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1、人教PEP小学英语三年级下册期末试三年级英语下册期末评价测试题 小学资源网http:/ 一、单项选择 从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. A:Heres a present for you. B:_. A.Yes B.Thank you C.OK 2. It is _ in winter. A.hot B.cool C.cold 3. Mary _ got a toy doll. A.have B.is C.has 4. We _ basketball at the weekend. A.play B.plays C.get 5. Heres a book

2、for Sam.It is _ animals. A.in B.about C.on 6. _ Spring Festival,we have a big family dinner. A.With B.At C.For 7. Tingting doesnt _ the blue dress. A.like B.likes C.liking 8. The present is in _ bedroom. A.she B.her C.he 9. Daming _ fishing to the lake in autumn. A.goes B.go C.is going 10. My mum _

3、to work each day. A.walk B.walking C.walks 二、选择配伍 从栏中找出栏每个句子恰当的答语。 1.Pass me the milk,please. A.No,it isnt. 2.Is it spring? B.At twelve. -1- 3.Happy Christmas! C.He watches TV. 4.What does Sam do at the weekend? D.Here you are. 5.What time do you have lunch? E.Happy Christmas! 三、词汇考查 从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选

4、项中选出不属于一类的选项。 1.A.rice 2.A.car 3.A.Chinese 4.A.window 5.A.panda B.noodles C.box B.coat C.sweater B.maths B.dinner B.orange C.bike C.breakfast C.dog 四、补全对话 下面对话中有5处空白,从方框中选出句子完成对话。 A.English. B.Good morning. C.What time do you get up? D.By bike. E.I have English,PE and Art. A:_1_ Daming. B:Good morni

5、ng. A: _2_ B:At half past six. A:How do you go to school? B:_3_ A:What do you have at school today? B:_4_ A:Whats your favorite subject? B:_5_ A:I like English,too. 五、阅读理解 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断正误,对的在题前括号内写“T”,错的在题前括号内写“F”。 Im Peter.Im ten years old.My sister is Mary.She is eight.We are pupils.In the morni

6、ng -2- We do morning exercises.We walk to school each day.At the weekend I play football.Mary likes,skipping.In summer we go swimming.In winter we play table tennis.We all like sports. 1.Mary is ten year old. 2.Peter and Mary are pupils. 3.Peter likes skipping. 4.They go to school by bus. 5.In summe

7、r they go swimming. 六、单词连线 请将图画与相应的单词用线连起来。 A.farmer B.hot C.elephant D.sunny E.present 七、读读画画 先仔细阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容画画,看谁画得又快又好。 Look! A girl is flying kites in the park.Two birds are singingin the tree.Two apples and two bananas are under the tree. -3- 参考答案 一、单项填空 15 BCCAB 610 BABAC 二、选择配伍 15 DAECB 三、词汇考查 15 CACAB 四、补全对话 15 BCDEA 五、阅读理解 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 六、单词连线 15 CDEBA 七、读读画画 小学资源网http:/ -4-


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