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1、2013蒋军虎基础班语法、基强班长难句总结第一章 总论- 3 -一、基本词类 10类- 3 -二、句子成分 8种- 3 -三、句子基本类型- 3 -四、改错练习- 3 -五、句子结构分析练习- 4 -第二章 词的讲解- 4 -一、名词- 4 -二、代词- 4 -三、动词- 5 -1、动词-主谓一致- 5 -2、时态-填空- 7 -3、时态-选择- 8 -4、时态-改错- 9 -5、动词语态- 10 -6、特殊动词与动词搭配- 10 -7、虚拟语气- 10 -四、连词(见三大从句)- 11 -第三章 三大从句- 11 -一、形容词性质的定语从句:- 11 -1、三类关系词简介- 12 -关系代词

2、:- 12 -关系副词- 12 -关系限定词- 12 -2、关系代词- 12 -3、关系副词- 13 -4、关系限定词- 13 -5、四个关系词选择- 14 -1)11个关系词的选择- 14 -2)关系代词which 与whom 之前介词的选择- 14 -3)定语从句中关系代词与介词的位置- 15 -4)只用关系代词that不用which的情况- 15 -6、四类特殊定语从句- 16 -1)分裂定语从句- 16 -2)并列/复合(嵌入)/递进定语从句- 16 -3)but引导的否定性定语从句- 17 -4)非限制性定语从句- 17 -7、句子写作- 19 -8、自我练习- 19 -二、名词性从

3、句- 20 -三类连词的基本用法- 20 -1、That类从句- 20 -2、Whether/if类- 20 -3、Wh-类- 21 -4、What与How连接名词性从句(感叹句)的注意事项- 21 -5、What/whatever/whoever的特殊用法- 21 -6、名饰分裂的第2种情形名词与同位语从句的分离- 22 -7、名词性同位从句与形容词性定语从句的区别- 22 -8、名词性从句练习- 22 -9、自我练习- 23 -三、副词性质的状语从句- 24 -选择- 24 -自我练习- 25 -第四章 几大结构- 27 -一、非谓语结构- 27 -不定式短语(to do)- 27 -动名

4、词(v. ing)- 27 -分词- 28 -二、独立主格结构(注意独构的6种形式)- 29 -三、倒装结构- 30 -四、强调结构:- 31 -第一章 总论一、基本词类 10类名词与代词、动词、形容词与副词、介词与连词、冠词、数词与感叹词)二、句子成分 8种1.He speaks English well.他英语讲得很好。2.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳东升西落。3.Einstein went to American because Hitler persecuted the Jews.由于希特勒的迫害,爱因斯坦去了美国。

5、4.I found the explanation wrong.我发现这个解释是错误的。5.We often call him “Mr. right”.我们常叫他“白马王子”6.He died young.他年纪轻轻就死了。7.The bottle was found empty.我们发现瓶子是空的。三、句子基本类型8.He works. S +Vi (副词)他工作。9.He works hard.他努力工作。10.I love grammar. S + Vt + O我喜欢语法。11.I like chatting on the Internet.我喜欢在网上聊天。12.Talking to

6、her brings me a lot of fun. S + Vt + O1 +O2我和她聊天,我感到很开心。13.Put your hands in the air and give me all of your money!举起手来,把你所有的钱都给我。14.Baby, you are driving me crazy. S + Vt + O + C 宾补宝贝,你真让我疯狂。15.Who leaves the door open?是谁开的门?16.Internet dating is popular. S + be + P 表语网恋很普遍。17.He is so yellow.他是如此怯

7、懦。 四、改错练习18.He comes from Shanghai.他来自上海。19.She is very beautiful.她很漂亮。20.She is a beauty.她是个美人。21.Is she beautiful?她美吗?22.What he said is true.他说的是对的吗?23.Your little daughter is so lovely.你的小女儿太可爱了。24.Dont look at me.别看我。25.The baby cried.那个宝贝哭了。26.I kissed you. Or I was kissed.我吻了你。或 我被吻了。27.Play

8、football is my favorite sport.踢足球是我最喜欢的运动。五、句子结构分析练习28.My brother teaches in university.我兄弟在大学教书。29.Most students in my class like playing chess.我们班的很多同学喜欢下棋。30.Old habits die hard.老毛病难改。或 积习难改31.I found grammar interesting.我发现语法有趣。32.Happy families seldom differ.幸福的家庭没差别。33.Last night, Mr. Clinton

9、apologized sincerely to Hilary in his office.昨晚,克林顿先生在他的办公室向希拉里诚恳地道歉。34.They had a full exchange of views on a series of major questions and reached complete agreement on measured to be taken to safeguard peace.他们针对一系列主要问题充分交换了看法,并就采取措施捍卫和平达成了完全共识。35.To make things worse, there was a strong wind.让情况

10、更糟糕的是,风更大了。36.The present question is that many people consider impossible what is really possible if effort is made.当前的问题是许多人认为努力付出是很可能的事是不可能的。第二章 词的讲解一、名词37.I have to do much homework tonight.我今晚不得不完成好多家庭作业。38.After tomorrow, we will be grown-ups.从今以后,我们就是成年人了。39.He is running a furniture business

11、.他正在经营家具生意。40.I know that many friends of Jerrys will turn up in the costume party.我知道将会有许多杰瑞的朋友来参加化妆舞会。41.A car came to a shop outside the Jewelers.有辆车停在了那家珠宝店的门口。42.The old lady hired three men-servants.那个老妇雇佣了3个男仆。43.My grandparents raise chickens and fish, but we usually buy chicken and fish fro

12、m the supermarkets.我的祖父母养了几只小鸡和一些鱼,但我们通常从超市买鸡肉和鱼肉。Fishes表示一类鱼,44.He climbed this 3600-foot-high mountain on foot.他徒步登上了3600米高的山峰。连词符中的Foot用原型。二、代词45.Alan has scarcely anything left in the house.艾伦几乎没有什么东西留在家里了(艾伦家徒四壁了)。46.He is something of a musician.在一定程度上他算是一个音乐家。something of = to some degree 在某种

13、程度上47.It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite another to perform skillfully yourself.喜欢听好的音乐是一回事;而你自己能娴熟地表演它又是另一回事。48.Do you like these shoes, Madam?No, show me some others.夫人,您喜欢这双鞋吗?不喜欢,请给我换另一双。49.To the finalists, Bob and me, the last high jump was the most exciting.对于鲍勃

14、和我这样的决赛选手来说,最后一跳是最令人兴奋的。50.William the conqueror built the Tower of London to protect himself from those he had conquered.征服者威廉建造伦敦塔以保护自己免遭他所征服的人们的袭击。51.Sam admired his friends Frank and Jerry. He imitated every action of theirs.山姆崇拜他的朋友弗兰克和杰瑞,他模仿他们的每一个动作。52.The lunar New Year was always a happy time for us Chinese children.对于我们中国孩子来说,农历新年总是一个快乐的时光。53.These three girls help one another to embroider flowers on the table cloth.这三个女孩相互帮助在桌布上绣花。54.My father asked Tom and me to help.父亲叫我和汤姆去帮忙。55.Our home is finer than yours or


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