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1、 ABSTRACT常州机电职业技术学院毕业论文基于PLC的车库自动门控制系 部: 机械工程系 专 业: 机电一体化技术 题 目: 基于PLC车库自动门控制系统设计 摘 要虽着科学技术的不断发展,人们对车库的需求量日益增长。现在拥有汽车的人越来越多,对好的车库门的需求也在不断增大。智能车库的应用也越来越广泛,停车场管理控制系统在建筑中是不可缺少的,同时也是建筑物智能化的重要指标。随着计算机控制技术的发展,停车场管理控制系统的功能及软硬件设施也伴随其发展而不断改进。本次课程设计主要阐述车库自动门的设计思想与程序编制,应用PLC自动控制技术实现自动控制车库门的打开或关闭。当车接近门时,通过驱动程序将


3、了该控制系统的工作原理及系统的硬件组成,分析人体感应探测,自动门运行位置检测,门运行故障检测等控制电路的工作过程,正确PLC的选型、变频器的选型及自动门控制等方面进行详尽阐述。I/O结合PLC运行特点,对控制系统工作流程进行合理的优化。在此基础上给出控制系统软件的流程图。顺序功能图外部端子接线图以及PLC控制梯形图。关键词:自动门 可编程序控制器 梯形图 变频控制ABSTRACTTitle:Design of Automatic Door Control System Based plc ABS TRACTAbstract:With the continuous development of

4、science and technology, and now more and more people own cars, the garage door good demand is also growing. Application of intelligent garage is more and more widely, parking management system is indispensable in the building, also the important intelligent building. With the development of computer

5、 control technology, the parking lot management control system software and hardware facilities are also associated with its development and continuous improvement. Design and program design of this course focuses on the application of PLC automatic garage door, automatic control technology to reali

6、ze the automatic garage door open or closed. When the car close to the door, opened the door to leave by the driver, and then the door automatically closed, and the control system to the process of opening and closing the implementation. Management of the garage in this system is of great help, has

7、obvious effect on the traffic flow, to improve traffic capacity, is of great practical value. automatic door system has been applied to large companies research institutes government, agencies and other units are highly confidential. To enhance the reliability of automatic door operation, this desig

8、n presents a FX2-32MR programmable logic controller and the inverter control automatic door control system, the design uses two sensor prods, some switches and sensors as the system input device, the dive door is used to adjust the speed, and analyzes the working principle of the control system hard

9、ware components and system, analysis of the human body decoction sensors automatic door operation position detection the door operation position detection the door obstacle detection and other control circuit to run the working process ,the selection of the plc inverter selection I/O point of action

10、 to identify and automatic door and other aspect of the process in detail. With plc operating characteristics of the control system ware reasonable workflow optimization, on this basic given the process control system software design flow sequential control terminal wiring diagram and plc lead and s

11、o on.Key words: Automatic Doors, Control Programming, Ladder, Dive 目录目 录1 绪论52 PLC的介绍及选择62.1 PLC的简介62.2 PLC的主要功能及优越性82.2.1 PLC的主要功能82.2.2 PLC的优越性92.2.3 PLC的特点:92.3 PLC的组成与基本结构112.4 PLC的工作原理112.5 PLC的选型122.6 课题任务162.7 本章小结163 车库自动门控制系统的设计173.1 车库自动门电气控制系统的平面图及说明173.2 车库自动门控制系统的控制要求183.3 控制程序的编制及硬件接线图

12、193.3.1 主电路图如图3-2所示193.3.2 PLC硬件接线图如图3-3所示193.3.3 PLC机型的选择203.4 车库自动门控制系统的软件设计203.4.1 I/O口及定时器/计数器说明203.4.2 分段系统梯形图及说明224 系统使用注意事项255 车库自动门维修全程指南266 系统设计调试27参考文献28致 谢29附录 130附录 231绪论 1 绪论随着生产力和科学技术的不断发展,人们的日常生活和生产活动大量的使用了自动化控制,不仅节约了人力资源,而且很大程度上提高了生产效率,又进一步的促进了生产力的快速发展,并不断的丰富着人们的生活。近20年来,随着我国城市建设速度的加

13、快,城市交通需求量也日益增大,城市人口相对密集,无论是私家车辆还是公交车辆都不能真正满足正常的停放,车库车位的需求更大。因此车辆停放成为市民最关注的问题。在超级市场、公共建筑、银行、别墅车库门,经常使用自动门控制系统。早期的自动门控制系统采用继电器逻辑控制,已经逐渐被淘汰。1969年,出现了可编程逻辑控制器PLC(Programmable Logic Controller),其特点是:具备逻辑控制、定时、计数、等功能,编程语言采用直观的梯形图语言,软件更改方便,通用性和灵活性好。PLC控制自动门由于具有故障率低、可靠性高、维修方便等优点,因而得到广泛的应用。所以在停车场智能管理领域,相应的也出




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