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1、8B Unit1-3词汇专项练习一、 根据首字母填单词。1.In the p_, 30000 people lived in the Kowloon Walled City.2.They were like old friends and we were always pleased when they l_ safely.3.Many of them have moved to other areas and I feel a bit l_ from time to time.4.We used to cross the river by f_ but now theres a bridge

2、.5.There are many s_ in the market.6.I first lived in a b_ in the Kowloon Walled City with my parents.7.A_ she was tired, she stayed up to watch the late night film on television.8.“Lord” “doctor”, “reverend”, “Mrs.”, and “general” are all t_.9.Oh, so it was one year after Hong Kongs r_ to China!10.

3、Do you e_ wish you were famous?11.Thats j_ what I meant.12.Things have changed a lot o_ the years!13.I dont want to hurt his f_.14.There were green hills and f_ air.15.D_ how things look.16.It is a famous indoor t_ park in Tokyo.17.I have many types of s_ in my school bag.18.Too much sunshine can h_

4、 your skin.19.People used to think the earth was flat, not r_.20.Can I have some information about the p_ tours to Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand?21.Kay t_ her hair back with a ribbon. 22.Whats on the t_ tonight?23.You can change channels on the television by r_ control.24.How much does a dentist

5、 e_? 25.We are at 500 meters above sea l_26.The places you have visited are m_ in bright purple.27.The w_ had used her magic to turn the children into frogs.28.He is 5 foot 10 i_ tall.29.Where is this game s_?二、 用所给的单词的适当形式填空。1.You use this set of keys for _(type).2.They _(marry) when they were very

6、 young.3.Its nice to have _(opened) space and pretty gardens.4.Was noise pollution a problem before the _(close) of the old airport?5.Its _(healthe) to eat too much.6.They were _(lucky) to lose because they played so well.7.I think it was _(polite) of him to ask you to leave.8.I rang my parents to t

7、ell them I had arrived _(safe).9.Do you have your own _(transportation)?10.It is important with a childs intellectual _(develop).11.This is a _(recently) photo of my daughter.12.It is a famous _(door) theme park in Tokyo.13.The _(perform) all wore different costumes.14.Lets have a big _(clap) for ou

8、r next performer.15.The shampoo leaves your hair soft and _(shine)16.The mountain was _(crown) with snow.17.Here is a _(help) baby18.I was search for information on the World Wide _(Website).19.Remember to state _(clear) the place and time of your trip.20.I am having a _(delight) time here.21.I was

9、afraid at first but then I knew they were _(harm).22.A new _(education) CD-ROM called “Around the World in Eight Hours”.23.She wants to be a fashion _(design).24.He is an experienced _(travel).25.He fell _(sleep) and had a very strange dream.26.This can _(store) more information than a floppy disk.2

10、7.Read the _(instructe) on the back of the packet carefully.28.Did you connect the keyboard to the computer _(proper)?29.The hotel is in a beautiful _(set), close to the sea.30.The envelope was _(correct) addressed.31.Oh, that sounds _(excite). lets start.三、 根据汉语提示填空。1.In fact, I was born there and

11、have known it _(自从) I was very young2.We hope to overcome our _(现在的) difficulties very soon3.This news has come as an _(不令人高兴的) surprise.4.Many of them have moved to other areas and I feel _(一点) lonely from time to time.5.The whole class is doing a _(课题) on rainforests.6.The actress refused to give

12、an _(采访).7.Shes been feeling ill _(近来).8.Military _(服役) is no longer compulsory.9.We need stronger laws to protect the _(环境).10.Im willing to meet you on any day thats _(方便的) for you.11.I cant see the _(好处) of doing things this way.12._(检查) your work through for mistakes before you hand it in.13.The

13、re are breathtaking _(风景) from the top of the mountain.14.Dad went to buy some stationery as _(纪念品) for my cousin.15.The president saluted as the troops _(行军) past.16.She _(取悦) the audience by singing all her old songs.17.It was the first time Id ever _(经历) failure.18.A lot of kitchen utensils are m

14、ade of _(塑料).19.I want to buy an _(电子字典).20.I wash I could wave a magic_( 手杖) and make everything better.21.Ive finally achieved my _(目标) of visiting all the capital cities of Europe.22.Did you _(连接) the keyboard to the computer properly?23.Footballers wear shin _(垫子) to protect their legs答案: 根据首字母填单词。1. In the past, 30000 people lived in the Kowloon Walled City.2. They were like old friends and we wer


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