The Interactive English Teaching Method Based on Constructivism in Junior Middle School英语专业

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1、The Interactive English Teaching Method Based on Constructivism in Junior Middle SchoolAbstractWith the promotion of teaching reforms, many scientific and efficient teaching methods are strongly advocated in classroom teaching. Among these, interactive teaching method is an effective and popular met

2、hod. In recent years, constructivist theory which emphasizes students initiative learning has been widely applied into education in all parts of the world.However, the traditional “teacher-centered” method has dominated English teaching for a long time, which makes students bored and accept knowledg

3、e passively. For the sake of inadequate interaction, students communicative competence and second language acquisition are not well developed. Neither is their initiative learning. Constructivism holds that students are an essential part in classroom teaching. They construct knowledge and meaning fr

4、om an interaction between their own experiences and ideas. Therefore, it is quite essential that teachers should provide more interactions with students to communicate. This thesis combines these two theories, trying to show their importance and to find an effective way to learn English.Key words: C

5、onstructivism; Interactive teaching method; Classroom teaching17摘要随着教学改革的推进,很多科学而有效的教学方法展现在课堂中。其中,互动教学法就是一种有效而受欢迎的教学方法。近些年来,注重学生主动学习的建构主义理论也被广泛运用到全世界的教学中。然而,传统的以教师为中心的教学方法一直在英语教学中处于领导地位。这种教学模式使学生感到厌烦并且被动地接受知识。由于缺少足够的互动,学生的交际能力和第二语言习得能力没有得到很好的发展。学生的主动学习能力同样没有提高。建构主义认为学生是课堂教学的主体,他们对自己的经验和思想进行互动从而达到知识和

6、意义的建构。因此,教师给学生提供更多的互动机会进行交流是非常必要的。本文结合建构主义理论和互动式教学,体现两者对学习英语的重要意义并尝试探求学习英语的有效途径。关键词:建构主义;互动教学法;课堂教学CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIABSTRACTII摘要III1. INTRODUCTION12. THE OVERVIEW OF CONSTRUCTIVIST THEORY22.1 Constructivist learning theory32.2 Constructivist-based teaching theory43. BASIC CONCEPTS OF INTERAC

7、TION AND CLASSROOM INTERACTION53.1 Teacher-student interaction63.2 Student-student interaction74. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CONSTRUCTIVISM AND INTERACTIVE TEACHING METHOD84.1 The similarity in theoretic foundation94.2 The similarity in teaching approaches95. THE APPLICATION OF INTERACTIVE ENGLISH TEA

8、CHING METHOD BASED ON CONSTRUCTIVISM IN JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL115.1 Creation of a constructivist environment115.2 Enhancement of interactive patterns125.3 Improvement of an awareness of questioning135.4 Assessment of students performance146. CONCLUSION16WORKS CITED18The Interactive English Teaching Me

9、thod Based on Constructivism in Junior Middle School1. IntroductionEnglish as a foreign language has existed for a long time in China. A growing number of people have paid much attention to English teaching due to the practice of the Opening and Reform Policy. Besides, English has been considered as

10、 one of the fundamental subjects in the curriculum of middle school since the early 1990s. However, it cannot be neglected that English teaching still has a long way to reach the national English level on account of Chinese traditional teaching method. Therefore, how to change the traditional “cramm

11、ing method of English teaching” and fostering students interests in learning English is the issue that all the countries encounter nowadays. Although there are many teaching approaches available, it is still difficult to find an effective and satisfactory approach in English teaching of junior middl

12、e school. As constructivism gets more concerns from the researchers in teaching, some constructivists have put forward a series of reforms which attempt to shape “student-centered” model in classroom teaching, trying to cultivate students motivation and initiation of learning, interaction with teach

13、ers. Furthermore, teachers serving as guiders can stimulate students interests and encourage them to have enough interaction both in and out of class. Junior middle school students are in the second important period of acquiring a foreign language. However, in Chinese traditional classroom, the stud

14、ents just listen to teachers, take notes and take in knowledge passively. There is little or no exchange of information and interactions with teachers. It is safe to conclude that this teaching method is not consistent with students psychological characteristics; it just makes the students acquire E

15、nglish passively rather than helps them have a desire to learn. As for the teacher, he or she only plays as a transmitter. So take the quality of English teaching into consideration, optimizing English teaching method in junior middle school is fairly necessary. Constructivism holds that teaching sh

16、ould be built based on what learners have already known and teachers should guide them to different kinds of activities. This idea has fully illustrated the importance of interactive activities which can help students to stimulate their interest and consolidate the knowledge they have learnt. The traditional teaching method not only depresses the a



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