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1、Unit 1 Welcome to the unit 导学案班级: 姓名: 学习目标: 1.通过对话大声练习口语。2.认识人体感官的重要性,并了解感官之间是相互影响的。重点难点: 1.如何正确表达自己对感官的理解; 2.熟练运用已学词汇描述图片内容。学法指导: 阅读法,自主、合作与探究法。课时安排:1课时。学习过程:【独立自学】(A级)Step1: Self studyTask 1: Answer the following questions1. With what can we see and hear?2. How can we know whether a dish is delici

2、ous?3. How can we know that a flower has a pleasant smell?4. What do we do when we want to know whether the water in the basin is hot or cold?5. How do we know about the world around us?Task 2: Fill in the table.we dowiththe senseseeheartastesmelltouch/feelStep 2 Read the instructions and the short

3、passage in page 1. Look at the four pictures and answer the question below each picture. Picture 1: What can you see in this picture? Picture 2: How do you find out whether the two lines are of the same length? Picture 3: How can you prove that the two lines are straight? Picture 4: Can the symbols

4、be read in only one way?【能力提升】(C级)Step 3 Discussion What can we learn from observing the four pictures?【拓展应用】(C级)Step 4 Make up a dialogue to talk about sensesTopic: some people talk about a “sixth sense”. They say it helps people know about things before them happening. Do you believe in a “sixth s

5、ense”? Why or why not?【合作交流、质疑解难】(A B级)Step 5 Language study 1. Find out the following phrases. (A 级)1.在某人的日常生活中_ 2. 和某人讨论某事_3.相互影响_ 4. 捏住鼻子_5.味觉_ 6. 以凸起的圆点形成的字母_7.听力有问题的人_ 8. 一两次_9.取得巨大成就_ 10. 即使_2. Language pointssense【知识链接】 n. C感官,感觉 the sense of sight视觉听觉_嗅觉_触觉_味觉_感觉,感官(多用做单数,并与a连用),观念,概念,感/心a s

6、ense of humour幽默感 a sense of duty_ a sense of oppression_a sense of safety_ a sense of pride_sense of economy 经济观念 sense of business_a sense of right or wrong/justice 是非感/正义感sense of direction_vt. 作“感觉到,领悟,发觉”解时,后接名词或者从句。翻译:我一进房间,马上就觉察出有不正常的东西。 make sense/not make any sense有(没)意义 make sense of 理解,明白

7、 There is no sense (in) doing sth. 做某事没有意义【检测巩固】:翻译下列句子 1为这样的事烦恼没有意义.2 我感觉到她在想什么.3 节省钱是理智的.4 你能明白我的意思吗?Step 6 Self-assessment【当堂检测】(B级)1. All the _noise in the crowd made the little girl_.A. confused ;confused B. confused; confusing C. confusing; confused D. confusing; confusing2._my hometown take o

8、n a new look, a _of pride suddenly appeared in my mind.A. having seen ; happiness B. Seeing ; meaningC. when I saw ; sense D. while I saw ; feeling3._you dislike ancient monuments, Warrick Castle is _worth_.A. even if ; well; a visit B. though ; very ; visiting C. if; quite ; to be visited D. when ;

9、 well ; being visited4. Seldom _him recently, for you see Im preparing for the project.A. I meet B. do I meet C. I have meet D. have I met5. I have lost my wallet again. Its the third time this_.A. happened B. is happened C. happens D. has happened6. Winning three gold medals is a great _. A. progress B. pleasure C. achievement D. score7. Though good care has been taken of him, his health is still_. A. so poorly B. poorly C. as poor D. poor【 学后反思 】 :_ _ _ _ 4


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