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1、新人教版高一英语必修4下学期期末考试(附答案)必修4模块第一部分(选择题 共80分)一. 听力理解 (共15小题,15分)第一节:听下面5段对话,回答第1至第5小题。每段对话你将听两遍。1. What does the woman think of the party?A. Its successful.B. Its not good.C. Its crowded.2. Where does the conversation take place?A. At a store.B. At a theatre.C. At a restaurant.3. How will the man make

2、a phone call?A. By his mobile phone.B. By the public phone.C. By the womans mobile phone.4. How long has the woman been playing the piano?A. For about 15 yearsB. For about 9 yearsC. For about 6 years5. Where did the man spend his holiday last year?A. In Italy.B. In Spain.C. In Greece.第二节: 听下面5段对话或独白

3、。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. How to read a book.B. How to read online.C. How to read faster.7. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Take a free course on the Internet.B. Take a course in a school.C. Ask her friends for help.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where w

4、ill the woman go on Saturday evening?A. To a party.B. To a theatre.C. To the mans house.9. When is the mans birthday?A. Tomorrow.B. This Saturday.C. Next Friday.10. What do we know about the woman?A. She is good at ballet.B. She will go to the birthday party.C. She doesnt like the barbecue at all.听第

5、8段材料,回答第11至12题。11. How did the man go to work before?A. By bus.B. By bike.C. On foot.12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Friends.C. Classmates.听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。13. How does the man feel about his job now?A. Bored.B. Inspired.C. Satisfied.14. Why does the man w

6、ant to talk with his manager?A. He doesnt want to work there.B. He doesnt want to work over time.C. He doesnt want to type all day long.15. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Ask for a pay rise.B. Leave and find a new job.C. Go on working in the centre.二、单项填空 (共15小题,15分)16. In _ 1960s, peop

7、le living along the River failed to keep _ natural balance of the area.A. /; theB. the; aC. the; theD. /; a17. Australia is such a splendid country that weve decided to stay for _ two weeks.A. anotherB. otherC. the other D. others18. Why not take this road? Its a short cut. I am afraid we cant. It _

8、.A. is repaired B. is being repaired C. has repaired D. is repairing19. You dont have to know the name of the author. You _ find the book by the title.A. can B. need C. must D. would20. As she is looking forward to_ from me, please remember _this letter on your way to school. A. hear; post B. hearin

9、g; to postC. be heard; posting D. be hearing;to posting21. At the airport I recognized her easily because her red hair _ in the crowd.A. stood up B. stood out C. stood for D. stood by22. Some film stars often _ the media for encouraging the paparazzi to follow them.A. blameB demandC. defendD. preten

10、d23. When bargain for a product, you should be confident but not_A. firm B. polite C. enthusiastic D. aggressive24. I dont feel like eating anything while he has a good _.A. arrival B. aspect C. appetite D. apology25. _ H1N1 flu from spreading, our government has taken some effective measures.A. Pre

11、vent B. Preventing C. Prevented D. To prevent26. _ ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time _ the exam.A. Being, to pass B. As he is, to passC. He was, passing D. Having been, passing27. - What did the professor tell you to do?- I had to write a _ report.A. three-thousand wordsB. three thou

12、sands wordC. three-thousand-wordD. three-thousand-words28. _ time, animals have developed many ways to stay away from their enemies.A. ThroughB. On C. ByD. Over29. _ you work harder than before, you will pass this module exam.A. As soon asB. As long asC. As ifD. Even if30. Remember, a recent photo s

13、hould be _ your application form.A. addicted toB. appealed toC. attached toD. belonged to三、完形填空 (共20小题,20分) (A)Not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. 31 contemporary advertisements mainly aim to make contributions to 32 . There are public advertisements which 33 cit

14、izens to participate in improving their neighborhood, protecting the environment, and helping other people. Over the last decade, the government has worked hard at using advertisements to educate the 34 on fighting AIDS, saving water, helping the poor, giving up smoking, etc. These advertisements have helped to increase public knowledge, 35 has made our society a better place for everyone.31. A. SomeB. No C. All D. Few32. A. marketB. society C. wealth D. education33. A. ord



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