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1、 SIK箱式变电站安装使用与维护手册SIK Packaged SubstationInstallation, Operation and Maintenance Manual中华人民共和国江苏大全长江电器股份有限公司JIANGSU DAQO CHANGJIANG ELECTRIC CO., LTD., P. R. CHINA始终安全第一Safety is foremost all the time在箱式变电站安装使用前请先仔细阅读本说明书Please carefully read this manual before installation and use for packaged subs

2、tation 开关设备只能安装在适合于电气设备工作的户内场所。 Switch device is only installed at these indoor places where are suitable for electric equipment。 确保由专职电气人员进行安装、操作和维护。 Assure that electric equipment is installed, operated and maintained by full-time electrician。 必须保证现场电气设备的联接条件和工作规程的适用和安全性。 Must assure that applicab

3、ility and safety for connection condition and operation regulation for electric equipment。 有关开关设备的一切操作,都要遵守说明书中的相应规定。 All operations related with switch device must meet relative regulations specified in Manual.。危险Danger要特别注意说明书中标有这个危险标志的注意事项。 Special attention for considerations specified in Manual

4、 should be taken。 不要超出开关设备在正常工作条件下的技术参数里规定的负载。 Must not exceed load specified in specification for switch device at normal operation condition。 说明书应放在所有与安装、操作和维护有关人员能方便地拿到的地方。 Manual should be placed where it is easy for installation, operation and maintenance personnel to reach。 用户的专职人员应对所有影响工作安全的事

5、项负责,并正确管理开关设备。 Full-time personnel should be responsible for safety which affects operation safety and correctly supervises switch device。 若对本说明书尚有疑问,我们将很乐意提供进一步的资讯。 We would like to provide with further information if any doubt about the Manual目录Content页码 Page1.总则General41.1概述Overview41.2标准和规范Stand

6、ard and regulations51.3工作条件Operation condition62技术数据Technical data62.1耐内部故障电弧性能Electric arc resistance for interior failure72.2外形尺寸和重量Dimension and weight73结构概述 Structural overview 73.1基本结构Basic structure73.2外壳和隔板Shell and isolation board74箱式变电站的安装Installation for packaged substation85箱式变电站的操作和维修Ope

7、ration and maintenancefor packaged substation96电力变压器Electric transformer106.1适用范围 Applicable scope116.2变压器的运输Transportation for transformer116.3变压器的验收Acceptance for transformer116.4 变压器的贮存Storage for transformer116.5变压器的总装配Final assembly with transformer127SWX-13-10/60-120无载分接开关SWX-13-10/60-120 no-l

8、oad separate link switch127.1概述Overview 137.2无载分接开关的结构Structure for no-load separate link switch137.3无载分接开关的工作原理和手动操作Principle and manualoperation for no-load separate link switch147.4无载分接开关的维护和检修Maintenance and repair for no-load separate link switch15版权所有,禁止将本说明书的全部或部分,以任何形式提供给第三者。公司保留对提供的数据和图解的更改

9、权力,需更改时,不另行通知。All copyrights reserved, no permission to provide third Party with full or part of Manual in any forms. The company reserves right for change provided data and illustration. No prior notification before change.- 4 - 17 -1 总则 General1.1 概述 Overview SIK箱式变电站(以下简称箱变)又称户外成套变电站,也称做组合式变电站,因其

10、具有组合灵活、便于运输、迁移、安装方便、施工周期短、运行费用低、占地面积小、无污染、免维护等优点被广泛应用于城市小型变配电站、厂矿及流动作业用变电站的建设与改造,因其易于深入负荷中心,减少供电半径,提高末端电压质量,特别适用于城市电网改造. SIK packaged substation(abbreviated as “Packaged Substation”), also named as outdoor integrated power substation, also named as package substation, since it features flexible inte

11、gration, easy transportation, transfer, easy installation, short construction interval, lower operation cost, less land use, free pollution and maintenance, it is widely used for construction and restructuring in small-sized power substation, factory and where mobile works exist, it also features ea

12、sier entry into load center, reduction for radius for power supply, improvement for voltage quality at end, particularly for restructuring for city power grid.1.2 标准和规范 Standards and regulations SIK箱式变电站满足以下标准:SIK packaged substation meets following standards:1GB/T17467-98 高低压预装式变电站Hi-/low-voltage p

13、refabricated substations 2GB1985-89 交流高压隔离开关和接地开关AC hi-voltage isolation switch and grounding switch 3GB11022-89 高压开关设备通用技术条件General technical condition for hi-voltage switch device4DL/T 402-91 交流高压断路器订货技术条件 Purchase technical condition for AC hi-voltage breaker 5DL/T 403-91 635kV户内真空断路器订货技术条件Purcha

14、se technical condition for 635Kv indoor vacuum breaker 6DL/T 404-1997 户内交流高压开关订货技术条件 Purchase technical condition for indoor AC hi-voltage switch 7DL/T 486-92 交流高压隔离开关订货技术条件 Purchase technical condition for AC hi-voltage isolation switch 8DL/T537-2002 高压/低压预装箱式变电站选用导则 Selection and application guideline for hi-/low-voltage prefabricated packaged substation9DL/T 539-1996 高压开关设备的共用订货技术条件


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