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1、山东省单县希望初级中学2020届九年级英语10月教师自主命题试题(4)(无答案) 人教新目标版( )1 He is afraid of _ strangers. A. see B. seeing C. saw ( )2It_ that he has been ill for a long time. A. seems B. looks C. looks as if ( )3 I always go to sleep _ the light on. A. in B. with C. to ( )4Dont _ about things so much. It will make you stre

2、ssed out. A. afraid B. terrify C. worry( )5 Mary is an _ girl. A. 8 years old B. 8-year-old C. 8-years-old ( )6 Dont give up _ English. A. study B. to study C. studying( )7The teacher told us to pay attention _ our pronunciation. A. with B. to C. at8What rules do you have at home? We _ to go out on

3、school night.Aallow Barent allowedClet Darent let9I _ a math test yesterday. But I was not lucky and _ the test.Adid, failed Bfailed, passedCtook, failed Dpassed, faile 10We could learn a lot _ each other by working with a group.Afrom BinCbetween Dthrough11We _ to wear our own clothes but we are not

4、 allowed at school.Aallow Bwould likeCenjoy Dlike12Next year well have an opportunity _ the beautiful city, Singapore.Avisiting BvisitedCto visit Dhave visited( )7. I have to stay at home _ school nights. A. inB. at C. onD. for( )8. Many students will be _ if the class is boring. A. sleepB. sleepy C

5、. sleepingD. slept13My teacher seems _ playing tennis.Alike BlikingClikes Dto like14On school days we need _ our uniforms.Awearing Bto wearCwears Dwore二、完形填空(20 )take days off to play in computer game houses for hours and hours. For school boys things are _8_. They couldnt set their mind on their le

6、ssons. When school is over they rush to the computer game houses near their schools. Some of them can get enough money from their parents. Some of them are not _9_to get the money. So they steal others money and become bad. Computer game addiction 上瘾 is a serous problem in our life. Something has to

7、 be done to_10_ it.( ) 1. A. got B. became C. changed ( ) 2. A. boys B. money C. computers ( ) 3. A. take B. spend C. cost ( ) 4. A. time B. easy C. hard ( ) 5. A. lose B. make C. pay ( ) 6. A. with B. for C. without( ) 7. A. live B. play C. work ( ) 8. A. even worse B. changed C. better( ) 9. A. ha

8、ppy enough B. enough lucky C. lucky enough ( ) 10. A. close B. keep C. stop三、阅读理解。(30 ) (A) The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of September 2 1666. In four days it destroyed (毁坏) more than three quarters of the old city where most of those houses were built out of wood and clos

9、e together. One hundred thousand people became homeless but only few lost their lives. The first started on Sunday morning. By eight oclock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed ma

10、ny well-known buildings. The fire stopped only when the king finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the path 路线 of the fire. With nothing left to burn the fire became weak and finally died out. ( )1. September 2 1666 was _.A. Sunday B. Monday C. Tuesday D. Wednesday ( )2. The Gre

11、at Fire of London destroyed more than _ of the old city. A. 25 percent B. 30 percent C. half D.75 percent ( )3. It was easy for the houses to catch fire because most of them were made of _ and they _ near each other.A. wooden are B. wood stood C. stones were D. bricks lay ( )4. The fire finally was

12、out because there wasnt _ left to burn in _.A. nothing the fire B. anything the city C. anything the path of the fire D. something the streets ( )5. The fire lasted _.A. two days B. more than four days C. three days D. half a month Jimmy and Tommy were good friends. They both attended the same class

13、 in a school. Tommy was a clever boy. He could answer questions cleverly in class. He was quick at thinking. It seemed that everything was easy to him. He never seemed to work hard. He spent much time on football or other games. Jimmy was not so clever as Tommy. He was slow in his work. But he was hard-working. He worked hard and steadily(扎实地) at his lessons day after day. In the final examination of the term, everyone thought Tommy would be the first in the class. But it was wrong. The slow but hard-working Jimmy got the


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