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1、Part One1.Little Bee小蜜蜂Littlebee,littlebee, round round roundLittlebee,littlebee, sound sound sound.Bzzzzzzz小蜜蜂,小蜜蜂,飞飞飞。小蜜蜂,小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡。嗡2. Peek-a-boo 躲猫猫Peek, peek, peek-a-boo.Peek, peek, I see you. 猫儿,猫儿,躲猫猫。猫儿,猫儿,看到你啦。3.Open,Shut 张,合Open, shut, open, shut. Give a little clap. Creep, creep, creep, cre

2、ep. Give a little flap. 张、合、张、合,啪啪啪啪拍拍手。爬、爬、爬、爬,啪啦啪啦飞得快!4.Here Is The Beehive 小小蜂窝Here is the bee- hive,Whereare thebees?Hid-den a- way whereno- bodysees.of the hive.Watch and you ll see them come outBzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzOne, two, three, four,five.蜂窝在这里,蜜蜂在哪里?藏起来,找不着。快来看,飞出来,一、二、三、四、五,嗡5.Ten Little

3、 Fingers 十个小手指Onelittle,twolittle,threelittlefin-gersFourlittle,fivelittle,sixlittlefin-gers.Seven little,eightlittle,nine littlefin-gers.Ten fingers on my hands.小小手指,一二三;小小手指,四五六;小小手指,七八九;十根手指,是一家。6.Dance Your Fingers跳动手指Dance your fingers up. Dance your fingers down.Dance yourfingersto the side, D

4、ance themall a-round.Dance themon yourshoulders, Dance themonyourhead.Dance themon yourtummy, and putthemall tobed.手指向上跳,手指向下跳,手指旁边跳,手指到处跳。手指肩上跳,手指头上跳,手指肚上跳,手指睡大觉!7.Two Little Black Birds两只小黑鸟Two Little black birds sitting on ahill.One named Jack, and one named Jill.Fly away Jack, Fly away Jill.Come

5、 back Jack, Come back Jill.两只小黑鸟,坐在小山上。一个叫杰克,一个叫吉尔。杰克飞走了,吉尔飞走了;杰克飞回来,吉尔飞回来。8. Jack and Jill杰克和吉尔Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail ofwa-ter.Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill cametumbingaf-ter.杰克和吉尔,上山去打水。 杰克滑倒了,脑袋摔着了,吉尔跟着滑倒了。9. The chimney 烟囱Here is the chimney,Here is thetop.

6、O- pen the lid, out santa will pop. 一个烟囱,一个盖儿。揭开这个盖儿,圣诞老人冒出来!10. Eentsy Weentsy Spide 小蜘蛛Theeentsy weentsy spider went up thewaterspout.Downcame the rain, and washed thespiderout.Outcame the sun and dried up all the rain.And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout a- gain. 小小蜘蛛,爬上了水管。雨滴落下,冲走了蜘蛛。

7、 太阳出来,蒸发了水滴。小小蜘蛛, 再爬上水管。Part Two1. Five Little Birds 五只小鸟Five little birds with-outany home.Five little trees in a row.Come and build your nests in the trees. We will rock you to and fro. 五只小鸟没有巣,五棵小树排成行。 快来树上搭个窝,随着树儿摇一摇。2. Five Rabbits 五只兔子Five rabbits were hid-ingin the woodsone day.One,two,three,

8、four,five jumped out, and then they ran a-way.有一天,树丛里,五只兔,把身藏。 一、二、三、四、五,五只兔子跳出来,接着往外跑。3. Five Little Sausages 五根小香肠Five littlesausagesfryingin thepan.Thepangothot andonewentbam.Four littlesausagesfryingin thepan.Thepangothot andonewentbam.Three littlesausagesfryingin thepan.Thepangothot andone went

9、bam.Two littlesausagesfryingin thepan.Thepangothot andone wentbam.One littlesausagesfryingin thepan.Thepangothot andone went“Wait,wait,put me on your plateand eat me. ”五根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,爆开一根呯。四根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,爆开一根呯。三根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,爆开一根呯。二根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,爆开一根呯。一根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,这根香肠:“等等

10、,等等!把我放在盘里走掉吧!4. This Little Pig 小猪猪This little pig stayedThis little pig had none.This little pig went to market. home.This little pig had roast beef.And this littlepig cried “wee wee wee ” all the wayhome.这只小猪上集市,这只小猪在家里,这只小猪有烤肉, 这只小猪都没有,这只小猪哭呀哭,呜呜呜呜回家去5. There Little Monkeys 三只小猴Three littlemonke

11、ys jumping on thebed.One felloff and bumped hishead.Mommy called thedoctor and the doc- tor saidNo more little mon-keysjumping on thebed.Two little monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell offand bumped hishead.Mommy called thedoctor and thedoc- tor said“No more littlemon-keys jumping on the bed. ”One li

12、ttlemonkeyjumping on thebed.He felloff andbumped hishead.Mommy called thedoctor and thedoc- torsaid“No more littlemon-keys jumping on the bed.三只小猴床上跳,一只摔下去,头上撞个包。 妈妈给医生打电话,医生说:“小猴不要再在床上跳。” 两只小猴床上跳,一只摔下去,头上撞个包。 妈妈给医生打电话,医生说:“小猴不要再在床上跳。”一只小猴床上跳,他摔下去,头上撞个包。妈妈给医生打电话,医生说:“小猴不要再在床上跳6. Hickory Dickory Dock

13、 滴答滴答Hickory dickory clock struck one. dock.Hickory dickory clock struck two. dickory dock.Hickory dickory clock struck three. dickory dock.Hickory dickory clock struck four. dickory dock.dock, the mouse ran up theclock.The The mouse ran dow n. Hickorydock ,the mouse ran up The mouse saiddock ,the m

14、ouse ran upThe mouse saiddock ,the mouse ran upThe mouse saiddickorythe clock. The Boo ”.Hickorythe clock. The “Wee ”.Hickorythe clock. The “No more ”.Hickory滴答滴答滴,老鼠爬上钟,挂钟敲一(当),老鼠跑下去。滴答滴答滴。滴答滴答滴,老鼠爬上钟,挂钟敲二(当当),老鼠说“不”。滴 答滴答滴。滴答滴答滴,老鼠爬上钟,挂钟敲三(当当当),老鼠说“咦”。 滴答滴答滴。滴答滴答滴,老鼠爬上钟,挂钟敲四(当当当当),老鼠说“不要 了”。滴答滴答滴。7. Wher Is Thumbkin? 五指歌Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin


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