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1、100道中考英语时态真题00道中考英语时态真题,开启学霸模式(1)1. Why are you standing here, Mrs. White?Im waiting for my son. He_ back from school.A. hasnt come B. wont come C. doesnt come【答案】A【解析】考查动词的时态。由上文语境“我正在等儿子”可知,他没有从学校回来。故用现在完成时。选A。2. Hello, may I speak to Zhang Jun?Oh, sorry! He _ to Guiyang.A. has beenB. has goneC. w

2、ent【答案】B【解析】考查动词的时态。Have been to“去过某地回来了”;have gone to“到某地去了”。句意“他到贵阳去了”。故选B。3. My father_ on business for two weeks. Hell return in three days.A. has been away B. leftC. has left【答案】A【解析】由for two weeks可知,本句的时间状语为一段时间,要和延续性动词连用。leave是短暂性动词,须排除。故选A。4. Do you miss your parent far away?Yes, very much.

3、They the hometown for over two years.A. left B. have leftC. were away fromD. have been away from【答案】D【解析】考查动词的时态。由时间状语for over two years可知,用现在完成时,且动词用延续性的,故选D。5. Where is your father?He_ Australia and he _ Sydney for two weeks.A. has been to; has been in B. has gone to ; has been inC. has been in; h

4、as been to D. has gone to ; has been to【答案】B【解析】考查动词的时态。Have gone to“到某地去了”;have been in+地点“一直在某地”。句意:他到澳大利亚去了,并且在悉尼呆了两个周了。6. Ann is a nurse in our hospital. She_ here for ten years.A. works B. has worked C. worked【答案】B【解析】考查动词的时态。由“for ten years”可知,本句为现在完成时。故选B。7. _ you _ Jeremy Shu-How Lin?Yes. Th

5、e once-nameless young man became a basketball hero suddenly.A. Did; hear B. Do; listen toC. Have; heard of D. Have; listened to【答案】C【解析】本题考查动词时态的用法。根据语境:你过Jeremy Shu-How Lin吗?是的,一个很不出名的年轻人突然成了篮球健将,可见是“听说”,不是“听”或“听见”,所以是询问别人的“经历”,表示过去的事对现在造成的影响和结果,所以用hear of 的现在完成时,所以选择答案C。8. I called you this mornin

6、g, but nobody answered it.Oh, we _ some running in the park.A. are doingB. were doingC. have doneD. did【答案】B【解析】本题考查动词时态的用法。由上句语境“今天早上我给你打电话,但是没人接”可知是说的过去,原因是“那时我正在公园里跑步”,所以用过去进行时,所以选择答案B。9. Where is your brother?He has gone to Beijing. He back in three days.A. will come B. comes C. has come D. came

7、【答案】A【解析】考查动词的时态。由时间状语“in three days”可知,本句为一般将来时。故选A。10. Is Jack in the classroom now?No, he football on the playground.A. plays B. played C. is playing D. was playing【答案】C【解析】考查动词的时态。由上文句意“现在杰克在教室里做什么?”可知,问的是现在正在做的事情。故用现在进行时。选C。100道中考英语时态真题,开启学霸模式(2)11. Hello! Is that Emily speaking?Sorry, this is

8、Jack, Emilys son. My mother_ in the kitchen.A. cooks B. cooked C. is cooking D. has cooked【答案】C【解析】考查动词的时态。由上文语境可知,妈妈在厨房做饭正在进行。故选C。12. We couldnt find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening. Im sorry for it. My mother and I in the square.A. danced B. will danceC. were dancing D. are dancing【答案】C

9、【解析】考查动词的时态。由上文“around 8:00 yesterday evening”可知,本句用过去进行时。句意“我和妈妈当时正在广场跳舞”。故选C。13. What does your mother do to keep healthy, Tim? She usually _.A. swim B. swims C. is swimmingD. to swim【答案】B【解析】考查谓语动词时态。句意:Tim, 你母亲做什么来保持健康?她通常游泳。根据句意和副词usually 可知本题应用一般现在时,故选B。14. Our math teacher _ in our school for

10、 20 years and he _ here when he was 25 years old.A. taught; comes B. taught; came C. has taught; came【答案】C【解析】考查动词的时态。第一句指到现在已经20年,因此用现在完成时态;第二句有确切的过去时间状语,因此用一般过去时。15. If I have enough money, I _ a school bus to help the poor children go to school.A. buy B. bought C. will buy【答案】C【解析】由if引导的从句用了一般现在时

11、,根据“主将从现”原则,主句用一般将来时。主将从现:当主句是将来时时,时间状语从句和条件状语从句用一般现在时;反之亦然。16. Could you tell me where Jim is? I want to return the bicycle to him.Oh, he _ the library. He will be back soon.A. goes to B. has gone to C. has been to D. went to【答案】B【解析】考查动词的时态。根据下文的“他一会就会回来”,可知吉姆“已经去了”图书馆。have gone to表示“已经去了”,而have b

12、een to表示“去过”。17. Will you please tell her about the news?Sure, Ill tell her about it as soon as she_ back.A. come B. will come C. came D. comes【答案】D【解析】考查动词的时态。根据主将从现原则,as soon as引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时。18. I saw Mr Smith in the office at ten yesterday morning.He an English party with us then.A. has B. had

13、C. was having D. has had【答案】C【解析】考查动词时态。根据对话可知at ten yesterday morning为下文的时间状语,表示在过去的某一时间点正在发生的动作用“过去进行时态”,故选C。19. Whats his brother?He is a teacher. He _maths at a school.A.taught B.has taught C.teaches D.will teach【答案】C【解析】考查动词时态。根据上下文对话“你的哥哥干什么?他是一个老师,他在学校教数学”可知,这是叙述事物或人客观存在的属性或特点,故用一般现在时态。20. I

14、dont remember when and where I _ this umbrella.A.buy B.have bought C.will buy D.bought【答案】D【解析】考查动词时态。根据句意“我不记得什么时候在哪儿买的这把伞”可知,买伞的事情是过去发生的,所以用一般现在时态。100道中考英语时态真题,开启学霸模式(3)21. Wheres Lisa,Eric?She_to the library.A.goes B.had gone C.has gone D.would go【答案】C【解析】考查动词时态。 “have gone to”表示去了(还没回来);”have been to”意为去过(已经回来了)。根据上下文 “丽萨呢?她去了图书馆了。”可知选C。22. What did the teacher say just now?Sorry, I didnt hear it. I out of the window.A. look B. looked C. am looking D. was looking【答案】D【解析】考查动词时态。根据上下文可知“老师讲话时我正在看窗外”,表示过去的某一时间正在做的事情用过去进行时态。23. Could you help me do the di



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