Analysis of the Humor Language in Garfield A Tail of Two Kitties the CPViolation and Humor Effects

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《Analysis of the Humor Language in Garfield A Tail of Two Kitties the CPViolation and Humor Effects》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Analysis of the Humor Language in Garfield A Tail of Two Kitties the CPViolation and Humor Effects(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Analysis of the Humor Language in Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties- the CP-Violation and Humor EffectsAcknowledgements I shall first present my thanks to all the teachers in the Foreign Language School of University of Science and Technology, Liaoning, to whom I owe much of my knowledge in my study o

2、f English language and linguistics. Then I would like to thank Ms Guo Liping, who has given us lectures on linguistics. My heartfelt gratitude also goes to my tutor, Ms Zhang Jingwei, whose invaluable instructions, perceptive suggestions, great patience and constant encouragement have helped greatly

3、 to shape this thesis. ContentsAbstract (English)iAbstract (Chinese)iiiIntroduction1I. Grices cooperative principle2A. Maxim of Quantity3B. Maxim of Quality3C. Maxim of Relation3D. Maxim of Manner3II. Violation of the Cooperative Principle and the Humor Effects4A. Humor Created by the Violation of t

4、he Maxim of Quantity41.The Speaker contributes less information than is required52. The Speaker contribute more information than is required6B. Humor Created by the Violation of the Maxim of Quality61. The Speaker say something false on purpose62. Using rhetoric to express conversational implicature

5、s8C. Humor Created by the Violation of the Maxim of Relation10D. Humor Created by the Violation of the Maxim of Manner111. To break the brief rule by verbose expressions122. To create ambiguity123. To break the ordinance rules13III. Tips for Creating Humors in Daily Communication14A. To Create Suspe

6、nse14B. To Indulge in Verbiage15C. To Find the Ironical phenomenon in life15D. To Use rhetoric in conversation16Conclusion16Bibliography18 iAbstractAs the society develops increasingly fast in modern days, life competition and pressures for human being are more and more huge. Therefore, we pay much

7、attention on relieving stress. Through observing, we find that humors have an excellent effect on relax. Therefore, it is of high values to analyze humors and understand the secrets of humors in daily life. Based on making clear how humors occur, we can conclude the common ways to create humors. Fro

8、m the perspective of pragmatics, Grices cooperative principle can well explain the humor mechanism. The cooperative principle (CP for short) is a principle of conversation proposed by Grice in 1975, stating, “Making your contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accep

9、ted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged”. There are four maxims in the CP, which people often follow during their daily conversation. However, people usually violate the CP to create humor effects, and therefore conversational implicatures will arise.Art is a mirror of

10、 life. Language in movies is the vivid embodiment of scenes of real life. Therefore, research on the movie language has important directive significance for our linguistic study. Many humors in movies are the overstating or jocosity of the real life. Its trenchant but mischievous attitude is a kind

11、of bitter, sardonic laughter of the real man and thing.Recently, the American series films about Garfield are increasingly popular across the world. Many common phenomena in the real life are reflected in these films in the form of humors from the view of animals. The whole audience doubles up at jo

12、kes in these movies. The little cute cat Garfield wins instant fame over one night! Having such jolly laughs day-to-day will send us carefree and joyous and doubtfully improve our life quality. This thesis will take Garfield: a Tail of Two Kitties as an example and study all the humor language in it

13、 from the perspective of the CP-violation. The study aims to find how humor effects occur in this film, conclude what we can do is to create humors and to improve interpersonal communication skills. Through this thesis, we will learn about the relation between mechanisms of the humor and the violati

14、on of the Cooperative Principle. Some tips for creating humors will be given for reference at the end of the thesis.Key words: humor effects CP-Violation tips for creating humors摘要 随着现代社会日新月异的发展,人类的生存竞争日益激烈,生活压力越加沉重。因此,如何减压成为备受关注的话题。观察发现,幽默对于放松精神,缓解压力具有极好的作用。所以,分析幽默,领悟日常生活中幽默产生的秘密意义重大。基于此,我们可以总结出制造幽



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