6. on; weekend 7. bike 8. delicious 9. Seeing 10. Friday


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