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1、小学毕业考试英语试卷(测试时间:45分钟,试卷满分:80分)一、语音。从下列每小题 A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个划线部分读音与其他两个读音不 同的选项。(用2B铅笔填涂,每小题1分,共5分)( )1.In spring, we often go to the City Park by bike and fly kites._A B C( )2.Last Sunday, I worked in the garden, chatted with my fri_ends and watchedcartoons. It was great fum.ABC( )3.My moth _er s bir

2、thday is coming. I want to buy a cake with some .grapes.A BC( )4.Toms cousinjs shouting tojthe baby in the white house._A BC( )5.Mrs Green likes dancingith a black hat. _A B C二、选择正确答案。(用2B铅笔填涂,每题1分,共15分)()1.-What s on the desk?-There is old book on it.book is Billys.A. a, The B.an, The C.an, A()2.-W

3、heres the telephone? -Its the table and the sofa.A. on B. under C. between()3.-did?you?go?last?winter?holiday?-1 toBeijing.A.?What,?went B. Where,?went C. Why,goand thin.( )4.Two?years?ago,Tim short and fat. But nowhe tallA.?was,?is B.is, was C.is, is( )5.Wang?Bing?can jump, but Yang Ling can sing.

4、A.high,good B.high, well C.far, beautiful( )6.It often in spring in Changzhou.A. rain B.rains C.rainy()7.The?trousers nice. Please.A.?looks,?try?it?on B.?looks,?try?on?them C.look, try them on()8.-will?you?stay?in?Australia? -For?two?weeks. A.?How?many B.How?long C.?How?much()9.The?boys?often?play f

5、ootball?after?school,?but?the?girls?like?pl aying piano.A.?the,?the B.the,/ C./, the()10.-Miss?Li,?I?can,t?go?to?school?today.?I?have?a?bad?cold.A. All?right. B.Im?sorry?to?hear?that.? C. It s OK.()11.People often at?the?Dragon?Boat?Festival.A. watch?the moon B.eat moon cakes C.have dragon boat race

6、s()12.-Tom his?homework?last?night? - Yes,?of?course.A.Does,?do B.Did, do C.Did, did()13.To?keep?safe,?you wait on the pavement and cars and bikes.A.must ?t?,look?around B.should,?look?forC.must,100k out for()14.?Look!?This?is cowboy?and?this?is.A.?an?American,?a?Scottish?man B.?an?American, a Frenc

7、hman C.Scottish ,American()15.?I?have?a?healthy?diet.?I?have at dinner.A.?a?lot?of?meat?and?some?vegetablesB.some?vegetables and?many?hamburgersC.I?a?lot?of?vegetables?and?a?little?meat三、根据汉语及句意,写出单词或短语的正确形式。(每格一词1分,共9分)1 . We?are?going?to?have?our?Ar?lesson?next(周五).2 .?Helen(起床晚)yesterday.3 .?The?

8、students?are?talking?about(他们的)?holiday plans.4 .?Music?can?make?people(快乐).5 .?The?film?Warcraft( 魔兽)?is so?(令人兴奋).6 .?In?order?to?protect?the?earth,?dont?use?( 太多 的)plastic, please.四、完成对话。(每格一词1分,共15分)A)根据对话内容,选择最佳答案,并将其序号填入空白处,其中有两项为多余选项。Mike?is?a?new?student.?He?is?talking?with?his?classmate?Liu

9、?Tao?in?the?playgro und.M: 1? you?go?to?school?L:?I?usually?go?to?school 2 2because?my?home?is?near?our?school. 3 you?M:?My?home?is 4 our school. I go to school 5 . L:?Then,?what?are?you 6 after?school?M:I 7 read?books.?But 8 is the library?L:?Its?near?the?teaching?building.A?What?about B.?whereC.?w

10、alk?there?D.?going?to?doE.?far?from ?F.?going?to?beG.want?to H.on?footI. How J.by metro1.看右图完成对话,在每个空格内填入一个适当的词T- XMpoiy.A: What date is it today?B: Its the of.A:I will go to Guangming Primary School tomorrow.B: What for?A: There will be a wonderful lecture 讲座) keep our city clean a

11、nd tidy.Would you like to go me?B: Sure! When will it start?A: It w川 start 2: 00 in the.B:OK.Let s at 1:30 in front of the school gate!A&B: See you then.五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每格一词1分,共8分)1. ?Helen?and?Yang?Ling?come?from?different?(country).2.?My?father?usually(go)(swim)at?the?weekends.3.Let?me?help?you!Th

12、e?mouse?said?(quiet).4 .?Nancy(fly) kites?with?her?friends?in?the?park?last?Saturday.5 . Listen!Someone is(read) stories by the lake.6 .Long long ago,there(be) a lion, he(live)in?the?forest.六、首字母填空。阅读短文,并根据首字母提示填写单词。(每格一词1分,共8分)Now?let?me?tell?you?something?about?Chinese?Spring?Festival.?Eyear, peop

13、le from all over the country?celebrate(庆祝)?it?in?China?.Usually?it?is?iJanuary or F. It is the mostimportant(最重要)?festival?in?China.?So?before?it?,?people?buy?many?thingsand they often make aspecial?kind ?of?food?called?d?,?it?means get?together .Othe eve of the Spring Festival, all the?family?membe

14、rs?come?back?home.?When theyhave the meal, they g each other best wishes for the coming?year.?Theyall?h a good time.七、阅读理解,(每小题1分,共10分)A)阅读短文,判断下列各旬意思是否与短文内容相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“ F” .Many?people?like?shopping?online.?They?can?shop?at?home?now.Some?people?say?that?shopping?online?is?easy,?they?can?shop?f

15、or manythings at home at anytime. They don t need to buy things in the shop. They don t have to bargain( 讲价),they just need to send an email and then pay(付钱)for the things with a credit card(信用卡).But some people dont think the things in the online shop are good, because in an online shop people can only see some pictures. A dress may look nice on a model(模特),but it may not fit(适合)the shopper.Yet(然而)shopping online becomes the important part of peoples life.( )1.Shopping onlinemeansbuying the t



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