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1、外研四年级英语上册教案Module 1 Unit 1 Go straight on 一、教学目标: 情感目标: 1通过小组合作,培养学生的合作精神和竞争意识。 2通过学习 go straight on ,turn left, turn right等词组为他人指路,培养学生助人为乐的情感。 (二)知识目标 Excuse me. Where is the school, please? Go straight on .Turn left. Turn right. 能力目标 1培养学生表演对话的能力,提高其运用英语的能力。 2会运用本课的词汇模仿录音语调。 二、教学重点: 1能听懂会说、理解并掌握句

2、子“Turn left.”, “Turn right.” 和“Go straight on.”。 2. 学会运用句子“Turn left.”, “Turn right.” 和“Go straight on.”来解决指路问题。 三、教学难点: 学会运用句子“Turn left.”, “Turn right.” 和“Go straight on.”来解决指路问题。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings: 2.Play a game Hide-and-seek (复习上个学期学过的表示方位的词:behind, left, right.) 3. Listen to the

3、 tape and repeat the dialogue in activity 1Step 2 Presentation 1.播放儿歌兔子舞,让全体学生起立,带上动作跟唱儿歌。 2.left, left, right, right, turn around, go, go, go. 然后询问:Whats the meaning of turn around? 接着以同样方式学习turn left, turn right。 3、老师出示这两个词组的卡片,分层次操练词组。 4.引出词组go straight on,分层次操练该词组。 5. Play a game: 用形象的动作来学习这几个重点

4、词: go straight on, turn left, turn right.Do as I say: go straight on, turn left, turn right. Step 3 Listen and say 1Listen carefully and answer the questions. a. Did Doudou find its home? b. Who help it find its home? c. Which road does Doudou live in? 1 2Listen to the tape, pause after each sentenc

5、e and have the students repeat the sentence. 3Listen to the tape for the third times. 当听到课文中的第三句话时,老师出示课件street,并对学生说: I live in No.2 Park Street. 讲授live in, No.=number。 4. 板书超市supermarket,并引出Its next to a supermarket.让学生领会next to的含义,并会读。 5. 画出学校附近的地图课件,课件中有一位小女孩站在家门口,她想去学校但不知道该怎么走,接着老师点击课件上的小喇叭,引出句

6、型Wheres the _, please?老师领读句型,然后分层次操练句型。最后让学生用go straight on, turn left, turn righ来为小女孩指路。 Step 4 Practice Read the dialogue. 1.示范读。 2.请学生做小老师领读。 3.小组学习为主,分角色读。 4. 带头饰情景表演:A扮演Amy, B 扮演Sam,C扮演老爷爷, D扮演女主人。 5.出示一幅地图,让学生跟同桌相互询问路线,练习对话 A: Excuse me. Where s the , please? B: Go straight on Step 5 Summary 1

7、. 总结本节课所学内容。 2. 给获胜小组发放小奖品,肯定和表扬表现好的每一个小组。 Step 6 Homework 画一幅图画,上面有许多的建筑物和道路,用英语说一说如何到 想去的地方。 五、板书设计 Module 1 Unit 1 Go straight on. left turn left right turn right A: Excuse me. Wheres the , please? B: Go straight on .Then Turn left street excuse me supermarket next to besides cinema unit 2 Its at

8、 the station 一、教学内容:学习问路和指路。 二、教学目标 知识目标: 1.学习单词station/ houses/ hill/ train/up/ down/ near 2.学习句子 Where is train 1? The train is up/down the hill. 能力目标: 1能听说认读单词station/ houses /hill/ train/ up /down 2 2 能运用句子Its at the station.来描述位置。 情感目标:通过学习本课的知识,培养学生礼貌、热心、乐于助人的好习惯。 三 教学重点、难点: 1.认读单词station / ho

9、uses / hill/ train 和理解方位介词up/ down /near / at, 并明白他们表示的方位。 2.运用句子Its at the station.描述位置 四 、教学用具:磁带、录音机、课件、单词卡片、市区地图、 五、 教学步骤 Warmingup 1.教师板书 “supermarket”,学生认读单词;师在黑板上画出本市的平面和标上“supermarket”. T:“Excuse me,where is supermarket?” S1“Turn right. Go straight on and turn left.” S2:“Turn left. Go straig

10、ht on.” 师示出“school”学生认读 T:“Excuse me,where is the school?” S3 S4.等回答。 Warming up Greeting.Revision: T:Before class ,let us play a game。I want four of you to come different here。Group one)The others look at the carts in my hand,and we say,they do the action。The one who can do the action first will be

11、 the winner。I will give him a present。Clear? Ss:Yes。 Presentation: 1. 在学生做出talk to friends动作时, What are you doing? Ss: talk to friend T:Yes,you are talking to friend。What are you doing ? 2. 呈现课文 T:This is father。This is mother。They have three children。It time for breakfast。But where are the children

12、?What happen? What is Sams family doing now? Lets listen to the tape. T:Listen again ,and answer the questions:What is Sam/Amy/Tom doing? T:Now who wants to be Sam?The whole class ask him:what are you doing? Ss: what are you doing? S1:I am listening to music。 T:I am listening to music。Yes or no? Ss:

13、Yes。 全班问:what are you doing? S2:Im watching TV! S3:Im reading a book! 一一将句子呈现在黑板上。 Practice: 1.依次练习句子Im watching TV! Im reading a book! 2. T:Who wants to be father and mother?Group one is Sam.Group two is Amy。T: You did a good job。Now who want to be Sam,Amy and Tom? 请三位学生扮演Sam, Amy,Tom。 3. Make a ne

14、w dialogue。 Make a new dialogue with your partner。I will give you two minutes to practice。 4. 学唱歌曲。 T: You did a very good job。Let us sing a song。 Summary: 提问学生怎样来询问别人正在做什么,总结全课内容。 Homework 抄写课文。 六、板书设计。 What are you doing? Im listening to music/watching TV/reading a book. Module 3 Unit 1 What are t

15、hey doing? 一、教学目标: 学习询问他人正在做什么事情。 描述他人正在做的事情。 学生能够听、说、认 boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry 。 二、教学重点难点: 教学重点:学说问句What are they doing? 掌握句型Theyre 动词+ing +宾语 教学难点:能清晰准确地发出本课所教的单词的音, 并自如地应用。 三、教学方法:直观教学 四、教学过程: Warming up 6 师生齐唱M2中的小诗,并配以动作。 Revision 1.师板书:read , write ,listen ,play , talk 2.请学生说这些动词的-ing形式。 3齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。 Presentation 学习新句型 1.T:What is he/she doing ?复习Hes/Shes动词+ing . 2.T:What


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