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1、精品文档牛津上海版英语3A复习题Oxford En glish 3A Module 1 Unit 1(1)一,正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号:how are you mr zha ngvery well tha nk you#欢迎下载二,找出不同类的词:)1. A. helloB. hiC.good D. goodbye)2. A. IB. myC. heD. you)3. A. pinkB. blackC. colourD. gree n)4A. drawB. cutC. stickD. bus)5. A. aeropla ne 三,用 have/ hasB. ship C. car

2、填空D. use1.a cat. Itwhite.2.Wea new teacher, Mr Jia ng.3.Hea long pen cil. She.a small cat.4.You and Petera cake.四选择填空()1.is Mr Wang.A. He B. She C. It()2. Good ni ght, Mum. Good, Alice.A. eve ning B. afternoonC. ni ght()3. How are you today?, tha nk you.A. Five B. NineC. Very well()4.Wea new frie nd

3、.1. A. haveB. hasC. are()5. IMiss Fang.A. isB. areC. am五. 按要求改写句子1. I ( fine ).(括号部分提问)2. I have a new bag. ( 将 I 改成 Mrs Wang)3. we /new /have/ a/ teacher/ Mr Zhang( 连词成句)4. are/ plates /the /on /the /cakes( 连词成句)六. 填入所缺单词,完成短文like am can wash girl soapGood morning, my nane is Alice. Inine years old

4、. Iskip a rope andride aAnd I can dotoo. Iwith the.Isinging and dancing. I can sing manysongs. I am a clever (聪明的)Oxford En glish 3A Module 1 Unit 1一.正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号:good nightmum and dad-二二选出不同类的单词:()1. A.hiB. helloC. night()2. A. IB. youC. Miss Green()3. A. amB. cakeC. are()4. A. tableB. deskC

5、. night()5. A. goodB. morningC. after noon三完成句子,每格一词:1.She isZha ng. She is my teacher.2.Sam, how are you?,tha nks.3.Whatthis?Itan4.Tweet-tweet.I hear a5.Im hun gry.I want to eat some.6.draw a dog on the paper andit white. What a lovely dog!四.回答问题:1. How are you ?2. Good afternoo n,Mrs Wang.3. Nice

6、to see you.4. Who is your En glish teacher?_五阅读短文,选择正确的答案:white. It has a small red hat and a back coat. ItsI have got a toy bear. Itn ame is Winni e. It very lovely. I like to play with Winnie.)1. Winnie is a toy.A. bearB. dogc. pig)2. Winn ie isA. pinkB. whiteC. black)3. It has small red,A. coatB.

7、 scarfC. hat()4. I like to play with my toy.A. catB. bearC.dogOxford En glish 3A Module 1 Unit 2一.正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号:what is your n amemy n ame peter翻译下列词组1.起来2.坐下3.开门4.合上书本5.看着老师6.擦黑板三。写出下列单词的所有格:Iyouheshe四, 用 I ,my ,you ,your ,he ,his ,she ,her填空1. Wat n ame?n ame is Kelly.2. How are? Im fine.3.i

8、s Mr Zha ng.ruler is long.4. Is thisbook? Yes, itbook.5.is Mrs Li.eyes are big.五,选择填空()1.the blackboard.Itdirty.A. Clea nB. LookC. Ope n()2. Itshot. Pleasethe door.A. ope nB. closeC. clea n()3. Is thisblook? No, it book.A. your ,yourB. your, myC. my, your()4. Hea ballo on in his hand.A. haveB. isC.

9、are六,完成对话1. Hello, please?My n ame is Danny. What your n ame?Kitty.2. Look at the blackboard. It dirty.the blackboard, please.三年级的第一学期期中考试复习Oxford En glish 3A Module 1 Unit 2(4)一,正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号:clean the desks and the chairs please alice,找出下列括号部分发音不同的单词)1. A. c (a) k eB. j (a) mC. h (a) n d)2.

10、A.s (a) dB. p l (a) t eC. f(a)t)3. A. h (a) v eB. n (a) m eC. p l (a) n e)4. A.w r (i) t eB. h (i) sC. k (i) t e)5. A. h (e)B. m (e)C. P (e) n,按要求写单词1.反义词:closedirtysta nd up.2.同类词:foldjamyour3.简略写法:lamyou are.what is四,根据前后意思填空(每格一词)1.2.your n ame card. Itbeautiful.are you? Very well, tha nks.3. you

11、r n ame on the paper.4. Your pencil is on the floor.it up.5. It so cold. Pleasethe wi ndow.6. I so cold .I want toon the grass.五,按要求改写句子1. My name is ( Danny).(括号部分提问)name?2. I Peter.(换一种说法,句意不变 )is Peter.3. Stand up ,Peter.(改否定句)please.4. Close your book.(不改变原意的否定句 )your book.5. jar ,ha nd, Peter,

12、i n ,a, has,his (连词成句)6. cakes, the, my, table, on, are (连词成句)Oxford En glish 3A Module 1 Unit 3一,正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号:heres your cake kitty tha nks mum二,按要求写单词:1. 同音词:here right to2. 同类词: seven read Japanese3. 简略写法:cannot here is I am三,用所给的单词的适当形式填空:1. (be) you nine? No,l(be) eight.2. Peter and Eva

13、study with(I).3. What (you) name?(I) name is Danny.4. Please ope n your(book), boys and girls.5. Sam(like) draw ing. He can(draw) very well.四,选择填空()1. Ilike jam.A. am not B. can C. don ()2.Happy birthday, Sam.A. Happy birthday.B. OKC. Tha nk you.()3. Peter can sing,he cantda nee.A. andB. butC. or()4

14、. Can you count to three? Yes,.A. I ca nB. I ca n C. I am()5. Tom is my frie nd. He playsme every day.A. toB. withC. on五,按要求改写句子:1. My friend is ( nine years old ).(括号部分提问)2. He can sing and dance.(改否定句)3. Eddie can draw. He can write.( 两句并一句 )4. How old are you?( 回答问题)Oxford En glish 3A Module 1 Unit 3一,判断下列单词括号部分发音是否相同,用


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