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1、北京语言大学21秋英语语音平时作业一参考答案1. 创世说创世说正确答案:基督教神学关于人类起源的学说。基督教的创世说对人类的起源问题作了比较系统的说明。圣经.创世记中说:上帝用泥土造出了第一个人亚当后来从他身上抽出一根肋骨造了夏娃并使他们成为夫妻。亚当和夏娃由于偷吃禁果而被逐出伊甸园开始在人间繁衍后代。基督教的创世说在西方广为流传至今仍有相当影响。基督教神学关于人类起源的学说。基督教的创世说对人类的起源问题作了比较系统的说明。圣经.创世记中说:上帝用泥土造出了第一个人亚当,后来从他身上抽出一根肋骨造了夏娃,并使他们成为夫妻。亚当和夏娃由于偷吃禁果而被逐出伊甸园,开始在人间繁衍后代。基督教的创世

2、说在西方广为流传,至今仍有相当影响。2. The mother told the little boy to do all the things _.A.on himselfB.on his ownC.to himselfD.by own参考答案:B3. What will the author probably talk about after the last paragraph?AThe Seven Wonders of tWhat will the author probably talk about after the last paragraph?AThe Seven Wonder

3、s of the Ancient World.BPeoples comments about the results.COther four new wonders of the world.DHow to visit the wonders of the world.正确答案:C本题为推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句“Hereisthenewlistofworldwonders”可知,由此往后文章将逐一介绍新世界七大奇迹,因此我们判断在这三大奇迹之后应该接着介绍其他四大奇迹。4. He doesn&39;t feel like _ a picnic in the park this week

4、end, hand he suggested watching the foHe doesnt feel like _ a picnic in the park this weekend, hand he suggested watching the football match instead.A) haveB) to haveC) havingD) hadC此句的feel like doing是个固定短语,表明“想要做某事”。用动名词doing作feel like的宾语补语。5. Conversation Analysis has obvious implications on the d

5、esign of tasks and materialsConversation Analysis has obvious implications on the design of tasks and materials based on_ talk from ordinary conversation and a wide range of real-life institutional settings.A. falseB. authenticC. fakeD. wrong参考答案:B6. We wish to point out that stipulations in the rel

6、ative L/C must be strictly in _ the stated inWe wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must be strictly in _ the stated in our sales confirmation so as to avoid subsequent amendments of the L/C.Acompliance withBcomplaints toCcompliance ofDcomplaints ofA7. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词p/

7、ea/ce中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.br/ea/stB.th/ea/treC.b/ea/chD.oc/ea/n参考答案:C8. Please look after my house and the flowers in my yard during my (absent) _.Please look after my house and the flowers in my yard during my (absent) _.absence9. 30在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.fort/u/neB.p/u/bli

8、cC.R/u/ssiaD.s/u/ffer参考答案:A10. We dare not play jokes on Mr. Kane lest he _ (become) angry.We dare not play jokes on Mr. Kane lest he _ (become) angry.should become/become在lest引起的从句中必需用虚拟语气,谓语动词多用should+动词原形或直接用原形。11. The representatives _their discussion after the coffee break.A、jammedB、undertooThe

9、 representatives _their discussion after the coffee break.A、jammedB、undertookC、skippedD、resumed正确答案:D12. This is the _ (poor)excuse I have ever heard.This is the _ (poor)excuse I have ever heard.poorest13. (11)(David is always at home by 8pm on Tuesdays.) There s this TV show that he loves , a soapo

10、pera showing on Channel 2, and he has watched it regularly for almost two years now. (12) ( His wife has11. Rewrite this sentence by adding an appropriate tag question. Follow the example.Example: She likes music. She likes music , doesn t she?12. Change this sentence into negative form. Follow the

11、example.Examle: She likes music. She doesn t like music.13. Build one question about the underlined part in the sentence.14. Change this sentence from active voice into passive voice.15. Change this complex sentence into a simple sentence.参考答案:11. David is always at home by 8pm on Tuesdays , isnt he

12、?12. His wife hasn t given up telling him to help with the dishes after rndinner.13. What does he forget to eat?14. The TV is turned on by him.15. He grabs the remote control firmly in his hand and uses it to encourage rnor threaten the characters on the screen.14. 标签:内容15. We solicit a continuance

13、of your confidence and support.We solicit a continuance of your confidence and support.恳请贵方继续给予信任,大力支持。16. Preference of people , their custom and tradition _ a very important role in the packing of gooPreference of people , their custom and tradition _ a very important role in the packing of goods

14、for consumption.play17. My shirt has _ so much after washing that I cant wear it any more.A. declinedB.sMy shirt has _ so much after washing that I cant wear it any more.A. declinedB.shrunkC. decreasedD. fallen参考答案:B18. hard disk 英译中hard disk 英译中参考答案硬盘19. Some people like to eat apples. But some pre

15、fer bananas _ apples.A.toB.forC.withD.against参考答案:A20. A.bothB.anyC.eitherD.neitherA.bothB.anyC.eitherD.neither正确答案:D21. What&39;s the difference between Mail Transfer and Telegraphic Transfer?Whats the difference between Mail Transfer and Telegraphic Transfer?The difference between M/T and T/T is that the instructions of T/T a



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