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1、Increasing Revenue of Oushanxiye Wedding Supplies Store through Enriching Service 摘要欧尚喜业婚庆用品店是2010年6月由我开办,主要是以销售婚礼和庆典用品为主的商店。 但是从开业以来两个月销量来看,销售额不近呼人意,为了能有正常的销售流水和利润率,我对该店做了一定的服务项目丰富。 店铺紧挨京东燕郊开发区,交通便利,这里的人们接纳新事物的能力较强。周边有足够的社区,也为我的项目提供了较多的潜在客户群。 销售额肯定是衡量一个店面的营业能力的重要标准,为了能在短时间内调整到理想状态,我们利用调查问卷对20名顾客进行数

2、据收集,还包括情况,SWOT等多种分析方法制定了相应的调整方案,并假设项目实施后将得到相比较6-7月两个月的业绩有至少100%的业绩提升。 经过8月数据收集,设施购买等系列措施完成后,9月-10月为真正的数据统计时间,实施过程中的,细致的数据收集和记录,我们发现销售额有了接近31倍的提升,达到了意想不到的理想结果。这次项目的成功完成,也让我意识到,只有不断关注客户需求,以客户为中心,扩展具有自身优势的业务才能有更高的竞争优势.项目的成功实施也为单纯以零售为主的商店转变为一站式服务的婚庆公司打好了基础。关键词: 欧尚喜业:销售额;一站式服务:AbstractOushanxiye Wedding

3、Supplies Store was opened by myself in June this year. This shop provides products about wedding. During the first two months, the problem I am facing is that my shop has low revenue. In order to have normal revenue and profitability, I enriched new service about wedding. Our store is close to Yanji

4、ao near Beijing, in a hub transport. The people here are susceptible to the new things. There are enough surrounding communities, which provide more potential customers for my project.The revenue can measure a store which has operating capacity or not. As concern as the limited times, we made a surv

5、ey from 20 customers for data collection, including the situation analysis, SWOT analysis and other methods to develop a project for enriching. It is hypothesized that if I enrich new services of wedding, then the revenue of my store will increase at least 100% respectively from September to October

6、 than the last two months.In August, a survey was had, facilities were purchased, and the two months from September to October is real time for data collection. From all the data and records, we found that sales have nearly 31 times increased than before.The project is finished successfully. We real

7、ize that enriching business based on our own advantages can achieve higher competitive advantage. It also gave a good preparation for transferring from a store to a one-stop service store. Key words: Oushanxiye; Revenue; A one-stop service store: Table of ContentsPages1. Project Introduction 72. Pro

8、ject Problem Identification and Analysis9 2.1 Project problem 9 2.2 Problem analysis 2.2.1 Companys current situation 2.2.2 Needs and wants analysis 2.2.3 SWOT analysis 10111213 2.3 Results of problem analysis133. Project Objective and Hypothesis15 3.1 Project objective15 3.2 Project hypothesis154.

9、Project Rationale155. Project Design 17 5.1 Activities with time-scale17 5.2 People involved and their responsibilities19 5.3 Cost Analysis 5.4 Risk Analysis 216. Project Implementation 6.1 General introduction of time, place of project implementation 6.2 The Working Steps of Implementation 6.3 Moni

10、toring7. Results and Discussion25 7.1 Results25 7.2 Data Analysis277.2.1Records of the implementation of project287.3 Discussion288. Conclusion29Bibliography30Appendix I. Questionnaire31Appendix II. Registration Form32Appendix III. Agreement33Increasing Revenue of Oushanxiye Wedding Supplies Store t

11、hrough Enriching Services 1. Introduction Oushanxiye Wedding Supplies Store was opened by myself in Jun this year. This shop provides products of wedding, like red packets, invitation cards and so on. The key customers of our store are couples who account for 90%, and the enterprises. My shop is lar

12、ge enough in scale near the downtown blocks in Hebei province. It consists of 2 persons, a shop assistant and I.But during the first two months, the problem I am facing is the low revenue cannot support our high rental and the cost of staff. At the same time, more and more complaints on no service f

13、or the wedding ceremony were noticed. There is a vicious circle, the sales only from retailing lead to low revenue; the products like red packets, invitation cards cant satisfy the demands of clients. Our store had to take measures to solve this problem,Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman wrote in their book In Search that a tailored way is a market way which can give a full role for their strengths. Our strengths are the large scale can supply enough r


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