兴化市 度第一学期质量抽测初二英语

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1、 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!兴化市板桥初中、实验中学20082009学年度第一学期初二英语质量抽测试卷(2008.10)命题人:刘德平 黄党凤(考试时间:100分钟 满分:150分)第一部分 选择题(共100分)一、听力(25分) A)根据所听内容选出正确的图画,听两遍。 (5分) A B C D E 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ B)根据所听问句,选出合适的应答语,听两遍。(5分) 6. A. Very much. B. Twice a day. C. Small and short. 7. A. My. B. My brothers.

2、C. Me. 8. A. Kind. B. Light. C. Wide. 9. A. Clever B. Noisy C. Shy 10. A. 2 kilograms B. 20 kilograms C. 5 grams C)根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案,听两遍。(5分)11Where are they? AIn a restaurant BIn a library CIn a shoe shop12Which floor does Peter live on? AOn the 6th floor BOn the 4th floor COn the 8th floor13How

3、much will the shirt cost? A45 yuan B50 yuan C10 yuan14When are they going to have a party?AOn Tuesday BOn Wednesday COn Thursday15Where are they going?ATo a shopping mall BTo a restaurant CTo a supermarket16. A. The girl next door B. His neighbours C. The police17. A. Twice a week B. Once a week C.

4、Three times a week18. A. It was Wednesday .B. It was Tuesday. C. It was Thursday.19. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. I dont know.20. A. Because he didnt go to bed last night. B. Because he went to bed too late last night. C. Because he went to bed too early last night. D)根据所听短文及问题,选择正确答案,听两遍。(5分)2

5、1How long did it take them to go out of town? AOne and a half hours BAbout an hour CA whole morning22What was the hill like? AVery big and large BYellow and colorful CGreen and beautiful 23When did the speakers family go to the country for their holidays? ALast May BIn summer holidays CLast week24Wh

6、at happened when they began to eat? AIt began to snow BIt started to rain CA strong wind stopped25Where did they have their picnic? AIn the car BUnder the tree CNear the river二、单项选择(20分)1. The fantail goldfish has beautiful _ .A. fins B. feet C. feathers D. laps2. Kate often helps us English.A. to l

7、earning B. learn C. learning D. learned3. She is better singing than you.A. at B. in C. of D. by4. I can see some orange in the glass. Please give me .A .a few B few C little D a little5. Unit 6 is than Unit 5. A. very easy B. very easier C. much easy D. much easier6. Uncle Mark, _ you swim when you

8、 were 12 ? No, but I _ swim very fast now.A. could; could B. could; can C. can; can D. can; could7. His friend is _honest boy. He is _best student in their class.A. an, theB. a, aC. a, the D. an, a8.- Would you like _milk in your coffee?- Yes, just _. A. some, a littleB. some, few C. any, a littleD.

9、 some, a few9. My little sister is generous _her friends. She often shares her toys _ them. A. for, forB. to, ofC. to, withD. for, with10. Is there _ todays newspaper? A. something new in B. anything new in C. new anything at D. new something in11. Dont leave the TV _ when you are _ .A. in , out B.

10、out , in C. on , out D. out , on12. Fish sleep _ their eyes_ Awith;open Bwithout;close Cwithout;open Dwith;closed13. _ exciting news it is !A. How an B. What an C. What D. How14. Yesterday Daniel saved a _ boy out of the river .A. 5-years-old B.5 year-old C. 5-year-old D.5 years-old 15. - _ I finish

11、 the homework now , Mr Zhao ?- No , you _ . You may finish it tomorrow .A. Must , mustnt B. Must , neednt C. May , may not D. May , neednt16. Xiao Ming_ the fire with water. A. put away B. put onC. put out D. put into17. The film was very _ . All of us were _ in it .A. interesting , interested B. in

12、teresting , interesting C. interested , interesting D. interested , interested18. Dont read _ . Its bad _ your eyes .A. in the sun , for B. on the sun , of C. under the sun , for D. in the sun , to 19. Can you hear someone _ for help ?A. called B. to call C. calls D. calling20. Please _ late for class again, Jim.A. dont B. dont be C. wont D. wont be 三、完形填空(15分)友情提醒:板桥分部的同学做(A)卷,板桥本部、实验部的同学做(B)卷(A)George was sixty years old, and he was always tired, and his face was always very red. He 1


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