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1、2013 年 10 月真题解析2013 年 10 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二)试卷真题解析(课程代码00015 )本试卷分为选择题和非选择题两部分,满分 100 分,考试时间 150 分钟。第一部分为选择题。考生必须在 “ 答题卡 ” 上按要求填涂作答。第二部分为非选择题。第一部分选择题一、阅读判断(第1 10 题,共 10 分)短文后列出 10 个句子,根据短文内容判断每个句子。 A 是正确, B 是错误, C 是文中未提及。Farms Appear in CitiesWhen you hear the word “ farm ” , you may imagine the

2、countryside with cows and crops. But scientists say the farms of the future could be built in tall buildings in some large cities.It may be difficult to believe, but in fact, the technology for growing crops in doors already exists.Farming in the city is already happening. Some vegetables are alread

3、y grown in greenhouses. Even the scientists at the South Pole research station can enjoy fresh vegetables they grow in their own greenhouse.Experts say indoor farming solves many problems. First, traditional farming takes up a lot of land.Growing crops in tall buildings called vertical farming (垂直农业

4、) can solve the problem. Also, fruits and vegetables grown indoors would not face serious threats from insects and weather.Though vertical farms don t exist yet, experts have created a plan for recycling in such farms. Thewater from indoor fish ponds would be used to water crops. Gases from crop was

5、te would be used to heat the building. Waste from chicken or pigs would be reused as a source of energy.But experts believe vertical farming is not going to be easy. They say it can be difficult to controlclimate conditions indoors. Besides, Plants differ in their weather and lighting needs. For exa

6、mple, someplants like warm, sunny weather, but other plants prefer cooler temperatures.That s not to say these difficulties won t be overcome but it will take time. Most experts suggest it may take about 5 to 15 years before the first vertical farms could be created.【参考译文】农场出现在城市里(城中农场)当听到 “ 农场 ” 一词


8、认为垂直农业并不是一件容易的事。他们说,控制室内气候环境是困难的。除此之外,植物对气候和光照需求有差异。例如,一些植物喜好温暖、阳光普照的气候,但另一些植物更喜欢较凉爽的温度。并不是说这些困难不能克服 但是这将需要花时间。大多数专家指出,建立起第一个垂直农场可能需要五年到十五年的时间。1.The word “farm ” may make you think of the countryside.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given 答疑编号 506540020101【答案】 A【解析】从第一段you may imagine the countryside with cows an

9、d crops可知,当提到“ 农场 ” 这个词就会使你联想到乡村。2.1 t is still a dream for people to grow crops indoors.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given-可编辑修改- 答疑编号 506540020103【答案】 B【解析】从第二段in fact, the technology for growing crops in doors already exists.Farming in the city is already happening. 可知,在室内种植不仅仅是个梦想。3.5 cientists at the Sou

10、th Pole research station live a hard life.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given【答案】 C【解析】文中提到南极科考站的科学家在室内种植蔬菜,但是并未提及他们生活是否艰苦。4.Vertical farming does not need as much land as traditional farming.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given 答疑编号506540020104-可编辑修改-【答案】 A【解析】正确常识, “ 垂直农场 ” 当然不需要像传统农场那样大片土地。5.Fresh fruits and vegetables

11、 are very expensive in cities.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given 答疑编号506540020105【答案】 C【解析】新鲜的水果和蔬菜在城市里是否非常昂贵,文中未提及。6.Crops grown indoors would not be badly harmed by insects.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given-可编辑修改- 答疑编号506540020107【答案】 A【解析】从第三段fruits and vegetables grown indoors would not face serious threatsfrom in

12、sects and weather. 可知,生长在室内的庄稼不会有虫害。7.Scientists do not know how to reuse the animal waste in vertical farms.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given【答案】 B【解析】从第四段Waste from chicken or pigs would be reused as a source of energy.可知,科学家知道在垂直农场如何利用动物的粪便。8.Some experts say vertical farming could be difficult.A.TrueB.Fa

13、lseC.Not Given-可编辑修改- 答疑编号506540020108【答案】 A可知,科【解析】从第五段But experts believe vertical farming is not going to be easy.学家认为建垂直农场不是件容易的事情。9.Indoor plants need the same weather and lighting.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given-可编辑修改- 答疑编号506540020110【答案】 B【解析】从第五段Plants differ in their weather and lighting needs.可知

14、,室内植物对气候和光照需求有差异。10 .The first vertical farms appeared 5 years ago.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given【答案】 B【解析】 从第六段最后一句 it may take about 5 to 15 years before the first vertical farms could be created. 可知,不是第一个垂直农场出现在五年之前,而是还需要5 15 年才能够建立起来。【试题分析】短文后面的这 10 个题目主要是考查了两个方面能力: 阅读时对基本内容的掌握情况, 能否理解短文中表达的概 念或细节;另外一

15、方面,迅速阅读短文,获取信息后做出正确判断的能力。二、阅读选择(第1115题,每题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的 4 个选项( A 、 B、 C、 D )中选出 1 个最佳选项。A Good LessonAfter living in Europe for seven years, my parents decided that my family would move to the United States. We all looked forward to this. What would people think of us? For me, I hoped to be the hero of the class.-可编辑修改-I was not disappointed. All my classmates admired my experience, and I quickly became well known as “ the French guy. ” I was very popular f


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