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1、外刊精读精练我们为什么打哈欠?导读:请注意,点开这篇文章可能会让你打哈欠!这并不是因为我们的节目太无聊或者你会被传染上哈欠,而是因为只要我们看到别人打哈欠,甚至只是想想这个行为,都可能引发我们来一个大哈欠!但这究竟是为什么呢,本集外刊精读将会解答你的疑惑。一、语篇泛读Vocabulary: Biology 词汇:生物学Its a question that has puzzled scientists for a long time: why exactly do we yawn?In a recent breakthrough, scientists have discovered the

2、part of the brain responsible forcontagiousyawning. Its called the primarymotorcortex, and controls movement in the body. When triggered it makes us yawn. But we cant choose to yawn its aninvoluntaryimitation of other people. You know how it goes: your friend yawns, you yawn.Knowing which section of

3、 the brain is involved is only part of the answer. There is still a deeper question of why. And we dont only yawn when others do, we sometimes yawn alone.So, lets start with thephysiologicaltheories behind yawning. As far back as 400BC, GreekphysicianHippocrates speculated that yawning released harm

4、ful gases from the body, like “steam escaping from acauldron”. Hiscolourfultheory is now, sadly,discounted.A more recent idea suggests that we yawn in order to cool down the brain. Just like a busy computer processor, our brains canoverheat. Psychologist Gordon Gallup from the University at Albany h

5、as argued that the act of yawning delivers arushof oxygen to the brain, helping us think more clearly.What about the connection between yawning and tiredness? We certainly yawn more when were feeling sleepy orsluggish, but why is this? Theories that it helps give the body extra energy are largelydis

6、credited, as we dont yawn when we exercise, a time when we definitely need moreget-up-and-go!Psychologist Catriona Morrison from the University of Leeds says yawning is an ancientreflex. She told the BBC that it may have started in “the days of cavemen when someone had to be on watch all the time -

7、yawning increasescerebralblood flow so can improve alertness.”What about our friends contagious yawning? Some think itcomes down toempathy. While allvertebratemammals yawn, only humans and chimpanzees catch yawns from others. Studies have shown we yawn more frequently when in the company of close re

8、latives and friends. Could yawning actually help uscementour closest relationships?If it does, next time you yawn in company, dont feel too embarrassed. Youre just showing off yourpeople skills.二、词汇表contagious会传染的motor 肌肉运动的,运动神经的cortex (尤指大脑或其他器官的)皮层involuntary不由自主的physiological生理的physician医生(尤指内科医

9、生)cauldron(通常指架在火上的)大锅colourful有趣的,有声有色的discounted大打折扣的,有所减弱的overheat负荷过多,承载过多rush(身体的)一阵感觉sluggish行动迟缓的discredited受到怀疑的,被质疑的get-up-and-go干劲reflex本能反应cerebral 大脑的come down to归结为,归根结底在于empathy共鸣,共感vertebrate有脊椎的cement巩固(友谊)people skills人际交往能力三、测试与练习阅读课文并回答问题。1. Are we more likely to yawn in the compa

10、ny of our family or strangers?2. Why dont we think yawning gives you a rush of energy?3. True or false:Humans and chimpanzees are the only mammals which yawn.4. Which word means caused something to start?5. True or false:The author found Hippocrates idea appealing.请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的

11、空格处。1. Professor Lis theory is _. It is widely used in academia.discrediteddiscountedvalid contagious2. It really _ to you. If you want something badly enough, you can make it happen.Down come downdowns comes down3. A reflex is _ action.a voluntaryan involuntarythe voluntarya volunteer4. Tim has gre

12、at _. He always knows how to get the best out of his team.people skillsempathy skillsperson skillscerebral skills5. Wait until January to buy a new jacket and take advantage of the _.discountingdiscounteddiscounts discredit【参考答案】阅读课文并回答问题。1. Are we more likely to yawn in the company of our family or

13、 strangers?According to the article, we are more likely to yawn when with family and friends.2. Why dont we think yawning gives you a rush of energy?The theory is no longer popular because if it were true, it would mean we would yawn at times when energy is badly needed, such as during exercise.3. T

14、rue or false:Humans and chimpanzees are the only mammals which yawn.False. The article says all vertebrate mammals yawn, but its only contagious in humans and chimpanzees. 4.Which word means caused something to start?Triggered.5. True or false:The author found Hippocrates idea appealing.True. The au

15、thor seems to like Hippocrates idea, calling it “colourful” and saying it was “sad” it was no longer accepted.请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。1. Professor Lis theory isvalid. It is widely used in academia.2. It reallycomes downto you. If you want something badly enough, you can make it happen.3. A reflex isan involuntaryaction.4. Tim has greatpeople skills. He always know


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