Ghost For Linux备份和恢复磁盘系统

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《Ghost For Linux备份和恢复磁盘系统》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Ghost For Linux备份和恢复磁盘系统(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Ghost For Linux 使用手册一、准备环境本手册测试环境为vmware workstation 9.0系统,安装windows xp pro操作系统,分区 为 4G 大小,做全盘的镜像和恢复。需要工具:ghost for linux0.45版本的镜像工具。使用本手册,需要熟练使用vmware虚拟机软件。应用环境包含了一个FTP服务器端,需要设置可以读写访问的目录,用户名和密码都设 置成:nihao;本次使用的是FileZilla_Server,打开FTP服务的主界面,设置ftp根目录为可 读写。o回D bytez rtteived 09/1;0 bytes s*rYl 0 D/sFi

2、le 仝心 Edh ?Sirnr viriiaa. Q9 41LlrCcrr i tfii ZOOL-SOJE!坍 Tlr EasiCcUil-=h.-l TBlhlLC 左曲 LuthuLionRKkriniri n lcfouxL ii-t-Li nci, plDCCbfi Ffetirl.4ldTES v2C?JfflLt SSittLbl Firtri wing Lac-nx&int( plDc-qm r&Lx LrjAE lccouxL 3i.ltLtL|DC Cm fitDnaodiuAddi Reirm 亡RcrwCap*画 gtaKBl血 亘1 + Sdbd巧m如凸my daa

3、 wfl she* 卒ji UiAApedaKl ktgen jUaioa irux cofndritri HJ log path 护也陀at=i3 f-ycfitdiKcliXK Icharade 彳 1f ngpfew wold 瞅忙 dreeba imetim-. t M oriytarfu於 FTP dens.HRtad jTBYrtuGenerai -BhiT Mch-s|AdLjiYYlSP FilterMd Ftampl |施41! 舌 |设置完成后,最小化到任务栏即可。本方法,适用于所有X86结构的windows和linux操作系统,支持全盘和分区的备份, 通过ftp服务器的方

4、式备份,保证了全网系统镜像的统一性和安全性,安装完成好系统后, 依据软件和操作系统的安装配置手册,对软件和操作系统进行设置即可投入使用。二、备份系统2.1、虚拟机开机准备准备好工具后,打开虚拟机并开机,运行光盘系统。(ihost for L inux bnnt Hruubz3.0r02 hBS te3.2.46 xB6 fail.4.49 xHS bs3.7.10 xB6 bz3.8r13 x8G06-13-201305-30-261306 13-201302-27-201305-11-2813B6-X3-2H13xH6 build 3.3.6build 3.8.82 build 3.2.46

5、 build 3.4.49 build 3.7.10 build 3,8.13J: Failsafe MenuK: Lz3,10-rcS kOH build 3,10-ru6 05 15-Zffl3 M : 1 Copyr ight (c) 19992008T2001.2002 P 2003 P 200 G4U: http:/wwh.feyrer,de/g4uz http:/whn feyrerade/g4u/g41,htulthe currentS. 10The G4L project had am ar L l&r author Cnne . uhoi or ig inal started

6、 the project + Then it Moued to fra_stepa uhn wroterston. H.Mhich is vastly different than In addition to inforMtion at the G4U site above Ij4L: https : /zsnu rce f urge. netzprn jects/(j4 1 http:x/freshMzprojectszg41/to MakeI ue Hade Mod if icat igm to the* g41 014beta scriptit better for My needsa

7、nd to provide this to others to use or not【can not 旨pe日k for the prouious authors of G4U or G4LL have curentlead wy Hod i f icat ions at a Fedora Server at ny off iceedoragee.dyndnsorgHope this uers ion is usefu1 to you Michael IL Setzc II. inikcskuciitdsguciH.和上七 Conpniter Science Instructor, Guan

8、CoMMunityi Col leyeEXIT 查看信息后,三次回车,F irMMariB Ijjn毋呂 from dnssg1 ferrorsp P lease contact Mikeskuentos a cjiiiaH- netsce i8:FirMHare Uersion: 5 07B, J/fl Address : Bxl6C9 IRQ Cliannel : 17Leyusbserid 1 : USB Ser ia support registered for- (without f irHMare)31U3检测系统的网络配置设置本地键盘模式Se Leet Kej/MapUse Sp

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10、br-lat ini-us.knap bt)y - bMap基本信息查看can be Left off (defauIt front)(dt;fau 11 Front.biu) userid tpssMord userid:passHordfhi“ Option 口厂 up t(j ba呂h 卫丫口网卫七 ifdeu Edltfv Fdevl I devforMatsPASSNDRDfroM dhepd) or fixe! ipaddress to this1 ater ones If ienane f i leridHt! fllenaMe 1 f i I enable Opt ion 1: Enter g41, Opt ion 2: Enter gq1$ 1 - IP address$2 - IMAGE HAME$3 - USEAID and回车键打开系统命令提示符:Bas ic Tinstruct ion for using G4L and *ise nenus to fill In opt ions.with paraneter opt tors of FTP SerucrU1TH EXTENSIONPASSNOAD either of


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