Unit 4 Helping people around the world 话题语言应用

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《Unit 4 Helping people around the world 话题语言应用》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 Helping people around the world 话题语言应用(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Helping people around the world话题语言应用跨国度援助语言积累交际用语讨论Making suggestions 提出建议I think it would be a good idea to. 我想会是个好主意。We could help by. 我们可以通过帮忙。I would like to suggest that. 我建议Asking for opinions 征求观点What do you think? 你的意见呢?Does anyone else have any suggestions? 别人还有什么建议吗?Does anyone els

2、e have any other ideas? 还有人有其它想法吗?Can you suggest anything else? 你还有其它建议吗?Expressing agreement / disagreement 表达赞同/不赞同I agree/ disagree because. 我同意/不同意,因为OK, that sounds like a good idea. 好,听来是个好主意。Thats a great idea, but.好主意,但是Im sorry but I dont think that would work because.对不起,但是我认为那不会有效果,因为Unf

3、ortunately, I dont think that will work. 不幸的是,我认为那没有用。Making conclusions 得出结论In summary, our group has decided to.总的来说,我们组已经决定In conclusion, we have decided.综上所述,我们已经决定话题语句(1)Horrible situations 可怕的境况war 战争famine 饥荒lack of food 食物匮乏drought 干旱flood 水灾tsunami 海啸earthquake 地震poverty 贫穷Who can help the

4、people in need? 谁帮助需要帮助的人?1. outstanding/ common people 杰出/ 普通人2. national/ governmental /international / non-governmental organizations国家/政府/国际/非政府组织Volunteers 志愿者1. People who help others in need or do a job willingly without being paid are called volunteers.志愿者指那些给需要的人以帮助或愿意无偿做一些工作的人。2. Volunteer

5、s are not paidnot because they are worthless but because they are priceless.志愿者没有报酬,不是因为他们是毫无价值,而是因为他们是无价的。(worthless没有价值的,没有用处的;priceless无价的,贵重的,无法估计的)3. There are many people around us, in our country or even in the world who need different kindsof help. So voluntary work is an important and great

6、 cause (事业). Not only can it make people live better but also it can bring happiness to volunteers. So we should form a sense of helping others and take an active part in any kind of voluntary activities from now on and try to make the world more beautiful and harmonious (和谐的).4. The whole world is

7、a large family. We should make every effort to help the people in trouble,no matter who theyre.5. Volunteersfight against the flood and rescue the old and the sick 抗击洪水,救助老人和病人 plant trees and protect our environment 植树,保护环境prevent the land from turning into desert 阻止土地沙漠化help the disabled 帮助残疾人 cle

8、an the community 清洁社区help elderly people who live alone 帮助空巢老人teach the kids in the mountainous areas/ developing countries 在山区/发展中国家支教 join the Go West Project to improve the standard of education in the school 加入“西部工程”改善学校教育水平donate money to help people in the earthquake area 为地震地区捐款organize a par

9、ty to collect money for. 组织聚会为筹款 话题语句(2) The United Nations (the UN) 联合国The UN is an international group made up of nearly all countries that want to increase peace. It was founded after the Second World War in October 1945.Countries in the UN:(originally) 51 countries(recently) 191 countriesSecreta

10、ry-General 秘书长 the UN headquarters (New York) 联合国总部(纽约) a General Assembly 联合国大会 the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council 五个安理会常任理事国 Its four main purposes 四大目标 to keep international peace; to develop friendly relationships among nations; to cooperate insolving international

11、 problems and in promoting respect for human rights; to be a center for organizing the actions or work of different nations. Problems it deals with 处理的问题The UNhelps end some of the worlds most horribleconflicts;assists the victims of wars and disasters; protects human rights;improves international l

12、aws;helps with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and diseaseThe UN promise to the world by 2019 To meet the eight development goals.Toensure all children complete primary education. To ensure thatfresh drinking water is available to everyone.The main organiza

13、tions 主要组织International Labour Organization 国际劳工组织 Food Agricultural Organization of the United Nations 联合国粮食及农业组织 UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教育、科学及文化组织World Health Organization 世界卫生组织Universal Postal Union 万国邮政联盟World Bank Group 世界银行International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织U

14、nited Nations International Childrens Fund 联合国儿童基金会the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees 联合国难民事务高级专员(办事处)United Nations Peacekeeping Forces 联合国维和部队United Nations Development Fund for Women 联合国妇女发展基金会Aims:Working for womens Empowermentand GenderEqualityPlacing the realization of womens

15、human rights and security at the centre of all of its efforts, UNIFEM focuses its activities on four strategic goals: Reducing womens poverty; Ending violence against women; Controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS among women and girls; Achieving gender equality in democratic governance in times of peace as well as war. 难点提示:strategic战略上的empower给权利,使自主gender性别 violence暴力democratic 民主的governance 管理,统治UN Goodwill Ambassador 联合国亲善大使Theyvisit those countries where the UN has programmes to help people, especially African countries; increasepeoplesawarenes


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