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1、泰州市二O一四年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试题 (考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分)注意事项:1本试卷分选择题和非选择题两个部分。2所有试题的答案均填写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。第一部分 选择题(共70分)一、单项选择从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(15分)1. LuJ ialei, 14, from Hangzhou Foreign Language School, won_ _first place in the CCTV Chinese Character Spelling Contest(中国汉字听写大会) A., the B.a,the C.a,a D.,a2T

2、he 2014 Tournament Chess(国际象棋锦标赛)took place in Xinghua_March 11. Ain Bat Con D3.- The cakes are quite delicious! Can I have one more? - Sorry, there is _ _ left. What about some biscuits? A. none B. no one C. nothing D. nobody4.- Id like a pet, but I am busy all day. - Goldfish are a good choice. Yo

3、u _ _feed them every day. A. mustnt B.cant C.shouldnt D.neednt5.- What_ _news! The Chinese Womens Badminton Team won the Uber Cup again. - Really? Thats great! A. interesting B.interested C.exciting D.excited 6.- Yesterday Suzy fell over and was hurt badly while she_ _a snowball. - Im sorry to hear

4、that. A. made B.was making C.makes D.is making 7.- The Nike bag is not the right_ _for me. - You are very lucky. There is a discount on it today. A. material B.size C.price D.style 8.- The classroom is so bright now. You should_ _the lights. - OK,I will. A. turn on B.turn up C.turn down D.turn off 9

5、. - Could you carry that heavy box for me? -_ _.Im strong enough. A. Not at all B.No problem C.Good idea D.Never mind 10. - Havent you heard of a person called Zhang Cunha0 7 -_ _. He is a famous scientist and won the 2013 Top Science and Technology Award. A. Yes,I have B.Yes,I did C.No,I havent D.N

6、o,I didnt 11. I think that studying in pairs or groups is necessary_you want to learn from each other in class. A. though B.until C.unless D.if12. About_ of the earth_ _covered with water, but we have less and less available fresh water. A. three-fourth, is B.three-fourths, is C. three-fourth, are D

7、. three-fourths, are13. Nineteen Taizhou dishes_ _ into the book Huaiyang Cuisine(淮扬菜) A. chose B. choose C. are chosen D. have chosen14. -I will go to Hong Kong Disneyland with my parents tomorrow. -_ _! A. My pleasure B.Have a nice trip C.All right D.Congratulations15. - Can you tell me_ _? - He i

8、s kind and generous. He always helps others. A. what your buddy likes B.what your buddy is like C. what does your buddy look like D. what does your buddy like二、完形填空阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分) A magic chair One afternoon, Grandpa wanted to bet(打赌)me a big bag of popcorn that I didnt have as man

9、y true friends as I thought. I 16 the bet happily. However,1 wasnt sure 17 Icould test whether my schoolmates were true friends or not. The next day, 18 1 went to school, Grandpa walked towards me and it seemed that he was carrying something in his hand. But I could see 19 there. Grandpa said, Take

10、it. Its a(n) 20 chair. Because its invisible(隐形的),it will be 21 for you to sit on it. However, if you can sit on it 22 ,you can use the chairs magic power to tell who your true friends are. ” Then I took the strange invisible chair to school. At break I 23 everyone to stand in a circle(圆圈),and put m

11、yself in the middle, with the 24 .Look! Something amazing is coming.” I said, and then tried sitting on the chair. Of course, I 25 and fell to the ground. Everyone had a very good 26 . I kept trying to sit on the magic chair again an again. 27 ,I made it. This time l was hovering(盘旋)in mid-air. Then

12、 I really experienced the 28 that Grandpa had ever talked about. Looking around, I saw George, Lucas and Diana 29 me up, while some of my schoolmates did nothing but make fun of me. I was quite 30 to Grandpa. It was he who helped me test who my true friends were.That evening, we four true friends we

13、nt to see Grandpa and had a great time eating popcorn.16. A. accepted B.started C.received D.made17. A. where B.why C.how D.when18. A. after B.as C.until D.before19. A. something B.nothing C.anything D.everything20. A. important B.comfortable C.special D.expensive 21. A. difficult B.funny C.differen

14、t D.dangerous22. A. carefully B.slowly C.quickly D.successfully23. A. warned B.asked C.refused D.promised24. A. chance B.popcorn C.friend D.chair25. A. lost B.missed C.rushed D.jumped26. A. laugh B.cry C.noise D. whisper27. A. Finally B.Immediately C.Next D. Indeed28. A. fun B.magic C.pleasure D. trouble29.


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