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1、2015年秋季学期九年级英语作业 (Unit 8)一、单项选择:从以下各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个可填入空白处的最正确答案。(20分)( )1.Is this your schoolbag?Yes, it is. It belongs to _. A. meB. myC. mineD. myself( )2.We cant find _ in the house. A. something strangeB. anything strange C. strange somethingD. strange anything( )3.Who would you like to sit with,

2、 Wendy?_ is OK. I dont mind. A. SomebodyB. NobodyC. AnybodyD. Everybody( )4.Which is your favorite place in your school, Andy?It must be the _. You know, I like doing physics experiments (实验)very much. A. doing hall B. laboratory C. playgroundD. library( )5.To achieve success, you should have your _

3、 in life. I agree. And I know mine is to be a doctor working for the poor. A. result B. reason C. secretD. purpose( )6.More trees need to be planted in the northwest of China.Yes. With enough trees, sandstorms (沙尘暴) could be _. A. preventedB. protectedC. producedD. provided( )7.Do you know about Jim

4、s party?Yes. I _ his invitation yesterday. I am thinking about whether I will go there or not. A. receivedB. acceptedC. offeredD. requested( )8.What a(n) _ boy your cousin is!Yes. It seems that he never gets tired of textbooks and exercises. A. generousB. easy-goingC. humorousD. hard-working ( )9.Wh

5、en she saw a piece of paper on the floor, she _ and threw it into a basket. A. picked it upB. picked up itC. took it upD. took up it( )10.Its 5:00 pm now. There must be some boys _ football in the playground. A. playB. playsC. playingD. to play( )11.In ancient China, people dug a river around a city

6、 to protect themselves.Yes. The river _ protected the city _ provided clean water for people. A. neither; norB. not only; but also C. either; orD. neither; or( )12.Look at the schoolbag. Whose _ it be?It _ be Judys, but I am not quite sure. A. can; mustB. can; mightC. must; mustD. must; might( )13.L

7、isten! Someone is singing an English song in the music room. It is Mrs Lee, right?Are you kidding me? It _ be Mrs Lee because she cant speak any English. A. mustntB. wouldntC. cantD. neednt( )14._ do you think this coat is? Is it Jims?No, Jim is wearing a jacket today. I know _ it belongs to. Its To

8、ms. A. Who; whoB. Who; whoseC. Whose; whoD. Whose; whose( )15.This phone cant be 10 years old. Do you agree?_. There were no Android phones in 2004. A. I am afraid notB. Yes, it canC. Youre wrongD. I cant agree more( )16.Hurry up, or you _ catch the train.A. cantB. needntC. mustntD. shouldnt( )17.Is

9、 John coming by train?He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car.A. mayB. mustC. canD. need( )18.Could I use your eraser for a while?Yes, of course you _.A. couldB. canC. willD. should( )19.Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad?No, you _, son. You are free to make your own

10、 decision.A. cantB. mustntC. shouldntD. neednt( )20.I think students should wear uniforms. _. We look smarter in our own clothes. A. I agreeB. I disagreeC. I think soD. I dont know二、完形填空:先阅读短文,然后从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个能够填入短文相对应空白处的最正确答案。(15分) Only a miracle (奇迹) could save this black bear from falling off

11、a 30-meter-high bridge. The bear was on her 1 home after a long day in a Californias mountain. She was 2 across the bridge when, suddenly, two cars entered from both sides. There was nowhere torun, so the 3 bear jumped onto the rail (护栏) and began to fall down. 4 , the bear pulled herself onto an ar

12、ch (拱门) under the bridge, but she was trapped (困住) there. A driver saw the unbelievable scene and 5 911. Robert Brooks, an animal control officer from a nearby town, was sent to investigate (调查). “I thought it was a 6 ,” he said. But it wasnt a joke, so he called Dave Baker of the BEAR League, a gro

13、up that 7 bears in trouble. Unfortunately, the sky was getting dark, so the rescuers (营救人员) had to 8 . Early thenext morning, Brooks and Baker returned to the bridge with more 9 . Surprisingly, the bear was still there. Then, Baker had a/an 10 : they should hang a net (网) under the bear, push her 11

14、 it, and then lower her to the ground. Police officers 12 the road. Then Brooks shot a sleeping drug into the bears shoulder. When the bear was 13 , a volunteer rock climber used his feet to push the bear off the arch, right into the middle of the net. When the bear was 14 lowered into the ground, everyone cheered. The rescuers then cleared all the people from the ar


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